Use this domain for general words refer to the state or condition of something.
Use this domain for general words refer to the state or condition of something.
Use this domain for general words referring to the amount or quantity of something.
Use this domain for words related to numbers. Every language has a word for 'one', and a word for 'two'. These two numbers often have special words. So we have included a separate domain for 'one' and 'two'. In addition the numbers form a series (one, two, three...). Most languages have more than one series of numbers (first, second, third...). So we have also included a domain for each series of numbers that most languages have. Your language may have other series of numbers. Put them in the domain 'Number series'.
Use this domain for words related to the cardinal numbers (one, two, three)--the numbers used to count.
Use this domain for words related to the number one. It appears that every language has a word for 'one' and 'two', but not every language has a word for the numbers higher than two. Many languages have several words that mean 'one'.
Use this domain for words related to the number two.
Use this domain for words related to the ordinal numbers (first, second, third)--the numbers used to indicate the order of something in a series, such as "the first child".
Use this domain for numbers that refer to the number of times something happens or is done. These numbers may be adverbs as in English (twice) or in some languages they may be verbs (to do something two times).
Use this domain for words related to multiples of something (single, double, triple).
Use this domain for words related to a group of a particular number of things or people (solo, duo, trio; alone, in threes).
Use this domain for the numbers that refer to a fraction of something.
Use this domain for other series of numbers that are different from those in the previous domains.
Use this domain for words related to counting--to say the numbers in order, or to use numbers to find an amount.
Use this domain for words related to mathematics and arithmetic--the study of numbers.
Use this domain for words related to adding two numbers together.
Use this domain for words related to subtracting one number from another.
Use this domain for words related to multiplying one number times another.
Use this domain for words related to dividing one number by another number.
Use this domain for words and affixes that indicate that there is more than one of something. Some languages, such as Indo-European languages, indicate plural with an affix. Other languages, such as Austronesian languages, use a separate word. Some languages also have words or affixes that indicate that there are two of something.
Use this domain for words indicating that there are many things or people, or that there is much of something.
Use this domain for words related there being few or little of something.
Use this domain for words that refer to a group of things.
Use this domain for words related to there being more of something.
Use this domain for words that indicate that the number or amount of something is less than the number or amount of another thing.
Use this domain for words related to something increasing in number or amount--to be more than before.
Use this domain for words related to something decreasing in number or amount--to be less than before.
Use this domain for words related to all.
Use this domain for words related to some--a number or amount of things or people when the number is not stated; an indefinite number or amount.
Use this domain for words that nothing, no one, never, and nowhere.
Use this domain for words referring to both of two things.
Use this domain for words related to most--more than half and less than all of something.
Use this domain for words related to the most--the largest number or amount; or the least--the smallest number or amount. Most/least may refer to the largest/smallest number possible or needed. If there are several groups being counted, most/least may refer to the largest/smallest group.
Use this domain for words related to a number or amount that is almost the same as another number.
Use this domain for words referring to only a particular number or amount of people or things--no more than one, or no more than a particular number or amount.
Use this domain for words that indicate whether a number or amount is exact--not more and not less.
Use this domain for words that indicate whether a number or amount is approximate.
Use this domain for words related to an average number.
Use this domain for words describing a whole thing--all of something with no parts missing.
Many things have parts. Use this domain for words referring to a part of something, and for words that express the idea that something has parts, that something is a part of something, or that link the whole with a part.
Use this domain for words referring to a part of something that has been broken or cut off.
Use this domain for words related to being or having enough--to have as much of something or as many of something as you need or want.
Use this domain for words related to having extra--to have more than enough or more than what you need.
Use this domain for words related to having insufficient--to not have enough.
Use this domain for words related to needing something for some purpose.
Use this domain for words related to the remainder of something--the part or amount of something that remains behind after the other parts have been taken away. Something can be left because everything else has been used or eaten, or everything else has been destroyed or burned.
Use this domain for words referring to a container being full of something.
Use this domain for words referring to being empty.
Use this domain for words describing something that is big.
Use this domain for words referring to being small.
Use this domain for words related to being long. In many languages there is more than one system of measuring length. These systems may be used for different purposes or in different jobs. For instance measuring the length of an object may use different words than measuring the distance a person travels.
Use this domain for words related to being short in length.
Use this domain for words related to being tall--a word describing something that is big from the top to the bottom.
Use this domain for words related to being short in height.
Use this domain for words referring to being thick.
Use this domain for words describing something that is thin.
Use this domain for words describing a person or animal who is fat.
Use this domain for words describing a person or animal who is thin.
Use this domain for words related to being wide--a word describing something like a road or river that is far from one side to the other side.
Use this domain for words related to being narrow.
Use this domain for words describing a big area.
Use this domain for words referring to the volume of something.
Use this domain for words referring to the distance between two things.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is far from something else.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is near something else.
Use this domain for words that express the idea that something is high.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is low--in the air but not high above the ground.
Use this domain for words related to being deep or shallow--how far something such as a hole extends below the ground or other surface, or how far something is below the surface of the water.
Use this domain for words referring to something fitting--when something is not too big or too small, but just right.
Use this domain for words referring to being tight--when something is too small.
Use this domain for words referring to being loose--when something is too big.
Use this domain for words referring to being wedged in or stuck in a hole.
Use this domain for words related to measuring something--to find out the size, length, weight, or amount of something.
Use this domain for words related to weighing something.
Use this domain for words related to being heavy.
Use this domain for words related to being light in weight.
Use this domain for general words referring to the quality or condition of something.
Use this domain for general words referring to the shape of something, and for general words referring to changing the shape of something.
Use this domain for words referring to a point--a small mark such as might be made by a pointed object.
Use this domain for words referring to a line.
Use this domain for words referring to being straight.
Use this domain for words describing something that is flat--having a surface that is even. A board or wall is flat when its surface is even and it does not bend.
Use this domain for words describing a horizontal orientation in relation to the ground or something that is level--a flat surface that does not rise in any direction. A person is horizontal when he is sleeping. A field is level when it is not on a hill and it has no uneven areas in it.
Use this domain for words describing a vertical orientation in relation to the ground. A person is vertical when he is standing.
Use this domain for words describing a leaning orientation in relation to the ground, or a surface that is sloping.
Use this domain for words referring to bending something and for words that describe something that is bent or curved.
Use this domain for words referring to rolling something up.
Use this domain for words referring to twisting something--to take something long and turn one end one way and the other end the other way.
Use this domain for words referring to folding something.
Use this domain for words referring to being round.
Use this domain for words describing something that is concave--extending inward in shape away from the viewer. The inside of a bowl is concave in shape.
Use this domain for words describing something that is convex--extending outward in shape toward the viewer.
Use this domain for words describing something that is hollow--empty on the inside.
Use this domain for words referring to being square.
Use this domain for words that refer to a pattern--a regular arrangement of shapes.
Use this domain for words that describe something that is symmetrical--having the same shape on both sides
Use this domain for words referring to stretching something.
Use this domain for general words referring to the texture of something--how the surface of something feels when you touch it.
Use this domain for words referring to being smooth.
Use this domain for words referring to being rough.
Use this domain for words describing something that is sharp.
Use this domain for words describing something that is pointed.
Use this domain for words describing something that is blunt.
Use this domain for words related to a furrow--a long mark cut into the surface of something, such as the furrow made by a plow, or a long cut made by a knife.
Use this domain for words related to light.
Use this domain for words related to a light source shining--for something to make light.
Use this domain for words related to a source of light--something that makes or gives light.
Use this domain for words describing something that is bright.
Use this domain for words describing something that is dark--a place where there is little or no light.
Use this domain for words related to a shadow--the area on the ground where the light does not shine because something is in the way. For instance if the sun
(or another light) is shining on an object, the area behind the object is in shadow (dark).
Use this domain for words related to color.
Use this domain for words describing something that is white.
Use this domain for words describing something that is black.
Use this domain for words describing something that is gray.
Use this domain for words describing something that is colored.
Use this domain for words related to animal colors and markings.
Use this domain for words related to changing the color of something.
Use this domain for words describing something that is multicolored--having many different colors.
Use this domain for words that describe something that is shiny--when something gives back light because light is shining on it.
Use this domain for words describing something that is hot.
Use this domain for words describing something that is cold.
Use this domain for words related to something being a type of thing, or that something belongs to a class of things.
Use this domain for words related to the nature of character of something.
Use this domain for words related to comparing something or someone with another thing.
Use this domain for words describing something that is the same thing as you just mentioned, or describing two things that are exactly the same.
Use this domain for words describing two things or people that are similar, but not the same.
Use this domain for words describing two things that are different--not the same.
Use this domain for words related to other, as in 'the other person', 'another thing'--a thing that is not the same as something that has been mentioned.
Use this domain for words describing a group of things that are all different from each other.
Use this domain for words describing two things that are opposite.
Use this domain for words describing something that is common.
Use this domain for words describing something that is usual.
Use this domain for words describing something that is unusual.
Use this domain for words describing something that is unique--not like anything else.
Use this domain for words describing something that is strange.
Use this domain for words related to a pattern or model.
Use this domain for words related to imitating someone--to do things in the same way as another person.
Use this domain for words related to copying something.
Use this domain for words that mark the material out of which something has been made.
Use this domain for words that describe something that is strong--not easily broken.
Use this domain for words that describe something that is hard--not easily cut, or broken.
Use this domain for words that describe something that is stiff--not easy to bend.
Use this domain for words describing something that is dense.
Use this domain for words describing something that is soft or flimsy.
Use this domain for words describing something that is good.
Use this domain for words describing something bad.
Use this domain for words describing something that is better than something else.
Use this domain for words describing something that is worse than something else.
Use this domain for words describing something that is perfect.
Use this domain for words describing something that is mediocre.
Use this domain for words describing something that is important.
Use this domain for words describing something that is basic.
Use this domain for words related to improving something--to make something better.
Use this domain for words describing something, such as a tool or way of doing something, that is proper for a particular time, place, purpose, or job. The words in this domain involve a comparison between two things, an item and a setting. An evaluation is made as to how good the item is in the setting. The words may be used only of certain types of items, certain types of settings, or certain types of usefulness.
Use this domain for words describing something, such as a tool or way of doing something, that is unsuitable for a particular time, place, purpose, or job.
Use this domain for words describing something that is convenient--a good time to do something.
Use this domain for words related to being compatible--words that describe two things or people that can be together or work together without problems or conflict.
Use this domain for words related to something decaying--when a living thing dies and becomes bad, or when a part of a living thing becomes bad.
Use this domain for words related to metal rusting--when metal becomes bad.
Use this domain for words related to a blemish--something small and bad on the skin of a person or the surface of something, but not something serious, especially something wrong that does not affect how something works.
Use this domain for words related to garbage--something that is no longer wanted.
Use this domain for words related to preserving the condition of something from decay.
Use this domain for words related to the value of something.
Use this domain for words describing something that is decorated.
Use this domain for words describing something that is simple or plain.
Use this domain for words describing the appearance of something that has pleasing aspects or inspires awe and wonder in the viewer. For instance, the palace of a king, the home of a rich man, or a temple may be elaborately decorated and be described as glorious or magnificent. Or something in nature such as a sunset or flower may inspire awe and wonder.
Use this domain for general words related to time, and for words indicating the temporal location of an event.
Use this domain for words referring to a period of time.
Use this domain for words related to the calendar.
Use this domain for words referring to a day.
Use this domain for words referring to night.
Use this domain for words referring to days relative to each other.
Use this domain for words referring to a time of the day.
Use this domain for words related to a week.
Use this domain for words referring to the days of the week.
Use this domain for words referring to a month.
Use this domain for words referring to the months of the year.
Use this domain for words referring to seasons of the year that are related to the time of year, the weather, or times of cultivation.
Use this domain for words referring to a year.
Use this domain for words referring to an era--a very long period of time.
Use this domain for words referring to a special day.
Use this domain for words referring to taking time to do something.
Use this domain for words referring to a short time.
Use this domain for words referring to a long time.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening forever.
Use this domain for words referring to something being temporary.
Use this domain for words referring to an indefinite time.
Use this domain for words related to telling time.
Use this domain for words referring to planning the time of an event.
Use this domain for machines that indicate what time it is.
Use the domains in this section for words that relate one time to another. Use this domain for words that indicate a temporal relation between situations.
Use this domain for words referring to temporal order or sequence--the order in which a group of events happen. Things and people may also be in order based on the order in which something happened or should happen to them.
Use this domain for words related to a series--several things that happen one after another.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening first--to be before all other things in order or time.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening next.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening last--to happen after all other things in a sequence, or to be the last person or thing in a sequence.
Use this domain for words referring to something that happens regularly.
Use this domain for words related to alternating--when several things happen one after another in a repeated pattern.
Use this domain for words referring to one event happening before another.
Use this domain for words referring to one event happening after another.
Use this domain for words referring to two things happening at the same time.
Use this domain for words indicating that something happened during some time period, or that something happened while something else was happening.
Use this domain for words referring to the right time to do something.
Use this domain for words that indicate that something happens early--before the expected time, before the usual time, or before the time that was agreed on. Some words may include the idea that it is good that the event happened early. Other words may include the idea that it is bad that the event happened early.
Use this domain for words describing something happening on time--at the expected time, at the usual time, or at the time that was agreed on.
Use this domain for words describing something happening late--after the expected time, after the usual time, or after the time that was agreed on.
Use this domain for words referring to something delaying someone or something--to cause something to happen at a later time, cause someone to do something at a later time, or cause someone or something to be late.
Use this domain for words referring to postponing something--to decide to do something later.
Use this domain for words referring to a time period that is part of a longer time period.
Use this domain for words referring to starting something, or for something beginning to happen.
Use this domain for words referring to something beginning to happen, to beginning to do something, to cause something to start happening, or to cause people to start doing something.
Use this domain for words related to the end of an action or situation.
Use this domain for words referring to the end of an action or situation.
Use this domain for words that indicate that something will continue to happen until a particular time or until something else happens, and then it will stop.
Use this domain for words that indicate that something will start to happen at some time and continue for some time.
Use this domain for words referring to the past or to a time in the past.
Use this domain for words indicating that something happened recently--a short time before now.
Use this domain for words referring to the present time.
Use this domain for words referring to now.
Use this domain for words referring to the future.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening soon.
Use this domain for words referring to something not happening yet.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening eventually.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening immediately--without any time passing before it happens.
Use this domain for words referring to the age of something.
Use this domain for words describing something young--a word describing a living thing that has only existed for a short time.
Use this domain for words describing something old--a word describing a living thing that has existed for a long time.
Use this domain for words describing something new--a word describing something that has only existed for a short time.
Use this domain for words describing something old--a word describing something that has existed for a long time.
Use this domain for words describing something modern--a word that describes something like a machine, system, or country that uses the most recent equipment, ideas, and methods.
Use this domain for words describing something old fashioned--something that was done or used in the past, but not done or used now.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening once.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening again or doing something again.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening sometimes.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening often--happening or done many times.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening all the time.
Use this domain for words referring to something happening every time something else happens.
Use this domain for words that indicate that something that never happens, or that something has not once happened.
Use this domain for words referring to continuing to do something.
Use this domain for words referring to interrupting someone--speaking when someone is speaking, or doing something to stop someone from doing what they are doing.
Use this domain for words referring to starting to do something after stopping for some time.
Use this domain for words referring to an interval between two events.
Use this domain for words referring to the speed at which a person acts or the speed at which something happens.
Use this domain for words referring to doing something at a quick speed or something happening quickly.
Use this domain for words referring to doing something at a slow speed.
Use this domain for words referring to a sudden event--something happens that I don't expect.
Use this domain for words that refer to the place where something is located and for words indicating the location of something.
Use this domain for words that refer to a place in relation to the speaker or listener.
Use this domain for words referring to being in front of you.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is behind you.
Use this domain for words that indicate that something is to the side of someone.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is around something else.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is between two other things.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is on another thing.
Use this domain for words that express the idea that something is above another thing. The concept 'above' is inherently relational, expressing the relative positions of two things.
Use this domain for words that express the idea that something is under another thing. The concept 'under' is inherently relational, expressing the relative positions of two things.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is outside something else.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is outside of another thing.
Use this domain for words indicating that two things are touching or in contact with each other.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is next to something else.
Use this domain for words that refer to a place on another side of something from the reference point. 'Across' involves three things--the object, the reference point, and something else in between the two.
Use this domain for words indicating that something is at an indefinite location.
Use this domain for general words referring to a direction.
Use this domain for words indicating a forward direction.
Use this domain for words indicating a backward direction.
Use this domain for words referring to right and left.
Use this domain for words referring to the direction up.
Use this domain for words referring to the direction down.
Use this domain for words indicating a direction away from something.
Use this domain for words indicating a direction toward something.
Use this domain for words referring to the directions of the compass.
Use this domain for words related to being at a place.
Use this domain for words related to being absent--to not be in a particular place, or not be in the correct or expected place.
Use this domain for words referring to an area.
Use this domain for words related to a vicinity--an area around something else.
Use this domain for words related to occupying an area.
Use this domain for words referring to the amount of empty space that is available to be used.
Use this domain for words related to an interval or space between things.
Use this domain for words that indicate a spatial relation between situations.
Use this domain for words that express the idea that something contains something.
Use this domain for words that refer to a part of something. These words are often based on the parts of a person's body.
Use this domain for words related to the front part of something.
Use this domain for words related to the back part of something.
Use this domain for words related to the top part of something.
Use this domain for words related to the bottom part of something.
Use this domain for words related to the side part of something.
Use this domain for words related to the inside part of something.
Use this domain for words related to the outside or surface part of something.
Use this domain for words related to the middle part or center of something.
Use this domain for words related to the edge of something--the part of something where two sides come together.
Use this domain for words related to the end of something.