Use this domain for words related to pain
Louw Nida Codes:
24F Pain, Suffering
What words refer to pain?
pain, ache, hurt (n), misery, suffering, sufferings, soreness,
What words refer to being in pain?
be in pain, be in agony, feel pain, have a pain in, suffer, hurt (vi), bear pain, endure, agonize, feel bad, feel miserable, suffer,
What words refer to a part of your body hurting?
hurt, ache, be agony, sting,
What words describe a part of your body that is in pain?
painful, aching, sore (adj), stiff, tender,
What words refer to pain in a particular part of your body?
backache, earache, headache, migraine, stomachache, toothache, labor pains, sore throat,
What words refer to a mild pain?
discomfort, feel uncomfortable, mild, hurts a little bit, itch, prickle, smart, sting, stinging, tingle, tingling, stitch, twinge, dull,
What words refer to a bad pain?
agony, agonize, agonizing, anguish, burn, hurts a lot, really hurts, acute, racked with pain, horrible, excruciating, torment, raw pain,
What words describe pain increasing?
increase, grow, rise
What words describe pain decreasing?
subside, go away, fade
What words refer to a pain that increases and decreases repeatedly?
throb, throbbing,
What words refer to a pain that lasts a short time?
attack, sharp, pang, piercing, prick, shooting, stab, stabbing, throes, paroxysm, wrenching pain,
What words refer to causing pain?
hurt, inflict pain, torture, afflict, torment,
What words refer to something causing pain?
hurt, painful, cause pain, sting, irritate,
What words refer to relieving pain?
relieve, relief, soothe, treat, alleviate, painkiller, anesthetize, anesthetic,
What words refer to making noise because you are in pain?
cry out, scream, howl, yell, shriek, groan, moan, weep,
What words refer to moving because you are in pain?
writhe in pain, double up, contorted with pain, convulse, convulsion, cramp, cramps, wince,
What do you say when you are hurt?
Ow! Ouch!
What words refer to not causing pain?
not hurt, painless, not feel a thing,