1.6.5 Animal home
Use this domain for animal homes. It is necessary to think through the homes of each type of animal, especially the important ones.
OMC Codes:
136e Homes
What general words refer to where an animal lives?
habitat, the wild
Where do mammals live?
den, hole, burrow, molehill
What other places do mammals use?
wallow, hunting grounds, watering hole, pasture, range, trail
Where do birds live?
nest, birds nest, perch, range
Where do snakes live?
snake pit, den of vipers, snake hole
Where do fish live (other than water, lake, and ocean)?
spawning grounds
Where do insects live?
anthill, ants nest, termite mound, termite hill, hive, beehive, bee's wax, honeycomb, spider web, cocoon, trail (of ants)
Where do spiders live?
spider web, cobweb
Where do worms live?