
Use this domain for words that indicate that the number or amount of something is less than the number or amount of another thing.

  • What words describe something that is less than another thing in number or amount?
    less, fewer, not as much, not so much, not as many, not so many, lower, to a lesser degree, to a lesser extent, be in the minority, fewer and fewer, less and less, not more than, at the most,
  • What words indicate that something is less than a particular number or amount?
    less than, under, below, lower, within, minus,
  • What words indicate that there is much less of something?
    much less, far less, far fewer, way below,
  • What words indicate that something is less in some quality than another thing?
    less, not as, not so,
  • What words indicate that something happens less or is done less?
    not as much, not so much,