
Use this domain for words related to walking--moving slowly using your legs.

Louw Nida Codes: 
15C' Walk, Step x
  • What general words refer to walking?
  • What words refer to traveling someplace on foot?
    travel by foot, foot it, hoof it, leg it, tramp, strike off on foot
  • What words refer to walking quickly?
    speed walk, step out, stride, pace, rush
  • What words refer to walking slowly?
    walk slowly, stroll, amble, ramble, take a Sunday stroll, meander along, saunter, inch, lumber, plod, poke, slog, toddle, traipse, trudge
  • What words refer to walking carefully?
    walk carefully, watch your step, tread, pick your way, edge
  • What words refer to walking quietly or secretly?
    steal along, walk stealthily, sneak, pad, stalk, creep
  • What words refer to walking on your toes?
    tiptoe, walk on tiptoes
  • What words refer to walking loudly?
    stomp, clump
  • What words refer to walking like a soldier?
    march, parade, goose-step, in step
  • What words refer to walking in various manners?
    walk with a spring in your step, walk jauntily, swagger, flounce, mince, prance, saunter, strut
  • What words refer to stepping on something?
    step on, put foot on/in, tread on, stamp on, underfoot,
  • What words refer to a single step?
    step, footstep, pace,
  • What words refer to the length of your step?
  • What words refer to the way in which a person walks?
    gait, funny gait
  • What words refer to measuring the length of something by counting your steps?
    pace off
  • What words refer to someone who walks?
    walker, hiker, tramp, pedestrian, passer-by
  • What words refer to a place where a person walks?
    sidewalk, walkway, promenade, path, footpath, stepping-stone
  • What words refer to a mark on the ground left by a person's foot?
  • What words refer to the effect of walking on something?
    trample, wear a path
  • What words refer to the sound of someone walking?
  • What words refer to walking through water?
    wade, paddle, slosh
  • What words refer to a time when people walk for fun?
    go for a walk, take a walk, go for a stroll, parade, procession, stretch your legs, hike, go hiking, trek, walk around
  • What words refer to causing someone to walk?
    take someone for a walk, walk the dog
  • What words refer to a walking stick?
    walking stick, cane, crutch