Conveying water
Use this domain for words related to conveying water--moving water from one place to another place.
What words refer to the things used to transport water?
waterworks, canal, ditch, dam, cistern, pipe, pump, siphon
What words are used for transporting clean water?
aqueduct, canal, culvert
What words are used for transporting dirty water?
ditch, drainage ditch, sewer
What words refer to drawing water from a well?
draw water, draft
What words refer to canals used to convey water?
canal, aqueduct, ditch
What means are used to raise water?
windmill, pump, pump house, pumping station, lock
What containers are used to hold water?
cistern, bucket, pitcher
What words refer to making water flow through a pipe?
pump, siphon, suck, suction