6.6 Occupation

Use this domain for words related to occupations.

Louw Nida Codes: 
42E Craft, Trade
  • What words refer to a person's occupation?
    occupation, job, living, work, employment, profession, trade
  • What are the occupations in agriculture?
    farmer, palm tree climber
  • What are the occupations in animal husbandry?
    shepherd, herdsman,
  • What are the occupations in hunting and fishing?
    hunter, fisherman, honey gatherer
  • What are the occupations in medicine?
    doctor, nurse, medicine man, midwife, medical technician, pharmacist, herbalist, witchdoctor
  • What are the occupations in hotel management?
    hotel owner, concierge, porter, desk clerk
  • What are the occupations in administration?
    business man, secretary, treasurer, accountant
  • What are the occupations in manufacturing?
    mechanic, potter, tailor, weaver, blacksmith
  • What are the occupations in building?
    carpenter, bricklayer
  • What are the occupations in trading?
    storekeeper, shopkeeper, trader, merchant
  • What are the occupations in food preparation?
    cook, butcher, baker, restaurant owner, waiter
  • What are the occupations in politics?
    president, MP, congressman, senator, legislator, cabinet member, minister, ambassador, civil servant, lawyer, lobbyist, tax collector, customs officer
  • What are the occupations in childcare?
    homemaker, children's caretaker, nursery worker, nurse (for children), nanny
  • What are the occupations in religion?
    pastor, priest, clergyman, diviner
  • What are the occupations in transportation?
    chauffeur, driver, truck driver, cab driver, porter, loader, mover, dispatcher, captain of ship, sailor, pilot, copilot, navigator, steward, stewardess
  • What are the occupations in the police and military?
    policeman, guard, watchman, soldier, officer
  • What is a person called who is very good at his job?
    expert, skilled worker, master craftsman, leader in his field, specialist
  • What words are used of finding a job?
    look for a job, find a job, find employment, job hunting
  • What words are used of doing a job?
    do a job, make a living, perform a task
  • 6.6.1 Working with cloth

    Use this domain for words related to working with cloth.

    OMC Codes: 
    280 Leather, Textiles and Fabrics
    287 Nonwoven Fabrics
    288 Textile Industry
    294 Clothing Manufacture
    295 Special Clothing Industries
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    48 Activities Involving Cloth
  • What words are used for the craft?
    tailoring, spinning, sewing, weaving, knitting, rope making, embroidery, cordage
  • What words are used for the activity?
    sew, spin thread, embroider, knit, crochet, mend, patch
  • What are the steps in the process?
    design, cut out, assemble, stitch, tie, hem
  • Who does the activity?
    tailor, seamstress, weaver
  • What materials are used?
    sisal, cotton, wool
  • What things are made?
    thread, yarn, rope, mat, cloth, clothes
  • What tools are used?
    needle, knitting needle, spinning wheel, sewing machine, pins, scissors, tape measure
  • Cloth

    Use this domain for words related to cloth.

  • What words refer to cloth?
    cloth, fabric
  • What words describe cloth?
    soft, coarse
  • What words describe the material cloth is made from?
    cotton, wool, nylon, polyester, silk
  • Spinning thread

    Use this domain for words related to spinning thread.

    OMC Codes: 
    283 Cordage
  • What words refer to spinning thread?
  • What tools and machines are used to spin thread?
    spinning wheel, distaff, spindle, bobbin, spool,
  • What types of thread are there?
    fiber, thread, yarn, string, cord, rope
  • Knitting

    Use this domain for words related to knitting.

  • What words refer to knitting?
    knit, crochet, needlepoint, embroidery
  • What things are used to knit?
    needle, pattern,
  • What words refer to a single stitch?
    stitch, knit, purl,
  • What words refer to something that has been knitted?
    knitting, knitwear,
  • What words described something that has been knitted?
  • Weaving cloth

    Use this domain for words related to weaving cloth.

    OMC Codes: 
    286 Woven Fabrics
  • What words refer to weaving?
  • What words refer to someone who weaves?
  • What tools are used to weave?
  • What are the parts of a loom?
  • What words describe cloth that has been made by weaving?
  • What words describe a woven pattern?
    plaid, tartan,
  • 6.6.2 Working with minerals

    Use this domain for words related to working with minerals.

    OMC Codes: 
    320 Processing of Basic Materials
    310 Exploitative Activities
    306 Jewelry Manufacture
  • What words refer to working with minerals?
    mineral, miner
  • Mining

    Use this domain for words related to mining.

    OMC Codes: 
    316 Mining and Quarrying
    317 Special Deposits
  • What words refer to digging minerals out of the ground?
    mine (v), quarry (v)
  • What words refer to a place where minerals are mined?
    mine (n), gold mine, coal mine, strip mine, quarry (n), mother lode, deposit, vein, coalfield
  • What are the parts of a mine?
    mine shaft, tailings, entrance, head
  • What words refer to looking for minerals?
    prospecting, pan for gold
  • What words refer to finding minerals?
    eureka, strike it rich
  • What words refer to a person who mines?
    miner, prospector
  • What tools and machines are used in mining?
    pan, sluice, Geiger counter, metal detector, pick, rock hammer
  • Smelting

    Use this domain for words related to smelting--melting rocks to get metal out of them.

    OMC Codes: 
    325 Metallurgy
    327 Iron and Steel Industry
  • What words refer to melting rocks to get metal out of them?
    smelt (metal ore), melt
  • What words refer to rocks that have metal in them?
  • What tools and equipment are used to get metal out of rocks?
    furnace, forge, crucible
  • What words refer to the material left over after metal has been taken out of rocks?
    slag, slagheap, dross
  • Working with metal

    Use this domain for words related to working with metal. Answer each question below for each kind of smith.

    OMC Codes: 
    326 Smiths and Their Crafts
    328 Nonferrous Metal Industries
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What is a person called who works with metal?
    smith, blacksmith (iron), goldsmith, silversmith, tinsmith, tinker, jeweler, welder
  • What does a blacksmith do?
    work with (iron), forge, cast, shape, mold, heat, melt, weld, solder, hammer, work the bellows, hit with hammer, beat, plate
  • What raw materials does a blacksmith use?
    ore, iron, steel, metal, solder, scrap metal
  • What does a blacksmith make?
    metal work, jewelry
  • What tools does a blacksmith use?
    hammer, anvil, tongs, forge, furnace, bellows
  • What words refer to a place where people work with metal?
    blacksmith shop, foundry, steelworks
  • What words refer to a piece of metal?
    nugget, bar, rod, ingot, wire
  • Working with clay

    Use this domain for words related to working with clay.

    OMC Codes: 
    323 Ceramic Technology
    Ceramic Industries
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What does a potter do with clay?
    mold, shape, form, throw a pot,
  • What words refer to heating clay to make it hard?
    fire a pot,
  • What is a person called who works with clay?
  • What words refer to clay?
    clay, lump of clay
  • What things are made out of clay?
    ceramics, pottery, clay pot, clay pipe, clay idol, brick, tile
  • What tools are used to work with clay?
    potter's wheel, sponge, kiln, brick form, form for tile, mold
  • Where does a potter work?
    workshop, potter's field
  • Working with glass

    Use this domain for words related to working with glass.

    OMC Codes: 
    323 Ceramic Technology
    Ceramic Industries
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What does the potter do with the glass?
    blow, mold, shape, form, anneal
  • What is a person called who works with glass?
    glass blower
  • What words are used to refer to the glass?
    glass, crystal
  • What things are made out of glass?
    drinking glass, window, mirror, glasses, lens
  • What tools are used to work with glass?
    furnace, pipe
  • Working with oil and gas

    Use this domain for words related to working with oil and gas.

    OMC Codes: 
    315 Oil and Gas Wells
  • What words refer to working with oil and gas?
    petroleum industry, oil company
  • What words refer to drilling for oil and gas?
    drill for oil, extract, strike oil, gusher
  • What words refer to an oil or gas well?
    oil well, gas well, oil field
  • What words refer to refining oil?
  • What tools and machines are used for working with oil and gas?
    oil rig, oil platform, refinery
  • What tools and machines are used for moving oil and gas?
    pipeline, pump, oil tanker, tank, tanker truck
  • Working with stone

    Use this domain for words related to working with stone.

    OMC Codes: 
    324 Lithic Industries
    Stone Industry
  • What words refer to working with stone?
    masonry, sculpture, carve
  • What words refer to a person who works with stone?
    stonemason, sculptor, stone cutter
  • What materials does a stonemason work with?
    stone, marble
  • What tools does a stonemason work with?
    hammer, chisel
  • What words refer to a place where stone is dug out of the ground?
  • Working with bricks

    Use this domain for words related to working with bricks.

    OMC Codes: 
    333 Masonry
  • What words refer to working with bricks?
    brickwork, lay bricks
  • What words refer to a person who works with bricks?
    mason, bricklayer
  • What materials does a bricklayer work with?
    cement, mortar
  • Working with chemicals

    Use this domain for words related to working with chemicals.

    OMC Codes: 
    303 Manufacturing of Toilet Accessories
    380 Chemical Industries
    381 Chemical Engineering
    382 Petroleum and Coal Products Industries
    383 Rubber Industry
    384 Synthetics Industry
    385 Industrial Chemicals
    386 Paint and Dye Manufacture
    387 Fertilizer Industry
    388 Soap and Allied Products
    389 Manufacture of Explosives
    549 Art and Recreational Supplies Industries
    719 Munitions Industries
  • What words refer to working with chemicals?
  • What words refer to a person who works with chemicals?
    chemist, alchemist
  • What tools are used to work with chemicals?
    test tube, beaker, Bunsen burner, periodic table, formula, catalyst
  • What words refer to elements?
    atom, atomic, element, electron, neutron, nuclear, proton
  • What words refer to chemicals?
    chemical, compound, molecule, molecular, radical, valence
  • What types of chemicals are there?
    acid, base, alkali, biochemical, organic, inorganic, synthetic, plastic
  • What are the names of specific chemicals?
    acetate, alcohol, amino, ammonia, arsenic, asbestos, bicarbonate, butane, camphor, carbohydrate, chloride, chlorine, cleaner, cleanser, colloidal, creosote, cyanide, detergent, diesel, dioxide, emulsion, enamel, ethane, ethanol, ether, fluoride, fluorite, fuel, gas, gel, helium, hydrogen, iodine, leaven, hydrocarbon, hydrochloric, gasohol, gasoline, glycerin, kerosene, lacquer, latex, lithium, lubricant, methane, neon, nitrogen, nylon, oil, oxide, oxygen, ozone, paraffin, peroxide, phosgene, petrochemical, petrol, petrolatum, petroleum, polyester, protein, rayon, resin, rosin, yeast, silicate, silicon, sodium, solution, sol, solvent, spar, sulfuric, tallow, tannin, tartar, thinner, turpentine, varnish, vitriol, water
  • Explode

    Use this domain for words related to bombs or chemicals exploding.

  • What words refer to bombs or chemicals exploding?
    explode, blow up, detonate
  • 6.6.3 Working with wood

    Use this domain for words related to working with wood.

    OMC Codes: 
    322 Woodworking
    335 Carpentry
    289 Paper Industry
  • What words refer to working with wood?
    carpentry, to saw, to plane, to hammer, to nail, to chisel, sharpen, fit, carve, drive a screw, to screw, hollow out a log, chop in pieces
  • What words refer to a person who works with wood?
  • What materials does a carpenter work with?
    wood, sawdust, shavings, chips
  • What tools does a carpenter work with?
    saw (n), saw kerf, saw horse, plane (n), hammer (n), nail (n), chisel (n), mortise and tenon, screwdriver, screw (n), sawhorse
  • Where does a carpenter work?
    carpentry shop
  • Lumbering

    Use this domain for words related to lumbering--cutting down trees and cutting them up.

    OMC Codes: 
    313 Lumbering
  • What words refer to lumbering?
    lumbering, forestry, lumber industry
  • What activities are involved in lumbering?
    harvest lumber, cut down, chop down, to log, wood cutting, clear cut, fell a tree
  • What words refer to a person involved in lumbering?
    lumberjack, woodcutter
  • What words refer to the trees that are cut down?
    tree, timber
  • What are the products of lumbering?
    timber, log
  • What tools are used in lumbering?
    saw, ax, logging truck
  • Wood

    Use this domain for words related to wood.

    OMC Codes: 
    314 Forest Products
  • What words refer to wood?
    lumber, wood, grain, beam, board, plank, plywood, shavings, splinter, pole, post, rod
  • What words describe something made of wood?
  • Working with paper

    Use this domain for words related to paper.

    OMC Codes: 
    289 Paper Industry
  • What words refer to working with paper?
    paper industry
  • What words refer to paper?
    paper, sheet, page, card, cardboard
  • 6.6.4 Crafts

    Use this domain for words related to crafts.

    OMC Codes: 
    280 Leather, Textiles and Fabrics
  • What general words refer to working with materials?
  • Cordage

    Use this domain for words related to working with cords and ropes.

    OMC Codes: 
    283 Cordage
    284 Knots and Lashing
  • What words refer to working with cords and ropes?
    cordage, knot, lashing, macramé,
  • What words refer to something becoming unraveled?
    unravel, come unraveled, be all unraveled, ravel
  • Weaving baskets and mats

    Use this domain for words related to weaving baskets, mats, and other things.

    OMC Codes: 
    285 Mats and Basketry
  • What words refer to weaving?
  • What things are woven?
    basket, mat, net, hat
  • What materials are used to weave things?
    reed, palm leaf, rope, string
  • What words refer to woven material?
    network, weaving
  • Working with leather

    Use this domain for words related to working with leather.

    OMC Codes: 
    282 Leather Industry
    281 Work in Skins
  • What words refer to working with leather?
    work with skins, tan leather, cure skins, taxidermy
  • What things are made from leather?
    skin, leather, leather goods, parchment
  • Working with bone

    Use this domain for words related to working with bone.

    OMC Codes: 
    321 Work in Bone, Horn, and Shell
  • What words refer to working with bones?
  • What words refer to things made from bones?
    bone, horn, shell
  • 6.6.5 Art

    Use this domain for words related to art.

    OMC Codes: 
    530 Fine Arts
    531 Decorative Art
    5311 Visual Arts
    532 Representative Art
    543 Exhibitions
  • What words refer to art in general?
  • What types of art are there?
    paint, draw, sculpture, carve, design
  • What words refer to producing art?
    paint, draw, design, composition, brush, painting, medium
  • What words refer to an artist?
    artist, painter
  • What types of paintings are there?
    portrait, landscape, seascape, still life
  • Draw, paint

    Use this domain for words related to drawing and painting pictures.

  • What words refer to drawing or painting?
    draw, paint, sketch, doodle, scribble, trace,
  • What words refer to a person who draws or paints?
    painter, artist,
  • What words refer to something that has been drawn or painted?
    picture, painting, drawing, sketch, illustration, study, portrait, landscape, cartoon, caricature,
  • What tools and materials are used to draw a picture?
    pencil, charcoal, eraser, paper
  • What tools and materials are used to paint a picture?
    paint, brush, palette, easel, canvas, medium, tempera, distemper,
  • Photography

    Use this domain for words related to photography.

    OMC Codes: 
    215 Photography
  • What words refer to photography in general?
    photography, picture taking
  • What words are used of taking a picture?
    to photograph, take a picture, to film
  • What words refer to a photograph?
    photograph, photo, picture, shot, mug shot, snap, portrait, landscape,
  • What words refer to a camera?
    camera, video camera
  • What are the parts of a camera?
    lens, body, shutter, filter, film, film canister, tripod, flash
  • Sculpture

    Use this domain for words related to sculpture.

  • What words refer to carving something?
    carve, sculpt, carve a sculpture, mold a figurine
  • What words refer to a person who carves something?
    carver, sculptor
  • What words refer to something that has been carved?
    carving, sculpture, model
  • What tools and materials are used to carve a sculpture?
    chisel, hammer, marble, clay
  • 6.6.6 Working with land

    Use this domain for words related to working with land.

    OMC Codes: 
    311 Land Use
    332 Earth Moving
  • What words refer to working with land?
    land use
  • What words refer to finding the boundaries of land?
    survey, surveyor,
  • What words refer to moving dirt?
    dig, plow, grade, level,
  • What tools and machines are used to move dirt?
    shovel, hoe, wheelbarrow, spade, pickax, plow, grader, bulldozer, steam shovel, backhoe, steam roller, earth moving equipment,
  • What words refer to land that has a special use?
  • 6.6.7 Working with water

    Use this domain for words related to working with water.

    OMC Codes: 
    376 Water Power
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7E Constructions for Holding Water
  • What words refer to digging a well?
    dig (a well), drill (a well), sink (a bore hole)
  • What words are used for storing water?
    reservoir, cistern, water tank, water barrel, bucket, jerry can, water tower
  • What words are used of a system of water transportation?
    canal, water-way, navigation channel, lock, dock
  • What words refer to using waterpower?
    water-power, water mill, water-wheel
  • What words are used of generating electricity using waterpower?
    dam, hydroelectric power plant, electric generating plant, dynamo
  • What words are used of removing water from something?
    sieve, drain, press, extract, strain
  • Plumber

    Use this domain for words related to working with water pipes.

  • What words refer to a person who works on water pipes?
  • What words refer to a system of pipes?
    plumbing, pipes
  • What are the parts of a system of pipes?
    pipe, water pipe, valve, faucet, joint, elbow, sections of pipe, water main, water meter, drain, sink
  • What words refer to a leaky pipe?
    leak, leaky pipe, dripping faucet
  • What words refer to working on the plumbing?
    put in plumbing, fix a pipe, fix a leak, to thread a pipe
  • Conveying water

    Use this domain for words related to conveying water--moving water from one place to another place.

  • What words refer to the things used to transport water?
    waterworks, canal, ditch, dam, cistern, pipe, pump, siphon
  • What words are used for transporting clean water?
    aqueduct, canal, culvert
  • What words are used for transporting dirty water?
    ditch, drainage ditch, sewer
  • What words refer to drawing water from a well?
    draw water, draft
  • What words refer to canals used to convey water?
    canal, aqueduct, ditch
  • What means are used to raise water?
    windmill, pump, pump house, pumping station, lock
  • What containers are used to hold water?
    cistern, bucket, pitcher
  • What words refer to making water flow through a pipe?
    pump, siphon, suck, suction
  • Controlling water

    Use this domain for words related to controlling the movement of water.

  • What words refer to stopping the flow of water?
    dam, block, stop up, divert, dike, flood control
  • What words refer to a dam used to stop the flow of water?
    dam, dike, levee
  • Working in the sea

    Use this domain for words related to working in the sea.

    OMC Codes: 
    228 Marine Industries
    312 Water Supply
    336 Plumbing
    376 Water Power
  • What other work is done in the sea?
    growing seaweed, scuba diving, pearl diving, offshore drilling, fishpond
  • 6.6.8 Working with machines

    Use this domain for words related to working with machines.

    OMC Codes: 
    390 Capital Goods Industry
    391 Hardware Manufacture
    392 Machine Industries
    393 Electrical Supplies Industry
    394 Manufacture of Heating and Lighting Appliances
    395 Manufacture of Optical and Photographic Equipment
    396 Shipbuilding
    397 Railway Equipment Industry
    398 Manufacture of Vehicles
    399 Aircraft Industry
    719 Munitions Industries
  • What words refer to working with machines?
    manufacturing, operate
  • What words refer to machines?
    machine, machinery, hardware, computer
  • What words refer to a person who works with machines?
    mechanic, machinist, operator, engineer
  • Working with electricity

    Use this domain for words related to working with electricity.

    OMC Codes: 
    337 Electrical Installation
    375 Thermal Power
    377 Electric Power
    378 Atomic Energy
    379 Miscellaneous Power Production
  • What words refer to working with electricity?
    electrical work
  • What words refer to a person who works with electricity?
  • What words refer to electricity?
    electricity, electric, electronic, positive, negative, terminal, socket, plug, wire, power, pole, transformer, hydroelectric
  • What words refer to batteries?