Use this domain for words related to feeling happy--to feel good when something good happens (such as receiving a gift, hearing good news, or watching something good happening).
Louw Nida Codes:
25K Happy, Glad, Joyful
25H Acceptable To, To Be Pleased With
25J Enjoy, Take Pleasure In, Be Fond of Doing
What words refer to feeling happy?
rejoice, feel good, be in a good mood
What words refer to the feeling of happiness?
happiness, bliss, cheerfulness, contentment, delight, elation, euphoria, gladness, good feelings, joy, mirth, pleasure, satisfaction
What words describe someone who feels happy?
happy, happily, cheerful, cheerfully, chipper, content, contented, contentedly, glad, gladly, jaunty, merry, mirthful, pleased, satisfied
What words refer to feeling very happy?
exult, delight in, ecstasy, be on top of the world, be over the moon, rapture,
What words describe a person who is very happy?
blissfully happy, overjoyed, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, joyful, jubilant, radiant, thrilled
What words describe a person who usually feels happy?
happy, cheerful, contented, jolly, jovial, have a happy/cheerful/sunny disposition
What words describe a person who feels good while doing something?
enjoy, take pleasure in, be fond of doing
What words refer to feeling good about someone's behavior?
be pleased with
What words describe how a person feels when something good happens to someone else?
feel happy for, rejoice with
What words refer to feeling good when something bad happens to someone?
exultant, glee, gleeful, gloat
What words refer to causing someone to feel happy?
make someone happy, cheer someone up, comfort, console, delight, gladden, please, satisfy, put someone in a good mood, make someone's day, raise someone's spirits, lift someone's spirits
What words refer to feeling happy again after feeling sad?
brighten up, cheer up, perk up, be cheered, be heartened, take heart
What words refer to something that causes someone to feel happy?
delight, joy, happy ending
What words describe something that causes someone to feel happy?
happy, cheering, cheerful (thought), heartening, heartwarming, pleasing, satisfying
What words describe a time period when you feel happy?
happy, blissful, delightful (time), idyllic, joyous (occasion), pleasant