Like, love
Use this domain for words related to liking something or someone, or liking to do something.
What words refer to liking something?
like, have a liking for, adore, enjoy, be fond of, proud of someone, fancy something, have a fancy for, take a fancy to, care for, have affection for, admire, look up to, think highly of, approve, pleased, admire, appeals to you, be to your liking, go down well, savor (v), luxuriate, be happy with, feel good toward, feel good about,
What words refer to liking someone?
like, be fond of, be attached to, have a soft spot for, see something in someone, a man/woman after your own heart
What words refer to the feeling of liking something?
liking, admiration, adoration, affection, approval, enjoyment, fondness for, pleasure, pride, affinity,
What words refer to liking something very much?
love, adore, delight, enthusiastic about, enthusiasm for, be mad about, be crazy about, be attached to, have a passion for
What words describe something that is liked?
likable, lovable, lovely, tasteful, admirable, delightful, charming, endearing, engaging, pleasing, pleasurable, enjoyable, nice, likes and dislikes, love of your life, passion
What words refer to a person who likes something?
admirer, fan, (art)-lover, lover of, enthusiast, devotee
What words describe someone who likes something?
adoring, affectionate,
What words refer to liking something and wanting to have it?
aspire, hanker for, have a hankering for, long for, relish (n), relish (v), covet, crave, desire (v), desire (n), fancy (v), pine for, want (v), yearn,
What words refer to something causing someone to like a person or thing?
beguile, bewitch, charm, dazzle, delight, enchant, enthrall, fascinate, gladden, gratify, impress, please, thrill, tickle, wow,
What words refer to something that causes someone to like a person or thing?
charm, enchantress,
What words describe something that causes someone to like a person or thing?
beguiling, bewitching, charming, dazzling, delightful, enchanting, enthralling, fascinating, gratifying, impressive, pleasing, thrilling,