Use this domain for words indicating that something is near something else.
Louw Nida Codes:
83E At, Beside, Near, Far x
What words indicate that something is near something else?
near, nearby, close, close to, close by, not far, practically on top of, a short distance, locally, in the vicinity, nigh, around, a stone's throw, in the neighborhood
What words describe something that is near?
nearby, nearest, the next, neighboring, local, surrounding
What words refer to how near something is?
nearness, closeness, proximity
What words indicate that something is near enough so that you can do something?
near enough, close enough, within walking distance, within reach, within range, convenient, handy, be close at hand, around the corner, close up, up close, at close quarters, at close range, right under your nose
What words refer to moving nearer to someone or something?
approach, get near, get nearer, near (v), draw near, get close, get closer, close in on, get as close as possible
What words refer to moving nearer to a person or vehicle in front of you?
catch up, be gaining on, be closing on
What words refer to staying near something?
stay close, keep close, hug, cling to
What words indicate that something is nearer than something else?
nearer, closer, before, on this side of, nearest, closest