4.3 Behavior

Use this domain for general words referring to a person's behavior.

OMC Codes: 
577 Ethics
Louw Nida Codes: 
41 Behavior and Related States
41A Behavior, Conduct
88 Moral and Ethical Qualities and Related Behavior
  • What words refer to behaving in a particular way?
    behave, act, conduct yourself, be, acquit yourself, bear, comport, deal, deport, devote, lead, live, occupy, order your steps, practice,
  • What words refer to the way a person behaves?
    behavior, antics, conduct, character, manner, demeanor, characteristic, air, bearing, behavior, carriage, comportment, course, custom, dealing, deportment, doings, etiquette, existence, life, manners, mien, trait, way of life, the way someone acts,
  • 4.3.1 Good, moral

    Use this domain for words related to being good or moral in behavior.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88B Just, Righteous
    88C Holy, Pure
    41C Particular Patterns of Behavior
  • What words describe someone who is good?
    good, moral, blameless, decent, ethical, excellent, fine, high-minded, holy, honorable, just, pure, righteous, saintly, sanctified, upstanding, virtuous, worthy,
  • What words refer to a good person?
  • What words refer to the quality of being good?
    goodness, morality, holiness, purity, righteousness, sanctification, virtue,
  • What words refer to doing something good?
    do good, be good, behave, behave yourself, be on your best behavior,
  • What words refer to something someone does that is good?
    good deed, good behavior,
  • What words describe something someone does that is good?
    good, ethical, fine, right, righteous, worthy,
  • What words refer to becoming good?
    improve, develop, reform,
  • Bad, immoral

    Use this domain for words related to being bad or immoral in behavior, and for words describing a bad person.

    OMC Codes: 
    680 Offenses and Sanctions
    682 Offenses against Life
    683 Offenses against the Person
    684 Sex and Marital Offenses
    685 Property Offenses
    686 Nonfulfillment of Obligations
    687 Offenses against the State
    688 Religious Offenses
    689 Social Offenses
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88H' Impurity
    88T Act Shamefully
    88I' Licentiousness, Perversion
    88L' Sin, Wrongdoing, Guilt
  • What words describe someone who is bad?
    bad, base, carnal, corrupt, dangerous, decadent, degenerate, depraved, dishonorable, evil, felonious, foul, heinous, immoral, improper, impure, iniquitous, low-minded, low, miscreant, nasty, nefarious, no good, reprobate (adj), sinful, sinister, terrible, unethical, unholy, unjust, unrighteous, vile, villainous, wicked,
  • What words describe someone who is very bad?
    twisted, sick, perverted, depraved, terrible,
  • What words refer to a bad person?
    miscreant, reprobate (n), scoundrel, sinner, black sheep, villain, knave,
  • What words refer to someone who is very bad?
    monster, pervert,
  • What words refer to doing something bad?
    sin (v), behave badly, misbehave, do wrong, be up to something, get into, indulge in, commit, stoop
  • What words refer to the quality of being bad?
    sinfulness, depravity, evil (n), iniquity,
  • What words refer to something someone does that is bad?
    sin (n), misbehavior,
  • What words describe something someone does that is bad?
    bad, blameworthy, sinful, wrong,
  • What words describe someone who plans to do something bad?
    calculating, scheming,
  • What words describe a place where bad people often go?
    seedy, sleazy, haunt, den of iniquity,
  • What words refer to someone becoming bad?
    go bad, go wrong, turn to crime, fall, fall into sin,
  • What words refer to one person causing another person to be bad?
    tempt, corrupt, pervert, turn,
  • Meet a standard

    Use this domain for words related to meeting a standard.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88D Perfect, Perfection
    88F Modesty, Propriety
  • What words refer to being acceptable?
    meet a standard, be acceptable, be perfect, be normal
  • What words refer to acceptable behavior?
    act acceptably, satisfactorily, normal, pleasingly, be polite, dignity,
  • What words describe the behavior of someone who acts acceptably?
    acceptable, satisfactory, normal, pleasing, polite, well mannered
  • Below standard

    Use this domain for words related to behaving below a standard.

  • What words refer to being unacceptable?
    be below the standard, be unacceptable, be imperfect, be abnormal, miss the mark, fail, fail to make the grade, fail to live up to expectations, not live up to
  • What words refer to unacceptable behavior?
    act unacceptably, dissatisfactory, abnormal, unpleasing, unpleasantly, be impolite, ill mannered
  • What words describe the behavior of someone who acts unacceptably?
    unacceptable, dissatisfactory, abnormal, unpleasing, impolite, ill mannered, rude
  • Mature in behavior

    Use this domain for words related to acting maturely--to act like an adult rather than a child.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88M Mature Behavior
  • What words describe someone who is mature?
    mature, adult (adj), responsible,
  • What words refer to doing something maturely?
    be mature, act like an adult, act your age,
  • What words refer to the quality of being mature?
  • What words refer to something someone does that is mature?
  • What words describe something someone does that is mature?
  • What words refer to becoming mature?
    mature (v), grow up,
  • Immature in behavior

    Use this domain for words related to behaving in an immature way--for either a child or an adult to act like a child.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88M Mature Behavior
  • What words describe someone who is immature?
    immature, babyish, boyish, callow, childlike, childish, girlish, inexperienced, infantile, irresponsible, naive, puerile, rookie, sophomoric, spoiled,
  • What words refer to an immature person?
  • What words refer to doing something immature?
    be immature, act like a child
  • What words refer to the quality of being immature?
  • What words describe something someone does that is immature?
    immature, childish, infantile, juvenile, puerile, silly,
  • What words describe a bad child?
    naughty, badly-behaved, mischievous, spoiled,
  • What words refer to a bad child?
    brat, nuisance, pest, bully,
  • Sensible

    Use this domain for words related to being sensible--to think about what you do.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88L Sensible Behavior, Senseless Behavior
  • What words describe someone who is sensible?
    sensible, thoughtful, astute, calculating, cautious, circumspect, discreet, discriminating, foresighted, judicious, logical, practical, pragmatic, prudent, rational, realistic, reasonable, sagacious, sane, sensible, sensibly, sensitive, sound, thoughtful, wholesome
  • Reputation

    Use this domain for words related to having a good reputation--when most people think well of someone because he does good things and doesn't do bad things.

  • What words refer to a person's reputation?
    reputation, standing, image, name, character,
  • What words describe someone who has a good reputation?
    reputable, of repute, prestigious,
  • What words refer to having a good reputation?
    have a good reputation, have a reputation for, be of good repute, be well thought of, have a good name,
  • What words refer to a good reputation?
    good reputation, prestige, stature,
  • What words refer to hurting someone's reputation?
    harm someone's reputation, damage someone's reputation, give someone a bad name, bring someone into disrepute, discredit, bring discredit on,
  • What words refer to having a bad reputation?
    have a bad reputation, be of evil repute, be poorly thought of, have a bad name
  • Patient

    Use this domain for words related to being patient--if you are patient, you don't get angry or do anything bad even though something bad happens to you for a long time.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25O Patience, Endurance, Perseverance
  • What words describe someone who is patient?
    patient, persevering, accommodating,
  • What words refer to being patient?
    be patient, bear, endure, persevere, patiently, persist, plod, plug, tolerate,
  • What words refer to the quality of being patient?
    patience, constancy, endurance, steadfastness,
  • What words describe a situation that a person can endure?
    bearable, endurable, tolerable,
  • Impatient

    Use this domain for words related to being impatient--if you are impatient, you get angry or do something bad when something bad happens to you for a long time.

  • What words describe someone who is impatient?
    impatient, intolerant,
  • What words refer to being impatient?
    wait impatiently, lose your patience, can't wait
  • What words refer to the quality of being impatient?
    impatience, intolerance,
  • What words describe a situation that makes a person feel impatient?
  • Bad-tempered

    Use this domain for words related to being bad-tempered--to behave in an angry, unfriendly way.

  • What words describe a person who is often bad-tempered?
    bad-tempered, grumpy, grouchy, disagreeable, cantankerous, uptight,
  • What words refer to being bad-tempered for a short time?
    be in a bad mood, be in a huff, be in one of his bad moods, got out of bed on the wrong side, got out on the wrong side of the bed
  • What words describe someone who refuses to talk because they are angry?
    sullen, surly, sulky, sulk, be in a sulk, give someone the silent treatment,
  • What words describe someone who is easily annoyed by unimportant things?
    irritable, crotchety, petulant, fractious,
  • What words describe someone who gets angry easily?
    short-tempered, quick-tempered, have a short fuse, temper,
  • What words refer to someone who is bad-tempered?
  • 4.3.2 Admire someone

    Use this domain for words related to admiring someone--to feel good about someone because you think that he is a good person.

  • What words refer to admiring a person?
    admire, be an admirer of, accept, approve of, esteem (v), hold in someone in high esteem, look up to, have a high opinion of, hold someone in high regard, respect, respectful, think highly of, think well of, hold in honor,
  • What words refer to admiring someone very much?
    idolize, revere, worship, put someone on a pedestal, hero-worship,
  • What words refer to what someone thinks of a person, either good or bad?
    estimation, opinion, regard,
  • What words refer to the thought or feeling that someone is good?
    admiration, adulation, esteem (n), respect,
  • What words refer to a person who is admired?
    idol, hero, heroine,
  • What words describe someone who is admired?
    admirable, estimable, honorable, idolized,
  • Despise someone

    Use this domain for words related to despising someone--to feel bad about someone because you think they are not as good as you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88Y Despise, Scorn, Contempt
  • What words refer to despising someone?
    despise, disdain, disregard, rebuff, reject, repudiate, scoff, scorn, shun, slight, sneer at, snub, spurn, be contemptuous of, hold in contempt, feel contempt for, feel superior, think someone is worthless, think poorly of, feel superior to, look down on, spit on, be cliquish, turn up your nose at,
  • What words describe someone who despises someone?
    contemptuous, disdainful, disrespectful, haughty, scornful, snobbish, superior,
  • What words refer to a person who despises someone?
  • What words refer to the feeling of despising someone?
    contempt, disdain, disregard, disrespect, hate, irreverence,
  • What words refer to something you do that shows you despise someone?
    rebuff (n), slight (n), snub (n),
  • What words describe something someone does to show they despise someone?
    withering (look), derisive (laugh),
  • What words describe someone who is despised?
    contemptible, despicable, pitiable, pitiful, despised,
  • Humble

    Use this domain for words related to being humble--to not think that you are better than other people, or to not think that you are better than you really are, and to not talk or act as if you were better than other people.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88F Modesty, Propriety
    88G Humility
  • What words describe someone who is humble?
    humble, lowly, meek, mild, modest, self-deprecating, self-effacing, simple, timid, timorous, unassuming, unpretentious
  • What words refer to doing something humble?
    be humble, humbly, condescend,
  • What words refer to the quality of being humble?
    humility, humbleness, condescension, debasement, lowliness, modesty, self-abasement, self-deprecation, timidity,
  • What words describe something someone does that is humble?
  • What words refer to becoming humble?
    humble yourself,
  • What words refer to one person causing another to be humble?
    to humble someone, humiliate, debase,
  • What words refer to being too humble?
    put yourself down, run yourself down, sell yourself short, underestimate yourself,
  • Proud

    Use this domain for words referring to being proud--to think that something or someone is very good and to feel very good about them, especially to think and feel very good about yourself--to think that you are better than others, to think that you are better than you really are, or to talk and act as if you were better than other people.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88A' Arrogance, Haughtiness, Pride
  • What words refer to being proud of something or someone?
    be proud of, be pleased with, be delighted with, be thrilled with, take pride in, pride yourself on,
  • What words refer to being proud of yourself?
    be proud of yourself, be full of yourself, fancy yourself, let something go to your head,
  • What words refer to being satisfied with yourself?
    self-satisfied, smug, pleased with yourself, complacent,
  • What words refer to thinking you are more important than you really are?
    self-important, pompous, jumped up, have delusions of grandeur, get too big for your boots/britches,
  • What words refer to thinking you are better than other people?
    snobbish, snobby, haughty, snooty, snotty, superior, stuck-up, class-conscious,
  • What words describe someone who is proud?
    proud, aloof, arrogant, bigheaded, boastful, brash, conceited, contemptuous, egocentric, egotistic, egotistical, hoity-toity, imperious, inflated, lofty, ostentatious, pretentious, prideful, proud hearted, puffed up, self-aggrandizing, self-confident, uppity, vain,
  • What words refer to behaving in a proud way toward other people?
    look down on, look down your nose at, be beneath you, think you're too good for,
  • What words refer to the quality of being proud?
    pride, sense of achievement, aloofness, arrogance, audacity, conceit, egotism, flashiness, haughtiness, hauteur, loftiness, ostentation, pretension, self-importance, self-respect, self-will, showiness, snobbery, snobbishness, vanity,
  • What words refer to a proud person?
    snob, prig,
  • What words refer to something or someone you are proud of?
    be someone's pride and joy, be the pride of, be a credit to,
  • What words refer to something making someone proud?
    go to your head,
  • What words refer to stopping someone from behaving proudly by criticizing them?
    put someone in their place, wipe the smile off someone's face, cut someone down to size,
  • Show off

    Use this domain for words referring to showing off--to behave in a way that attracts people's attention because you want them to admire you.

  • What words refer to showing off?
    show off, flash your money around, put on airs, vaunt yourself,
  • What words refer to someone who shows off?
    show-off, poseur, exhibitionist, flamboyant, dramatic,
  • What words describe someone who shows off?
    showy, ostentatious, ostentatiously, flashy, pretentious, pretentiously, proudly,
  • What words refer to the quality of showing off?
    showiness, flashiness, ostentation,
  • 4.3.3 Love

    Use this domain for words related to loving someone--to feel good about someone, want good things to happen to them, and want to do good things for them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25C Love, Affection, Compassion
  • What words refer to loving someone?
    love (v), like, attached, care about, cherish, be close, feel friendly toward, favor, hold in favor, feel favorable toward, be fond of, wish someone well, hope things turn out well for someone, be partial to, be enshrined in your heart,
  • What words refer to loving someone very much?
    adore, worship, be devoted to, dote on, think the world of, mean the world to,
  • What words refer to the feeling of love?
    love (n), adoration, affection, compassion, concern, devotion, fondness, goodwill, attachment, kindness, solicitude, sympathy,
  • What words describe someone who loves?
    loving, affectionate, caring, compassionate, concerned, devoted, doting, fond, solicitous, sympathetic, tender, tender-hearted, warm, warmhearted,
  • What words refer to someone who loves?
    lover, well-wishers,
  • What words describe someone who is loved?
    beloved, dear
  • What words refer to someone you love?
    loved ones, darling, pet, the one you love,
  • What words refer to something someone does that is loving?
    act of love, act of kindness, favor,
  • What words describe someone who does not love?
    unloving, uncaring,
  • What words describe someone who is not loved?
    unloved, unlovable,
  • Hate, ill will

    Use this domain for words referring to hating someone--to want something bad to happen to someone, or to want to do something bad to someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88Z Hate, Hateful
  • What words refer to hating someone?
    hate, wish evil on, wish one ill, want revenge, have it in for,
  • What words refer to the wish that something bad would happen to someone?
    hate, hatred, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, hostility, ill will, malevolence, malice, spite,
  • What words describe a person who hates?
    hateful, hating, antagonistic, hostile, malicious, spiteful,
  • What words describe a person who is hated?
  • Not care

    Use this domain for words related to not caring about someone.

  • What words describe someone who is uncaring?
    uncaring, unconcerned, unfeeling, apathetic, indifferent, unmoved, blasé,
  • What words refer to being uncaring?
    don't care, not give a damn, couldn't care less, be past caring, shrug off,
  • What words refer to the quality of being uncaring?
  • What words describe something someone does when they don't care?
    casual, offhand, nonchalant, gaily,
  • What do people say when they don't care?
    for all I care, who cares?, so what?, not my problem, not my concern, that's your problem, that's your lookout, tough!
  • What do people say when they don't care what happens, because they would be happy with whatever happens?
    not mind, not be fussy, it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't bother me, I'm easy, suit yourself, have no objection,
  • Abandon

    Use this domain for words related to abandoning someone or something--to leave and not return to them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35H Desert, Forsake
  • What words refer to abandoning something?
    abandon, dump, jettison, leave, leave behind,
  • What words refer to the act of abandoning something?
    abandonment, dereliction, desertion,
  • What words refer to something that has been abandoned?
  • What words refer to abandoning a place?
    leave, leave (somewhere) never to return,
  • What words refer to a place that has been abandoned?
    ghost town, abandoned field, abandoned homestead,
  • What words refer to abandoning someone?
    desert, disown, divorce, dump, forsake, leave alone, maroon,
  • What words refer to someone who has been abandoned?
    abandoned child, waif, street kid,
  • What words describe something that has been abandoned?
    abandoned, forsaken, derelict, uncared-for,
  • 4.3.4 Do good to

    Use this domain for words referring to doing good to someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88I Kindness, Harshness
    35 Help, Care For
  • What words refer to doing good to someone?
    do good to, be good to, be kind to, benefit (v), treat well, be merciful to, bless, care for,
  • What words describe a person who does good to other people?
    accommodating, benevolent, benign, caring, charitable, chivalrous, considerate, courteous, gentle, gracious, humane, kind, kindhearted, kindly, nice, obliging, thoughtful,
  • What words refer to something good that someone does for another person?
    kindness, benefit (n), blessing, courtesy, charity,
  • What words refer to the character quality of doing good?
    consideration, courtesy, graciousness, kindness, kindliness, thoughtfulness
  • Do evil to

    Use this domain for words related to doing evil to someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88P Treat Badly
  • What words refer to doing evil to someone?
    do evil to, harm, hurt, offend, offense, hurt someone's feelings, damage, impair, hit hard, work against, be a serious blow to, be detrimental to, at the expense of, to the detriment of
  • What words refer to doing evil to yourself?
    harm yourself, cut your own throat, be your own worst enemy, shoot yourself in the foot, rebound on, come back to haunt you,
  • What words describe something that harms someone?
    harmful, damaging, be bad for,
  • What words describe something that harms your health?
    harmful, poisonous, toxic, noxious,
  • What words describe something that does not harm anything?
    harmless, innocuous, do no harm,
  • Help

    Use this domain for words related to helping someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35A Help
  • What words refer to helping someone?
    help, be of help, help out, with someone's help, aid (v), come to someone's aid, assist, be of assistance, support, lend a hand, do your bit, rally round
  • What words refer to what is done to help?
    help (n), assistance, support (n), aid (n),
  • What is a person called who helps another?
    helper, aide, accomplice, assistant,
  • What words describe a person who helps another?
    helpful, accommodating, cooperative, obliging,
  • Hinder

    Use this domain for words related to hindering someone.

  • What words refer to opposing someone?
    hinder, hinder someone from, oppose, opposition, stand in opposition to, be antagonistic
  • Cooperate with

    Use this domain for words related to cooperating with someone to do something.

  • What words refer to working together with someone to do something?
    cooperate with, work together, side-by-side, jointly, collaborate, partnership, alliance, join together, team up, help each other
  • What words describe something that people do together?
  • Compete with

    Use this domain for words related to competing with someone.

  • What words refer to competing with someone?
    compete with, try to beat, gain an advantage over, oppose, engage, fight, struggle, vie,
  • What words refer to a competition?
    competition, contest, championship, tournament, conflict, rivalry,
  • What words refer to a person that you compete against?
    competitor, opposition, rival,
  • Altruistic, selfless

    Use this domain for words describing a person who acts in an altruistic, selfless manner--to act out of concern for the welfare of others without concern for your own welfare.

  • What words describe someone who is selfless?
    altruistic, selfless, unselfish, thinks of others, self-sacrificing, benevolent, Good Samaritan
  • Selfish

    Use this domain for words related to being selfish.

  • What words describe someone who is selfish?
    self-centered, selfish,
  • What words refer to being selfish?
    be selfish, think of nobody but yourself, self-centered, egocentric, look out for yourself, look out for number one
  • What words refer to the quality of being selfish?
  • Use a person

    Use this domain for words related to using someone for your own purpose or gain without helping them.

  • What words refer to using a person?
    use someone, take advantage of, exploit, take liberties, manipulate, wrap/twist someone around your little finger,
  • Share with

    Use this domain for words related to sharing with other people.

  • What words refer to sharing with others?
    share, share with, contribute toward, give to, be generous
  • What words refer to two or more people doing something, first one person doing it, then another person doing it?
    take turns, take it in turns, share, alternate,
  • Provide for, support

    Use this domain for words referring to providing someone with what they need to live each day, such as providing for an elderly parent who can no longer earn what they need.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35C Provide For, Support
  • What words refer to providing someone with what they need?
    provide for, support, furnish, supply
  • What words refer to needing someone to provide for you?
    depend on, dependent, rely on
  • What words refer to a person who provides?
    provider, means of support, supplier
  • What words refer to what is provided?
    provisions, support (n), supply (n)
  • Care for

    Use this domain for words related to caring for someone--to do something good for someone, because they need something and cannot do it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35D Care For, Take Care Of
  • What words refer to caring for someone?
    care for, take care of, meet someone's needs
  • What is a person called who takes care of another?
  • Entrust to the care of

    Use this domain for words related to entrusting something to the care of someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35E Entrust To the Care Of
  • What words refer to giving something to someone for him to take care of?
    entrust to the care of, assign, commend, commit, trust with
  • Meddle

    Use this domain for words referring to meddling--involving oneself in something that does not concern oneself, such as someone else's business or affairs, or a fight between other people.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88E' Being a Busybody
  • What words refer to meddling in someone's affairs?
    meddle, bother, butt in, eavesdrop, encroach, infringe, interfere, intervene, intrude, pry, snoop, tamper
  • What words refer to a person who meddles?
    busybody, eavesdropper, interloper, intruder, meddler, snoop
  • Spoil

    Use this domain for words referring to spoiling something that is happening, such as an event, work, relationship, or feeling, by doing something that makes it less attractive, less enjoyable, or less effective--to do something bad to something that is happening, so that people can't do what they were doing or don't enjoy it as much.

  • What words refer to spoiling the quality of something?
    spoil, impair, mar, detract from
  • What words refer to spoiling someone's work?
    spoil, mess up, undermine, sabotage, throw a wrench in the works, pour cold water on,
  • What words refer to spoiling a relationship?
    spoil, sour, poison,
  • What words refer to spoiling an event?
    spoil, mar, put a damper on, cast a shadow over,
  • What words refer to spoiling a person's reputation?
    spoil, damage, damaging, discredit, harm, tarnish, be tainted,
  • What words refer to completely spoiling something?
    ruin, destroy, wreck, screw up, spoil everything,
  • What words refer to someone who spoils people's enjoyment of an event?
    wet blanket, spoilsport, killjoy,
  • What words describe something that has not been spoiled?
    unspoiled, unblemished,
  • Enter by force

    Use this domain for words related to entering a place, such as a house, by force.

  • What words refer to entering something by force?
    enter by force, break in, force your way in, forcible entry,
  • Kidnap

    Use this domain for words related to kidnapping someone.

  • What words refer to kidnapping someone?
    kidnap, abduct, kidnap, nab, shanghai, snatch,
  • What words refer to the act of kidnapping someone?
    kidnapping, abduction,
  • What words refer to someone who kidnaps?
    kidnapper, abductor, snatcher
  • Cruel

    Use this domain for words related to being cruel.

  • What words describe someone who is cruel?
    cruel, ruthless, heartless, sadistic, bloodthirsty
  • What words refer to the quality of being cruel?
  • 4.3.5 Honest

    Use this domain for words related to being honest--words describing someone who does not cheat, steal, or break the law.

  • What words describe someone who is honest?
    honest, reputable, incorruptible, above suspicion,
  • What words refer to the quality of being honest?
    honesty, integrity,
  • Dishonest

    Use this domain for words related to being dishonest.

  • What words describe someone who does not tell the truth?
    dishonest, lying, devious, sly, untrustworthy, sneaky, unscrupulous, have no scruples, corrupt, crooked
  • Faithful

    Use this domain for words related to being faithful--to continue to love and do good to someone so that they can always trust you.

  • What words describe someone who is faithful?
    faithful, loyal, devoted, staunch, true, unswerving,
  • What words refer to being faithful?
    stand by, stick by, be true to,
  • What words refer to the quality of being faithful?
    faithfulness, allegiance, devotion, fidelity, loyalty, solidarity,
  • Reliable

    Use this domain for words related to being reliable--words describe a person who can be relied on to do what he is supposed to.

  • What words describe someone who is reliable?
    reliable, responsible, faithful, honest,
  • What words refer to a reliable person?
    man of his word,
  • What words refer to being reliable?
    keep your word, keep your promise
  • What words refer to the quality of being reliable?
  • What words refer to relying on someone to do something?
    rely on, depend on
  • Unreliable

    Use this domain for words related to being unreliable.

  • What words describe a person who cannot be relied on to do what he should?
    be unreliable, untrustworthy, irresponsible, unfaithful, disloyal, treacherous, cheat on
  • Deceive

    Use this domain for words related to deceiving someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88U Mislead, Lead Astray, Deceive
  • What words refer to acting in such a way that someone is led to believe something false?
    deceive, fool, take in, defraud, cheat, fleece, bilk, swindle, hustle, dupe, hoodwink, foist upon, palm off on, outwit, outmaneuver, finagle, slip one over on, put something over on, con, lay a trap for, lure, beguile, delude, trick, entrap, ensnare, pull the wool over someone's eyes, play a trick on, play a practical joke on, send on a fool's errand, make a fool of, mislead
  • What words refer to the act of deceiving someone?
    deceit, deception, fraud, delusion, cunning, illusion, treachery
  • What words refer to someone who deceives?
    deceiver, magician, conjuror
  • What words refer to someone who deceives in order to steal?
    con man, swindler, snake, cheat
  • What words refer to someone who pretends to be someone else?
    imposter, charlatan, fraud, fake, pretender, quack, wolf in sheep's clothing
  • What words describe someone who deceives?
    deceptive, fraudulent, cunning, treacherous
  • Hypocrite

    Use this domain for words related to being a hypocrite.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88C' Hypocrisy, Pretense
  • What words refer to saying one thing but doing something else?
    be a hypocrite, act hypocritically, hypocrisy, pretend, pretense
  • What words refer to a person who says one thing but does something else?
    hypocrite, pretender, actor
  • 4.3.6 Self-controlled

    Use this domain for words referring to self-control--deciding not to do something that you want to do, because you think it would be bad to do it; or deciding to do something, because you know it is good.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88K Self-Control, Lack of Self-Control
  • What words describe someone who is self-controlled?
    self-controlled, ascetic, austere, careful, conscientious, controlled, disciplined, discreet, moderate, provident, prudent, puritanical, restrained, sober-minded, stoic, tempered, tolerant, unsparing,
  • What words refer to a self-controlled person?
    ascetic, conformist, moderate, puritan, stoic,
  • What words refer to being self-controlled?
    abstain, behave, behave yourself, constrain, contain yourself, control yourself, discipline yourself, forbear, forgo, restrain yourself, say no, tolerate,
  • What words refer to the quality of being self-controlled?
    self-control, abnegation, abstention, abstinence, asceticism, constraint, discipline, equanimity, forbearance, moderation, poise, reserve, restraint, self-denial, self-discipline, sobriety, stoicism, sufferance, temperance, tolerance, toleration,
  • What words refer to controlling your feelings?
    keep your temper, calm and collected, composed, composure, forbearing, unexcitable, long-suffering, poised, reserved, staid, steady, unexcited,
  • What words refer to controlling your eating?
    put a knife to your throat,
  • What words refer to controlling your desire to drink alcohol?
    stay sober, go on the wagon,
  • What words refer to controlling your desire to spend money?
    frugal, frugality, thrifty, thrift,
  • Lack self-control

    Use this domain for words related to a lack of self-control.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88K Self-Control, Lack of Self-Control
    88G' Extravagant Living, Intemperate Living
  • What words describe a person who does not control himself?
    addicted, excessive, gluttonous, indulgent, intemperate, piggish, prodigal, riotous, self-indulgent, surfeit, unbridled, uncontrolled, unrestrained, voracious
  • What words refer to a person who does not control himself?
    addict, Epicurean, glutton, pig, prodigal,
  • What words refer to a lack of self-control?
    lack self-control, indulge, overdo, permit, do something to excess, lose control, get carried away, break down, give in to,
  • What words refer to the quality of lacking self-control?
    addiction, debauchery, dissipation, excess, excitability, extravagance, gluttony, indulgence, intemperance, leniency, overindulgence,
  • Tidy

    Use this domain for words referring to being tidy in your habits, such as keeping your belongings neat and organized,.

  • What words describe someone who is tidy?
    tidy, neat, orderly, organized, consistent, house-proud,
  • What words refer to making something tidy?
    tidy, tidy up, clean up, clear up, straighten, straighten up, get the place straight, put something straight, put something in order, put something away,
  • What words refer to the quality of being tidy?
    tidiness, neatness,
  • What words describe something that is tidy?
    tidy, immaculate, just so, neat, shipshape, smart, trim, well-kept
  • Untidy

    Use this domain for words related to being untidy--to not keep your things tidy and orderly.

  • What words describe someone who is untidy?
    untidy, messy, slovenly, slob, disorderly
  • What words describe someone whose clothes and hair are untidy?
    untidy, scruffy, unkempt, disheveled, bedraggled
  • What words refer to making something untidy?
    make a mess, mess something up, clutter, ransack, leave something lying about,
  • What words refer to the quality of being untidy?
    untidiness, messiness, disorderliness,
  • What words refer to a place that is untidy?
    dump, pigsty
  • What words describe something that is untidy?
    untidy, messy, be a mess, bedraggled, careless, cluttered, disheveled, frowzy, rumpled, slatternly, slovenly, be all in a muddle,
  • What words refer to things that are scattered around a place and make it look untidy?
    mess, clutter
  • Mistake

    Use this domain for words referring to mistakes--something bad that someone does by accident.

  • What words refer to a mistake?
    mistake, error, slip, mix-up, slip-up, oversight, aberration,
  • What words refer to a mistake in writing or speaking?
    mistake, misprint, spelling mistake, slip of the tongue, error, typographical error, typo,
  • What words refer to a serious mistake in judgment or planning?
    mistake, miscalculation, misjudgment, error of judgment, be a bad move, blunder, bad tactics, muddle, confusion, mess something up, make a mess of something,
  • What words refer to an embarrassing mistake?
    put your foot in it, faux pas, gaffe, boo-boo, indiscretion,
  • What words refer to making a mistake?
    make a mistake, make an error, mistake something, go wrong, get something wrong, blunder, goof, goof up, slip up, misjudge, bungle,
  • What words describe something done by mistake?
    by mistake, mistaken, mistakenly, in error, erroneously,
  • What words refer to mistaking one thing or person for another?
    mistake something, confuse, mix someone up with, get something mixed up, muddle,
  • What words refer to causing someone to make a mistake?
    trip someone up, catch someone out,
  • What do you say when you make a mistake?
  • 4.3.7 Polite

    Use this domain for words related to social refinement.

  • What words describe someone who is polite?
    polite, civil, courteous, diplomatic, discreet, elegant, graceful, refined, respectful, smooth, suave, tactful, well-mannered,
  • What words refer to being polite?
    have good manners,
  • What words refer to being very polite?
    correct, formal, stiff,
  • What words refer to the quality of being polite?
    politeness, etiquette, formality, manners, courtesy, tact,
  • What words describe a child who is polite?
    good, well-behaved, well-brought up
  • Impolite

    Use this domain for words related to being impolite.

  • What words describe someone who is impolite?
    rude, impolite, ill-mannered, discourteous, unpleasant, offensive, loutish, churlish, impudent, cheeky, impertinent, insolent, disrespectful, sassy
  • Crazy

    Use this domain for words related to being crazy--to act stupid or strange.

  • What words describe someone who is crazy?
    crazy, mad, insane, berserk, barmy, deranged, dotty, batty, flaky,
  • What words refer to a crazy person?
    maniac, lunatic, nut, nutcase, loony, madman, madwoman, nutter, wacko, weirdo,
  • What words refer to being crazy?
    be nuts, be crackers, need your head examined, be out of your mind, be off your rocker, be stark raving mad, be out to lunch,
  • What words refer to the quality of being crazy?
  • What words refer to something someone does that is crazy?
    craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness,
  • What words describe something someone does that is crazy?
    crazy, insane, mad, screwy,
  • What words refer to beginning to feel like you are crazy?
    go crazy, go mad, go nuts, go round the bend,
  • What words refer to beginning to act crazy?
    go crazy, go berserk, go mad, go nuts,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel or act crazy?
    drive someone crazy, drive someone nuts, drive someone mad, drive someone round the bend,
  • 4.3.8 Change behavior

    Use this domain for words related to changing your behavior either for the better or for the worse.

    OMC Codes: 
    153 Modification of Behavior
    154 Adjustment Processes
    155 Personality Development
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    41E Change Behavior
  • What general words refer to changing your behavior?
    change your behavior, modify your behavior, alter your behavior, turn to something
  • What words refer to changing your behavior for the better?
    reform, grow up, mature, mend your ways, turn over a new leaf, shape up, improve, go straight, overcome your past
  • What words refer to changing your behavior for the worse?
    go bad, backslide, fall into sin, your behavior is deteriorating, go crooked
  • What words refer to trying to change someone's behavior?
    change someone, discipline, train, reform someone, influence, have a good/bad influence on someone, turn someone toward/away from something
  • Conform

    Use this domain for words related to conforming to the behavior of others--to try to behave the same way as other people, or to try to behave the way other people want you to act.

  • What words refer to conforming to the behavior of others?
  • What words describe someone who behaves like most other people?
  • 4.3.9 Culture

    Use this domain for general words referring to culture--the way a group of people (such as a tribe) behaves that is different from other groups.

    OMC Codes: 
    180 Total Culture
    181 Ethos
    182 Function and Adaptational Interpretations
    183 Norms
    184 Cultural Participation
    185 Cultural Goals
    186 Cultural Identity and Pride
  • What general words refer to culture?
    culture, cultural norm, civilization
  • Custom

    Use this domain for words referring to customs--a particular practice of a cultural group.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    41B Custom, Tradition
  • What words refer to a custom?
    custom, convention, tradition, (our) way, praxis,
  • Habit

    Use this domain for words referring to a habit--a pattern of behavior of a person; something a person does frequently or regularly.

  • What words refer to a habit?
    habit, habitual, mannerism, ways,
  • What words refer to doing something because it is a habit?
    have a habit of doing something, out of habit, from habit, force of habit, be accustomed to