Facial expression
Use this domain for facial expressions--ways in which people move the parts of their faces to show feeling or communicate something.
Louw Nida Codes:
23B Processes Involving the Mouth, Other Than Eating and Drinking
What words refer to a facial expression?
expression, look, face, countenance, facial expression, the look on someone's face,
What words refer to an expression using the eyes?
stare, glare, roll your eyes, wink, blink, lift your eyes, raise your eyebrows, narrow your eyebrows, wrinkle your brow,
What words refer to an expression using the mouth?
lick your lips, smack your lips, kiss, purse your lips,
What words refer to making an expression on your face?
make a face, get an expression on your face, have an expression on your face, give someone (an expression)
What words refer to making a particular expression?
frown (in disapproval or worry), gape, grimace (in pain), pout, scowl, snarl, start,
What words refer to smiling?
smile, grin, beam, be all smiles, force a smile, smirk, leer, sneer, wide grin, big smile, half smile, slight smile
What words refer to starting to smile?
break into a smile, someone's face lights up,
What words describe a face that shows a lot of feeling?
expressive, animated,
What words describe a face that shows no feeling?
expressionless, impassive, blank, deadpan, inscrutable, poker-faced,
What words describe an expression that shows a particular feeling?
cheerful, solemn, horrified, pained, wry,