2.1.4 Skin
Use this domain for words related to the skin.
What general words refer to the skin?
skin, hide, dermis, epidermal, epidermis, pore
What words refer to thick skin?
callus, calloused,
What words refer to a line in the skin?
line, wrinkle, fold, crease,
What words refer to spots on a person's skin?
spot, freckle, birthmark, wart, corn, mole, blemish, blotch, scar,
What words refer to small sores in the skin?
pimple, acne, zit, whitehead, blackhead,
What words refer to the color of a person's skin?
skin color, coloring, complexion, pigment,
What words describe the color of a person's skin?
flesh (colored), white, black, blotchy, red, bloom, blush, fair, dark, florid, glowing, sanguine, swarthy, albino,
What words describe the color of a person's skin when they are sick or afraid?
pale, anemic, ashen, bloodless, cadaverous, deathly, flushed, ghastly, lurid, pallid, pallor, pale-faced, pale as death, pale as a ghost, pasty, sallow, wan, white as a sheet, go white, turn blue,
What words describe the condition of a person's skin?
skin condition, clear, oily, dry, cracked, loose, smooth, soft, rough, flake, scale, peel, scarred,
What words describe your skin when you have been in the sun?
sunburn, tan, tanned, suntan, burn, blister,
What words refer to the small bumps on your skin when you are cold, ill, or frightened?
goose flesh, goose pimples, goose bumps,