Soil, dirt

Use this domain for words referring to soil and dirt.

OMC Codes: 
134 Soil
Louw Nida Codes: 
2E Earth, Mud, Sand, Rock
  • What words refer to soil?
    soil, topsoil, earth, earthen, ground, loam, clay, dirt, dirty, sand, sandy
  • What words describe the quality of the soil?
    fertile, infertile, poor, rich
  • What words refer to a piece of dirt?
    clod, clump, lump (of clay), grain of sand
  • What words refer to dirt mixed with water?
    mud, muddy, mud puddle, mire, miry, muck, goo, ooze
  • What does mud do?
    splatter, splash, stick, squish
  • What words refer to dry dirt?
    dust, dust cloud, dust storm
  • What does dust do?
    raise, stir up, settle, hang in the air, fly, cling (to clothes)
  • What words refer to the dirt on the top of the ground with grass in it?
    topsoil, sod
  • What words refer to soil being washed away by rain?
    erode, erosion,