6.1 Work

Use this domain for words related to working.

Louw Nida Codes: 
42D Work, Toil
  • What general words refer to working?
    work, labor, operate
  • 6.1.1 Worker

    Use this domain for words related to a worker.

  • What general words refer to a person who works?
    worker, laborer
  • What words refer to a person who works in a particular place?
    butler (house), field hand, farm hand (fields), ranch hand (ranch)
  • What words refer to a person who works for someone else?
    hired hand, employee, servant, hireling, slave,
  • What words refer to a person who works for a day or a few days?
    day laborer, temporary help, casual worker
  • What words refer to a person who works for only part of a day, or for the whole day?
    part-time worker, full-time worker
  • What words refer to a person who works with a particular material or animal?
    carpenter (wood), blacksmith (iron, metal), cowboy (cattle), shepherd (sheep)
  • Expert

    Use this domain for words related to being an expert--someone who can do something well.

  • What words refer to an expert?
    expert, professional, master, craftsman, specialist, old hand, old-timer, the best we have, leader in his field, on the cutting edge, senior, graduate, doctor, consultant, trainer, teacher, is degreed, has a degree
  • What words are used to refer to the knowledge or ability of an expert?
    expertise, knowledge, expert knowledge, experience, ability, craftsmanship, training, understanding, proficiency
  • What words describe an expert?
    the best we have, leader in his field, on the cutting edge, master (craftsman), expert (machinist), leading (scholar), degreed (scholar), foremost (expert), knowledgeable, experienced, able (seaman), well-trained, proficient, capable, clever, skilled, skillful,
  • What words are used to refer to someone who is not an expert?
    student, apprentice, trainee, novice, jack-of-all-trades, greenhorn, beginner, new recruit, plebe, freshman
  • What words describe someone who is not an expert?
    green, beginning (student), new, uninitiated, ignorant, untrained, inexperienced, unknowledgeable
  • 6.1.2 Method

    Use this domain for words related to the method of doing something.

    OMC Codes: 
    120 Research Methods
  • What words refer to a method of doing something?
    method, methodology, approach, means, procedure, process, strategy, system, tactics, technique, way,
  • What question words ask for the way in which something is done?
    how, however,
  • What words indicate the way in which something is done?
    how, however, somehow, somehow or other,
  • What words describe a method of doing something?
    technical, strategic, tactical,
  • What words refer to the way in which a person works?
    work style
  • Try, attempt

    Use this domain for words indicating that someone is trying to do something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    68E Try, Attempt
  • What words refer to trying to do something?
    try, attempt, make an attempt, experiment, test, make a stab at it, give it a go, try it out, see if it works, make an effort, aim to do something, assay, endeavor, essay, seek to do something, strain, struggle, undertake, venture, give it a whirl, have a try, try and do something, see if you can do something,
  • What words refer to trying hard to do something?
    do your best, try your best, put your mind to it, make an effort, be at pains to do something, strive, to the best of your ability, do the best you can, as best you can, give something your best,
  • What words refer to doing all you can when you are trying to do something?
    try for all your worth, do your utmost, do everything you can, do all you can, give your all, pull out all the stops, struggle to do something, go to great lengths to do something,
  • What words refer to trying to do something, even though you are unlikely to succeed?
    have a go, have a stab at, give it a go, put up a good show,
  • What words refer to trying hard to get something that you really want?
    try for, go for, try out for, shoot for, make a bid for, struggle for, go all out, go after,
  • What words refer to trying hard to do something for someone?
    bend over backwards to do something, go out of your way to do something, take the trouble to do something,
  • What words refer to doing something in order to try to do something else?
    try and do something, in an effort to do something, in an attempt to do something,
  • What words refer to an attempt to do something?
    attempt (n), endeavor (n), try (n), campaign, drive,
  • Use

    Use this domain for words related to using something to do something.

  • What words refer to using something?
    use, employ (something), make use of, handle, manipulate, wield
  • What words refer to something being used for some activity or purpose?
    be used to, be used for, be for, for,
  • What words refer to the activity that something is used for?
    use (n),
  • What words refer to using something in the wrong way?
    abuse, misuse
  • Useful

    Use this domain for words related to being useful--words describing something that can be used to do something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    65D Useful, Useless
    65E Advantageous, Not Advantageous
  • What words describe something that is useful?
    useful, be of use, handy, helpful, valuable, be good for, be worth, constructive, nifty,
  • What words describe something that is very useful?
    invaluable, indispensable,
  • What words refer to something being useful even though it doesn't seem to be?
    come in handy, come in useful, have its uses,
  • What words refer to the quality of being useful?
    usefulness, utility,
  • Useless

    Use this domain for words related to being useless--words describing something that cannot be used to do anything.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    65D Useful, Useless
    65E Advantageous, Not Advantageous
  • What words describe something that is useless?
    useless, be of no use, be no use, be no good, unhelpful, be of no help, be no help,
  • What words refer to something that is useless?
    junk, garbage,
  • Available

    Use this domain for words related to something being available to use.

  • What words refer to something being available for use?
    available, obtainable, at your disposal
  • Use up

    Use this domain for words related to using something up.

  • What words refer to using up all of something?
    finish, use up, exhaust, run out of, consume, deplete, drink up, exhaust, sap, swallow, tap, use up
  • Take care of something

    Use this domain for words related to taking care of something.

  • What words refer to taking care of something?
    take care of, look after, maintain
  • Waste

    Use this domain for words related to wasting something.

  • What words refer to wasting something?
    waste, squander, dissipate, uneconomical
  • Work well

    Use this domain for words related to working well.

    OMC Codes: 
    555 Talent Mobility
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    75 Adequate, Qualified
    68F Do Intensely or Extensively
  • What words refer to working well?
    work well, give it your best, do your best, skill, skillful, skillfully
  • What words describe someone who works well?
    proficient, businesslike, practical, thorough
  • Careful

    Use this domain for words related to being careful.

  • What words describe someone who is careful?
    careful, conscientious, painstaking, deliberate, deliberately
  • Work hard

    Use this domain for words related to working hard.

  • What words refer to working hard?
    work hard, labor at, strive, try hard, give it your best, do your best, push hard, go all out, wear several hats, hard driving, make an effort
  • What words describe someone who works hard?
    industrious, hard working, busy, devoted, devotion, diligent, diligence,
  • What words describe someone who works too hard?
    overburdened, worn,
  • Busy

    Use this domain for words related to being busy.

  • What words describe a person who is busy and has a lot to do?
    busy, have a lot to do, have your hands full, pressure, overburdened,
  • Power, force

    Use this domain for words related to the power used to do something.

    OMC Codes: 
    370 Energy and Power
    371 Power Development
    379 Miscellaneous Power Production
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    76 Power, Force
  • What words refer to the power used to do something?
    power, force, energy
  • Complete, finish

    Use this domain for words related to completing a task.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    68C Complete, Finish, Succeed
  • What words refer to completing a task?
    complete, finish, finish up, accomplish, succeed, wrap up
  • What words refer to not completing a task?
    leave undone, incomplete, unfinished
  • Ambitious

    Use this domain for words related to being ambitious.

  • What words describe a person who is determined to be successful?
    ambitious, ambition, competitive, power-hungry, pushy
  • Work poorly

    Use this domain for words related to working poorly.

  • What words refer to working poorly?
    work poorly, work slowly, do a bad job, mess up on the job, slipshod, sloppy,
  • Careless, irresponsible

    Use this domain for words related to being careless.

  • What words describe someone who is careless in his work?
    be careless, irresponsible
  • Lazy

    Use this domain for words related to being lazy.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88F' Laziness, Idleness
  • What words describe someone who is lazy?
    be lazy, lazy person, idle, dally, idler, do-nothing, loafer
  • What words refer to an inappropriate rest?
    loaf, goof off
  • Give up

    Use this domain for words related to giving up.

  • What words refer to stopping work?
    give up, quit, resign, offer to resign, submit your resignation, fire, dismiss, sack
  • Plan

    Use this domain for words related to planning.

    OMC Codes: 
    121 Theoretical Orientation in Research and Its Results
  • What words refer to making plans?
    plan, make plans, devise a plan, come up with a plan, contrive, mastermind,
  • What words refer to a plan?
    plan, aim, objective, goal, purpose, program, scheme,
  • Arrange an event

    Use this domain for words related to arranging an event, such as a meeting.

  • What words refer to arranging an event?
    arrange, organize, make arrangements, line up, prepare
  • Cancel an event

    Use this domain for words related to canceling a plan, decision, or event.

  • What words refer to canceling an event?
    cancel, call off, be off, scrub, shelve
  • Prepare

    Use this domain for words related to preparing to do something.

    OMC Codes: 
    122 Practical Preparations in Conducting Fieldwork
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    77 Ready, Prepared
  • What words refer to preparing for a task?
    prepare, preparations, make preparations, get ready, ready something
  • What words describe a person who has prepared?
    prepared, ready
  • What words describe a person who has not prepared?
    unprepared, unready
  • Prepare something for use

    Use this domain for words related to preparing something so that it can be used for some purpose.

  • What words refer to preparing something?
    prepare, get something ready,
  • What words describe something that has been prepared?
    prepared, ready,
  • Effective

    Use this domain for words related to being effective.

  • What words describe a method that is effective?
    effective, work, successful
  • Efficient

    Use this domain for words related to being efficient.

  • What words describe a way of working that is efficient?
    efficient, productive
  • Opportunity

    Use this domain for words related to an opportunity to do something.

  • What words refer to an opportunity to do something?
    opportunity, chance, opening, occasion
  • 6.1.3 Difficult, impossible

    Use this domain for words describing something that is difficult or impossible to do.

  • What words describe a difficult task?
    difficult, hard, challenging, tough, not easy, arduous, demanding
  • What words indicate that a task cannot be done?
    be impossible, too hard, can't do it, not doable
  • What words refer to how difficult a job is?
  • Easy, possible

    Use this domain for words describing something that is easy or possible to do.

  • What words describe something that is easy to do?
    easy, a cinch, no problem, piece of cake
  • What words indicate that something can be done?
    be possible, not too hard, can do it, no problem, doable
  • Succeed

    Use this domain for words related to succeeding in doing something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    68C Complete, Finish, Succeed
  • What words refer to succeeding to do a task?
    succeed, success, accomplish, achieve, manage, contrive,
  • What words refer to something that you have succeeded in doing?
    success, accomplishment, achievement,
  • Fail

    Use this domain for words related to failing to do something.

  • What words refer to failing to do a task?
    fail, unsuccessful, not make it
  • What words refer to someone who has failed?
  • Advantage

    Use this domain for words related to having an advantage--something that helps you succeed that other people don't have.

  • What words refer to an advantage?
    advantage, asset, privilege,
  • What words refer to having an advantage over other people?
    have an advantage, be at an advantage, have something on your side, the odds are stacked in your favor, have a head start, have everything going for you, hold all the cards, have the upper hand, be in a strong position, be in a position of strength,
  • What words indicate that something gives one person an advantage over others?
    give someone an advantage, give someone the edge, be to someone's advantage, be in someone's favor, favor (v),
  • What words refer to a disadvantage?
    disadvantage, handicap, drawback, liability, limitations,
  • What words refer to having a disadvantage compared with other people?
    have a disadvantage, be at a disadvantage, be handicapped, the odds are stacked against you, disadvantaged,
  • What words indicate that something gives someone a disadvantage?
    be to someone's disadvantage, be against,
  • What words refer to the advantages and disadvantages of something?
    advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, pluses and minuses,
  • 6.1.4 Job satisfaction

    Use this domain for words related to being satisfied with your job.

  • What words refer to being satisfied with your job?
    job satisfaction, rewarding, fulfilling, satisfying, profitable, like your job, challenging
  • What words refer to not being satisfied with your job?
    hate your job, boring
  • 6.1.5 Unemployed, not working

    Use this domain for words related to being unemployed.

  • What words refer to not having a job?
    unemployed, not working, out of work, idle, jobless, looking for work
  • 6.1.6 Made by hand

    Use this domain for words describing something made by hand instead of by a machine.

  • What words describe something made by hand?
    made by hand, craft, crafted, craftsman, craftsmanship
  • 6.1.7 Artificial

    Use this domain for words describing something that is artificial--something that is made by people.

  • What words describe something made by people?
    artificial, synthetic, man-made, processed
  • What words describe something not made by people?
    natural, wild, raw, virgin, untamed, organic
  • 6.1.8 Experienced

    Use this domain for words related to being experienced at doing something.

  • What words refer to being experienced?
    experienced, seasoned, practiced, veteran, pro
  • Accustomed to

    Use this domain for words related to being accustomed to something.

  • What words refer to being accustomed to something?
    be accustomed to, used to, familiar with