4.8 Conflict

Use this domain for general words referring to conflict between people, including quarreling, fighting, and war. The words in this domain should be very general, rather than referring to specific kinds of conflict.

OMC Codes: 
578 Ingroup Antagonisms
Louw Nida Codes: 
39 Hostility, Strife
  • What general words refer to conflict between people?
    conflict, strife,
  • 4.8.1 Hostility

    The words in this domain describe a situation in which people disagree about something so strongly that they might start fighting. But these words imply that they have not started fighting yet.

    OMC Codes: 
    578 Ingroup Antagonisms
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39 Hostility, Strife
    39E Strife, Struggle
  • What words refer to hostility between people?
    conflict, antagonism, discord, disharmony, friction, hostility, ill feeling, rivalry, strife, tension, sit on a powder key, cold war, phony war,
  • What words describe someone who is hostile?
    hostile, aggressive, combative, contentious, discordant,
  • Oppose

    Use this domain for words referring to opposing something that you think is wrong.

    OMC Codes: 
    578 Ingroup Antagonisms
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39 Hostility, Strife
    39E Strife, Struggle
  • What words refer to opposing something?
    oppose, be opposed to, be against, anti-
  • What words refer to something someone does to show he is opposed to something?
    objection, opposition, hostility, antagonism,
  • What words refer to saying that you are opposed to something?
    object to, voice opposition to, express opposition to, raise objections,
  • What words refer to someone who opposes something?
    opponent, the opposition, enemy, foe,
  • What words describe someone who opposes something?
    opposing, hostile, antagonistic, opposing,
  • 4.8.2 Fight

    Use this domain for words referring to fighting someone. The words in this domain describe a situation in which two people or groups of people fight each other over something or in order to reach some goal. A fight can use words, various kinds of weapons, or other actions. For fights that only use words use the domain

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    55B To Fight
  • What words refer to enemies fighting?
    fight, have a fight, get into a fight, fighting, battle, brawl, bully, clash, come to blows, confront, duel, engage (the enemy), face (an enemy), feud, jostle, joust, oppose, scuffle, set-to, spar, skirmish, squabble, strive, struggle, tussle, war, wrestle, be in the fray, go on the warpath,
  • What words refer to a fight?
    affray, altercation, battle (n), bout, combat, conflict, contest, crisis, duel (n), feud (n), gunfight, row, shootout, showdown, skirmish, spat, squabble, strife, struggle (n), tiff, war (n),
  • What words refer to a fight between a few people?
    fight (n), brawl (n), fracas, fray, free-for-all, melee, scrap, scuffle (n),
  • What words refer to a fight between many people?
    fighting, battle, clash (n), confrontation,
  • What words refer to a fight that neither side can win?
    stalemate, standoff,
  • What words refer to someone causing a fight?
    arouse, challenge, embroil, fan the flames, goad, incite, instigate, provoke, rally, rouse, spur, stir up,
  • What words refer to someone who is fighting?
    fighter, hooligan,
  • Fight for something good

    Use this domain for words referring to fighting for something good.

  • What words refer to fighting for something good?
    fight for, work for, campaign, champion, be a champion of,
  • What words refer to the process of fighting for something good?
    fight (n) for, struggle for, battle, campaign for, crusade for, drive
  • Fight against something bad

    Use this domain for words referring to fighting against something bad.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39C Resistance
  • What words refer to fighting against something bad?
    fight, fight against, put up a fight, combat, wage war on, campaign, launch a campaign,
  • What words refer to fighting against someone who is trying to do something bad?
    fight, fight against, fight back, put up a fight, resist, resistance, put up a resistance, meet with resistance, stand up to, make a stand, take a stand, hold out against, hold your ground, not be moved, be unyielding, not give in, defend your ground, oppose, opposing, opposition, react, withstand
  • What words refer to the process of fighting against something bad?
    fight (n) against, struggle against, battle against, campaign against, crusade against,
  • Attack

    Use this domain for words referring to attacking someone--to begin fighting someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39J Attack
  • What words refer to attacking someone?
    attack, lead an attack, the attack fell on, assault, assail, charge, come at, drive, force your way, go for, lay into, make a run on, rush, sail into, set upon, strike, confront, penetrate defenses, be on the offense
  • What words refer to attacking in war?
    attack, invade, storm, raid, besiege, bombard,
  • What words refer to surrounding an enemy?
    surround, encircle, envelope, encirclement, encircling movement, envelopment,
  • What words refer to an attack?
    attack (n), assault, charge (n), onrush, rush (n), strike (n),
  • What words refer to an attack in war?
    attack (n), assault (n), foray, invasion, incursion, strike (n), push, raid (n), offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, aggression, ambush (n), sally, siege, sortie, penetration,
  • What words refer to a person or group that attacks?
    attacker, attacking force, aggressor, assailant, invader, invasion force,
  • What words refer to the person or place that is attacked?
    victim, target, be under attack
  • What words describe a person or place that is easy to attack?
    vulnerable, sitting duck, be an easy target, open to attack
  • What words refer to starting to fight?
    launch an attack, mount an attack, start a fight, pick a fight, be spoiling for a fight, looking for a fight, challenge (someone to fight),
  • What words describe an attack that was not caused by an earlier action?
  • What words refer to attacking someone who has attacked you?
    counter-attack, hit back, retaliate, strike back,
  • Ambush

    Use this domain for words related to ambushing someone--to attacking someone without warning.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39K Ambush
  • What words refer to ambushing someone?
    ambush, ambuscade, bushwhack, jump, lie in wait for, mug, pounce, strike, turn on, waylay,
  • What words refer to an ambush?
    ambush (n), mugging, strike (n), sneak attack, surprise attack,
  • What words refer to a person who ambushes someone?
    ambusher, bushwhacker,
  • Defend

    Use this domain for words related to defending someone from attack.

  • What words refer to defending yourself from attack?
    defend, fight back, hit back at, put up a fight, struggle against, resist, self-defense,
  • What words refer to defending someone from attack?
    defend, come to someone's defense, in defense of, in someone's defense, guard, protect, safeguard, shield, stand up for, stick up for,
  • What words refer to successfully defending yourself or someone?
    beat back, beat off, drive off, hold out against, fend off, fight off, fling back, repel, repulse,
  • What words refer to defense?
    defense, resistance,
  • What words refer to a person who defends?
    defender, guard, sentinel, lookout, watchman
  • What words describe someone who cannot defend himself?
  • What words describe something you do or use to defend yourself?
    defensive, protective,
  • What words refer to a place easier to defend?
    fortify, entrench, dig in,
  • Revenge

    Use this domain for words related to revenge--to do something bad to someone because they did something bad to you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39F Revenge
  • What words refer to getting revenge?
    revenge, get revenge, take revenge, in revenge, avenge, get back at, get even with, pay back, repay, requite, retaliate, in retaliation, retribution, wreak vengeance, I'll get you for this, be out to get,
  • What words refer to revenge?
    revenge, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, tit-for-tat, vendetta, vengeance,
  • What words refer to a person who gets revenge?
    avenger, nemesis,
  • What words describe someone who wants to get revenge?
    vengeful, vindictive,
  • What words refer to a situation in which both people have done something bad to each other?
    be even, be quits,
  • What words describe something done in revenge?
  • Riot

    Use this domain for words related to a riot--when lots of people are fighting and breaking the law.

    OMC Codes: 
    579 Brawls, Riots and Banditry
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39H Riot
  • What words refer to rioting?
    riot (v), loot, disturb the peace, go on a frenzy, go on a rampage, be in an uproar, run amuck,
  • What words refer to a riot?
    riot (n), civil disobedience, civil disturbance, clash, commotion, confrontation, disorder, disorderly conduct, disturbance, frenzy, furor, melee, outbreak, rampage, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, unrest, upheaval, uproar
  • What words refer to people who are rioting?
    rioter, mob, rabble,
  • What words describe people who are rioting?
    frenetic, wild,
  • What words describe a situation or actions when people are rioting?
    riotous, convulsive, disorderly, tumultuous, turbulent,
  • Betray

    Use this domain for words related to betraying someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    37G Hand Over, Betray
  • What words refer to betraying someone to his enemies?
    betray, double-cross, stab in the back, sell out, sell someone down the river,
  • What words refer to handing someone over to his enemies?
    hand over, deliver,
  • What words refer to telling secrets to an enemy?
    blab, inform on, rat on, snitch, squeal, tattle,
  • What words refer to betraying your country?
    betray, turn traitor, collaborate, treason,
  • What words refer to the action of betraying someone?
    betrayal, sell-out, treachery, treason,
  • What words describe something someone does when betraying someone?
    treasonous (action), subversive (activity)
  • What words refer to a person who betrays someone?
    betrayer, collaborator, informant, informer, Judas, rat, renegade, saboteur, snitch, squealer, subversive, tattle-tale, traitor
  • What words describe someone who betrays someone?
  • Violent

    Use this domain for words related to being violent--a word describing someone who is likely to attack and injure or kill people.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    20A Violence
  • What words describe someone who is violent?
    violent, brutal, aggressive, vicious, savage, barbarous, bloodthirsty, barbaric
  • What words describe an animal that is violent?
    fierce, vicious, savage, ferocious,
  • What words describe something someone does that is violent?
    violent, violently, vicious, brutal, savage, ferocious, rough, bloody, forcible, stormy, barbarous,
  • What words describe a story that is about people doing violent things?
    violent, gory,
  • What words refer to a person who is violent?
    thug, brute, hooligan, hoodlum, animal, psychopath, lout,
  • What words refer to violent behavior?
    violence, aggression, brutality, savagery, ferocity, fierceness, force, fury, barbarity,
  • What words describe someone who is not violent?
    peaceful, non-violent
  • Enemy

    Use this domain for words related to an enemy--someone you are fighting against.

  • What words refer to an enemy?
    enemy, the enemy, foe, adversary, hostile, opponent
  • What words refer to a group you are fighting against?
    opposition, the other side,
  • What words describe something belonging to the enemy?
    enemy (troops/action/tanks), hostile (forces/territory)
  • 4.8.3 War

    Use this domain for words related to war--fighting between countries.

    OMC Codes: 
    720 War
    726 Warfare
    721 Instigation of War
    722 Wartime Adjustments
    723 Strategy
    724 Logistics
    725 Tactics
    727 Aftermath of Combat
    729 War Veterans
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39 Hostility, Strife
    55 Military Activities
  • What words refer to war?
    war, warfare, fighting, civil war, conflict, armed conflict,
  • What words refer to fighting a war?
    fight a war, wage war, be at war, declare war, make war, go on the warpath, fight, clash,
  • What words refer to a time when armies fight?
    war, battle, campaign, engagement, fight, contest, clash, skirmish
  • What words refer to the place where a war is fought?
    battlefield, field of battle, theater of war, scene of the battle, front, front lines, flank, rear, war zone,
  • What words refer to strategy in war?
    strategy, tactics, hunker down, keep up the pressure, overwhelm, concentrate your forces, form a line, hold the line, break the line, reform, rally, morale, maintain morale, military discipline, supply, supply lines, control the battle, battlefield control, reconnaissance, reconnoiter, intelligence, propaganda,
  • What words refer to an army moving?
    deploy, maneuver, outmaneuver, flank, outflank, advance, charge, overrun, retreat, withdraw
  • What words refer to a person who fights on your side?
  • What words refer to a person who wants to fight a war?
    warmonger, militarist, hawk,
  • What words describe a person or country that wants to fight a war?
  • What words describe countries that are at war?
  • What words refer to someone who is hurt or killed in a war?
    casualty, missing in action,
  • Defeat

    Use this domain for words related to defeating someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39L Conquer
  • What words refer to defeating an army or enemy in war?
    defeat, annihilate, beat, conquer, crush, humble, kayo, lick, master, nip, outmaneuver, overcome, overpower, overwhelm, prevail over, rebuff, reduce, rout, seize, subdue, subject, subjugate, thrash, trample, tread, triumph, vanquish, whip, bring someone to his knees, scatter, gain ground, give someone a beating,
  • What words refer to defeating someone in a game or other competition?
    beat, defeat, outplay, be more than match for,
  • What words refer to defeating someone easily?
    rout, thrash, skunk, smash, slaughter, clobber, hammer, lick, trounce,
  • What words describe a complete victory?
    crushing, overwhelmingly,
  • What words refer to defeating someone by using your intelligence?
    outwit, outsmart, be too clever for
  • What words refer to the defeat of an enemy?
    defeat (n), rout, beating, conquest, discomfiture, drubbing, subjection, triumph, victory,
  • What words refer to the person who defeats the enemy?
    conqueror, vanquisher, victor,
  • What words describe the person who defeats the enemy?
    conquering, victorious,
  • Win

    Use this domain for words related to winning a victory.

  • What words refer to winning a fight or war?
    win a fight, win a victory, gain the victory, be victorious, come out on top, prevail, win the day, carry the day, emerge victorious
  • What words refer to winning a game or other competition?
    win, come first, come in first, finish first, get in, first place
  • What words refer to winning easily?
    win easily, win hands down, sweep to victory, romp home, sweep the board
  • What words refer to almost losing?
    win by a narrow margin, scrape home, scrape by, squeak by, be a close-run thing
  • What words refer to a victory?
    victory, win, triumph, success, conquest
  • What words refer to an easy victory?
    easy win, walkover, landslide,
  • What words refer to a difficult victory?
    narrow victory, close call, hard won,
  • What words refer to the person or group that wins?
    winner, winning side, victor, champion, victorious army, champ,
  • What words refer to something that you win?
    prize, winnings, jackpot, trophy, cup,
  • What words refer to a situation during a fight or game when it looks like you will win?
    be winning, lead, be ahead, be in the lead, be out in front,
  • What words refer to the person or group that people think will win?
    frontrunner, strong contender, be the favorite, be in the running,
  • Lose a fight

    Use this domain for words related to losing a fight.

  • What words refer to the process of losing a fight?
    lose a fight, lose a war, be defeated, suffer defeat, be beaten, meet your match, get the worst of it, come off the worst, take a beating, go down, fall, fall victim to,
  • What words refer to the defeat?
    defeat, loss, fall,
  • What words refer to the person or group that loses?
    loser, losing side, defeated army
  • Surrender

    Use this domain for words related to surrendering to an enemy.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    39D Yielding
  • What words refer to surrendering to an enemy?
    surrender, sue for peace, armistice, concede defeat, accept defeat, admit defeat, give up, give in, yield, call it quits, unconditional surrender, lay down arms, turn yourself in,
  • Prisoner of war

    Use this domain for words related to a prisoner of war.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    55E Prisoner of War
  • What words refer to a prisoner of war?
    prisoner of war, captive
  • What words refer to captivity?
  • What words refer to a person captured in war?
    captive, prisoner of war
  • What words refer to being captured?
    capture, take captive, captured,
  • Military organization

    Use this domain for words related to military organizations.

    OMC Codes: 
    700 Armed Forces
    701 Military Organization
    702 Recruitment and Training
    703 Discipline and Morale
    704 Ground Combat Forces
    705 Supply and Commissariat
    708 Auxiliary Corps
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    55C Army
  • What words refer to all of the soldiers of a country?
    the military, the armed forces,
  • What words refer to a military organization?
    military organization, branch of the military, the services,
  • What words refer to a group of soldiers?
    troops, force, unit,
  • What types of military units are there?
    battery, cavalry, cohort, detachment, detail, guard, host, legion, palace guard,
  • What words describe something belonging to the military?
  • Army

    Use this domain for words related to the army.

    OMC Codes: 
    704 Ground Combat Forces
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    55C Army
  • What words refer to the army?
    the army,
  • What words refer to a group of soldiers in the army?
    army, band,
  • What types of army units are there?
    squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, corps, army, army group,
  • What words describe something belonging to the army?
  • Navy

    Use this domain for words related to the navy.

    OMC Codes: 
    706 Navy
  • What words refer to the navy?
    the navy, naval forces,
  • What words refer to soldiers assigned to the navy?
    sailor, marine, the marines, navy flyer,
  • What types of naval units are there?
    detachment, squadron, task force, fleet, flotilla,
  • What words describe something belonging to the navy?
  • Air force

    Use this domain for words related to the air force.

    OMC Codes: 
    707 Air Forces
  • What words refer to the air force?
    the air force,
  • What types of air force units are there?
    flight, squadron, air fleet, formation,
  • What words describe something belonging to the air force?
  • What words refer to a soldier in the air force?
    airman, pilot, wingman,
  • Soldier

    Use this domain for words related to a soldier.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    55D Soldiers, Officers
  • What words refer to a soldier?
    soldier, combatant, warrior, volunteer, conscript,
  • What are the military ranks?
    rank, enlisted man, noncommissioned officer, commissioned officer, officer, commanding officer, commander, commandant, rank and file,
  • What are the military ranks in the army?
    infantryman, private, buck private, corporal, sergeant, warrant officer, lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, general, field marshal,
  • What are the military ranks in the navy?
    sailor, marine, seaman, ensign, petty officer, mate, captain, admiral,
  • What are the military ranks in the air force?
  • What kinds of special soldiers are there?
    military police, cavalryman, horseman, spearman, legionnaire, centurion,
  • What words refer to a person who is not a soldier?
    civilian, non-combatant,
  • Spy

    Use this domain for words related to a spy.

  • What do spies do?
    spy, spy on, spy for, conduct espionage, conduct covert operations, collect information, gather intelligence, betray secrets
  • What words refer to the activity of spying?
    espionage, counter espionage, covert operations, intelligence gathering
  • What is a person called who spies?
    spy, agent, double agent, informant, informer, source
  • What is a group of spies called?
    spy ring, intelligence agency, intelligence community
  • Fort

    Use this domain for words related to a fort.

  • What words refer to a fort?
    fort, fortress, base, castle, bunker, post,
  • What words refer to a place that is made into a fort for a short time?
    fortification, fortified position, prepared position, camp,
  • What words refer to a hole dug in the ground to protect soldiers?
    foxhole, trench,
  • What words refer to the parts of a fort?
    tower, barracks, dungeon, keep, moat, gatehouse, turret, blockhouse,
  • What words refer to a wall around a fort?
    wall, palisade, rampart,
  • What words refer to things place around a fort to keep enemies away?
    barbed wire, obstacles, mine,
  • What words refer to making a fort?
    fortify, entrench, strengthen, dig in,
  • Weapon, shoot

    Use this domain for words related to a weapon and using a weapon.

    OMC Codes: 
    411 Weapons
    710 Military Technology
    711 Military Engineering
    712 Military Installations
    713 Ordnance
    714 Uniform and Accouterment
    715 Military Vehicles
    716 Naval Vessels
    717 Military Aircraft
    718 Special Military Equipment
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6G Weapons and Armor
    55A To Arm
  • What general words refer to a weapon?
    weapon, weaponry, arms, armament, munitions, ordnance,
  • What words refer to a group of weapons?
    armory, arsenal, battery
  • What types of guns are there?
    gun, firearm, rifle, pistol, revolver, repeater, shotgun, six-gun, six-shooter, smoothbore, machinegun,
  • What are the parts of a gun?
    holster, trigger, muzzle, chamber, barrel, stock, bolt, bayonet, bore, breech, bullet, butt, hammer, musket, safety, sight,
  • What types of bows are there?
    bow, arrow, crossbow, longbow
  • What are the parts of a bow?
    quiver, string, arrowhead, shaft, feather
  • What types of swords are there?
    sword, knife, bayonet, dagger, bolo, machete, rapier, saber, scimitar, stiletto,
  • What are the parts of a sword?
    hilt, blade, guard
  • What types of spears are there?
    spear, dart, javelin, pike,
  • What are the parts of a spear?
    shaft, tip
  • What types of axes and clubs are there?
    ax, axe, blackjack, club, halberd, hatchet, mace, tomahawk, truncheon,
  • What types of artillery are there?
    artillery, cannon, bazooka, catapult, howitzer, mortar,
  • What types of bombs are there?
    bomb, grenade, mine, missile, rocket, atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb
  • What are the parts of a bomb?
    warhead, fuse, fin
  • What words refer to things shot from weapons?
    ammunition, bullet, projectile, shot, shell, cartridge, clip, pellet
  • What other types of weapons are there?
    blowgun, ram, sling, slingshot, whip
  • What words refer to using a weapon?
    archery, draw a pistol, draw a sword, draw a bow, fit an arrow, raise a gun, aim, load, stab, hurl a spear, swing an ax, drop a bomb, stick a knife into someone, bludgeon, whip (v)
  • What words refer to shooting a weapon?
    shoot (a gun), shoot at someone, shot, shell, fire, launch, aim, volley,
  • What types of armor are there?
    armor, shield, helmet, breastplate, greaves, buckler, corselet, mail, panoply, plate, plating, bullet proof vest, visor,
  • What words describe weapons?
    defensive, offensive, protective, deadly, weapon of mass destruction, conventional
  • Plunder

    Use this domain for words related to plundering--stealing something from an enemy during a war.

  • What words refer to plundering?
    plunder, loot, despoil, pillage, sack, ransack, strip, rifle, forage, maraud, raid, piracy
  • What words refer to someone who plunders?
    plunderer, looter, forager, marauder, raider, pirate
  • What words refer to plunder?
    plunder, booty, loot, spoils
  • 4.8.4 Peace

    Use this domain for words related to peace--when people or countries are not fighting.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88N Peaceful Behavior
  • What words refer to being at peace?
    peace, peacetime, be at peace with, peaceful,
  • What words refer to the state of peace or the lack of fighting between people?
    concord, social harmony
  • What words describe the state of peace?
    peaceful, harmonious
  • What words refer to becoming peaceful?
    become peaceful, pacify, pacification
  • What words refer to keeping the peace?
    keep the peace, peacekeeping force
  • Rebuke

    Use this domain for words related to rebuking someone--to tell someone that he has done something wrong.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33T' Rebuke
  • What words refer to someone telling another that he has done wrong?
    rebuke, chew out, reprimand, scold, reprove, excoriate, censor, verbal abuse, yell at, lecture, call on the carpet, lay out, tell off
  • Make an appeal

    Use this domain for words related to making an appeal.

  • What words refer to one person asking another to do what is good?
    make an appeal, appeal to, entreat
  • What words refer to someone urging another to do what is good?
    exhort, encourage, encouragement
  • Appease

    Use this domain for words related to appeasing someone.

  • What words refer to someone giving something to another to cause him to do something?
    bribe, appease, pacify, give in to demands
  • What words refer to this act or practice?
    bribery, appeasement, pacification
  • What words refer to the gift?
  • Negotiate

    Use this domain for words related to negotiating with someone.

  • What words refer to two people trying to reach an agreement?
    negotiate, try to reach an agreement, discuss terms
  • What words refer to the process two people trying to reach an agreement?
    negotiation, discussion
  • Renounce claim, concede

    Use this domain for words related to renouncing a claim.

  • What words refer to renouncing a claim?
    renounce claim, concede, relinquish, cede, no contest, concession, disclaim, disclaimer
  • Repent

    Use this domain for words related to repenting.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    41E Change Behavior
  • What words indicate that a person recognizes he has done wrong?
    feel convicted, recognize your sin, realize one has done wrong, regret
  • What words indicate that a person has decided to change his behavior?
    repent, have a change of heart, reverse your behavior, reform, go straight
  • What words refer to a decision to change?
    repentance, reformation, reversal, change of heart
  • What words refer to an admission of wrong?
    admit wrong, confess, acknowledge wrong, take something back (that you said),
  • What words refer to a request for forgiveness?
    apologize, apology, apologetic, ask forgiveness
  • What words refer to an effort to make up for doing wrong?
    make amends, make up for, set things right, make restitution, pay back what was taken, return stolen goods
  • What do people say when they ask for forgiveness?
    Sorry! Excuse me. I'm sorry. Forgive me.
  • Request forgiveness

    Use this domain for words related to asking for forgiveness.

  • What words refer to requesting forgiveness?
    ask forgiveness, sue for peace, seek pardon, beg for mercy
  • Forgive

    Use this domain for words related to forgiving someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    40B Forgiveness
  • What words refer to forgiving someone?
    forgive, pardon, release, restore to favor, clear your record, have mercy on, wipe the slate clean, reassure, accept, accept an apology, overlook a wrong, cancel a debt
  • Make peace

    Use this domain for words related to making peace--to try to prevent or end a war.

    OMC Codes: 
    728 Peacemaking
  • What words refer to trying to prevent or end a war?
    keep the peace, peace-keeping, mediate between,
  • What words refer to ending a war with your enemies?
    settle dispute, end hostilities, restore harmony, pacify
  • Stop fighting

    Use this domain for words related to stopping fighting.

  • What words refer to stopping fighting?
    stop fighting, cease hostilities, end adversity, make peace, make amends, apologize, apology, reconcile, reconciliation, make up, disengage, settle, peace offering, pacify, appease, quell, tranquilize, neutralize, harmonize, harmonious
  • What words refer to talking about stopping fighting?
    negotiate, negotiations, entreat,
  • What words refer to an agreement to stop fighting?
    ceasefire, truce, armistice, peace treaty,
  • Reconcile

    Use this domain for words related to reconciling with someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    40A Reconciliation
    40 Reconciliation, Forgiveness
  • What words refer to enemies becoming reconciled?
    make amends, reconcile, ameliorate, restore, make up, make peace, pacify