
Use this domain for the names of insect species (phylum Arthropoda, class Insecta). Note that insects have six legs and spiders have eight legs. However some languages may not distinguish insects from spiders and may use other characteristics to sub-divide the Arthropods.

OMC Codes: 
136k Insect
Louw Nida Codes: 
4C Insects
  • What general words refer to insects?
    insect, bug
  • What species of insects are there?
    ant, army ant, armyworm, bedbug, bee, beetle, bluebottle fly, botfly, bristletail, bumblebee, butterfly, carpenter bee, chigger, cicada, cockroach, cricket, daddy longlegs, damselfly, deerfly, dragonfly, dung beetle, earwig, firefly, flea, fly, glowworm, gnat, grasshopper, hawkmoth, hellgramite, honeybee, hornet, horsefly, housefly, inchworm, jigger, katydid, ladybug, leafhopper, lice, locust, long-horned beetle, louse, mantis, mayfly, midge, millipede, mite, monarch butterfly, mosquito, moth, mud wasp, nit, praying mantis, roach, sawfly, scarab, silkworm, silverfish, stinkbug, swallowtail, termite, tick, tsetse fly, tumblebug, walking stick, wasp, weevil, wiggler, wriggler
  • What special kinds of workers exist within an insect colony?
    queen (ant, bee), worker, drone (bee), soldier
  • What words describe insects?
    borer, carnivorous, cosmopolitan, crawling, creeping, diurnal, dauber, flying, hopper, hopping, insectile, larva, larval, nocturnal, pest, predacious, predator, pupa, queen, segmented, stinging, two-winged, venomous, winged, wingless