9.4.8 Adverbial clauses
Use this section for verbal auxiliaries, affixes, adverbs, and particles that indicate adverbial clauses. The following definitions are taken from Bybee, Joan, Revere Perkins, and William Pagliuca. 1994. The evolution of grammar. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
There are a variety of adverbial clauses (other than conditional clauses) that sometimes require a special verb form. The meaning labels for these uses are coded according to the type of clause (purpose, concessive, etc.), whether any particular temporal deixis is part of the meaning, and under "co-occurrence restrictions," whether a particular conjunction is present. The types of clauses we might run into are:
purpose: the clause states the purpose for which the main clause action is taking place. Often called a "final" clause: 'He was saving his money so that his son could go to college'.
so that
concessive: translated in English as 'although, even though, despite the fact that': 'She was saving her money, even though she was a wealthy woman'.
although, even though, despite the fact that