
Use this domain for words related to being humble--to not think that you are better than other people, or to not think that you are better than you really are, and to not talk or act as if you were better than other people.

Louw Nida Codes: 
88F Modesty, Propriety
88G Humility
  • What words describe someone who is humble?
    humble, lowly, meek, mild, modest, self-deprecating, self-effacing, simple, timid, timorous, unassuming, unpretentious
  • What words refer to doing something humble?
    be humble, humbly, condescend,
  • What words refer to the quality of being humble?
    humility, humbleness, condescension, debasement, lowliness, modesty, self-abasement, self-deprecation, timidity,
  • What words describe something someone does that is humble?
  • What words refer to becoming humble?
    humble yourself,
  • What words refer to one person causing another to be humble?
    to humble someone, humiliate, debase,
  • What words refer to being too humble?
    put yourself down, run yourself down, sell yourself short, underestimate yourself,