
Use this domain for words related to feeling sad--to feel bad because something bad has happened (such as losing something, hearing bad news, or watching something bad happening).

Louw Nida Codes: 
25W Sorrow, Regret
25X Discouragement
  • What words refer to feeling sad?
    be sad, feel sad, feel down, grieve, mourn, feel sorry for yourself, sulk, wallow in, feel hurt,
  • What words refer to the feeling of sadness?
    sadness, dejection, depression, despondency, dismal feeling, gloom, gloominess, grief, heartache, self-pity, misery, pain, sorrow, unhappiness, woe,
  • What words describe someone who feels sad?
    sad, crestfallen, dejected, disappointed, discouraged, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, fed up, forlorn, gloomy, glum, grouchy, grumpy, with a heavy heart, homesick, low, melancholy, morose, mournful, pensive, sober (adj), solemn, sorry, sorrowful, sullen, unhappy, wistful, woeful,
  • What words refer to feeling sad because someone died?
    grief, grieve, mourn, be in mourning,
  • What words refer to feeling very sad?
    agony, anguish, desolate, despair, be in despair, disconsolate, grief stricken, heartbroken, inconsolable, miserable, misery, suicidal, woe
  • What words refer to feeling sad for a long time?
    depressed, despondent, down, be down in the dumps, feel blue, low, mope,
  • What words describe a time when a person feels sad?
    sad, unhappy, miserable,
  • What words describe a person who usually feels sad?
    discouraged, discouragement, depressed, depression, feel down, grouch, unhappy, unhappiness,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel sad?
    sadden, aggrieve, disappoint, depress, discourage, distress, grieve, hurt, sober (v), sting, torment, make someone sad, make someone unhappy, get someone down, break someone's heart, drive someone to despair,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel sad?
    heartbreak, heartache, discouragement, grief, downer, tragedy, bitter pill to swallow, woe
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel sad?
    sad, depressing, grievous, heartbreaking, plaintive, mournful, tragic,
  • What words describe a place that causes someone to feel sad?
    dismal, depressing, dreary, bleak, cheerless,
  • What do people do when they are sad?
    hang your head, cry, frown, bewail, groan, lament, lamentation, sigh, wail
  • What sounds does a person make when he is sad?
    groan, moan, sigh
  • What do people say when something bad happens and they want to say they are sad about it?
    it's a pity, it's a shame, too bad, unfortunately, sadly, regrettably, it's unfortunate, it's sad, more's the pity, unhappily, I'm sorry, sorry to hear, sorry (that), wish that ... not (something hadn't happened), tragically, feel sorry for someone
  • What words describe something that you wish had not happened?
    unfortunate, regrettable,
  • What do people say when they don't want someone to feel sad?
    cheer up,
  • What words refer to helping someone who feels sad to feel good?
    comfort, console, reassure, solace,