Change your mind

Use this domain for words related to changing your mind--to change what you think about something, or change your plans or decisions.

  • What words refer to changing a decision?
    change plans, change your mind, rethink, have second thoughts, backtrack, U-turn
  • What words describe a person who is willing to change his mind?
    open, open-minded
  • What words refer to changing your mind many times?
    vacillate, go back and forth between, waver
  • What words describe a person who keeps changing his mind?
  • What words refer to refusing to change your mind?
    stand firm, stand your ground, stick to your guns
  • What words describe a person who refuses to change his mind?
    closed, close minded, rigid, inflexible, entrenched, reactionary, diehard, intransigent, have fixed ideas, stick in the mud