Agree with someone
Use this domain for when two people agree on something, think the same way about something, or agree on a decision.
Louw Nida Codes:
33W Agree
31C Agree, Consent
What words refer to when two people agree?
agree, agreement, concur, accede, think the same, think alike, hold the same view, be of the same mind, be of like mind, like-minded, be in accord, be of one accord, be united, be in the same place, be together on something, be with someone, coincide in our thinking,
What words refer to two people coming to agreement?
come to an agreement, come together, ratify a treaty
What words refer to the act or state of agreeing?
agreement, like-mindedness, cooperation, unity, concord, be in congruity,
What words refer to a written document expressing agreement?
written agreement, peace accord, peace treaty
What words refer to a gesture expressing agreement?
shake hands, shake on it, kiss, holding hands, bow, nod in agreement
What words refer to changing your thinking so that you agree with someone else?
accede, accession, accept, acquiesce, acquiescence, give assent, consent, yield, grant a point,
What words refer to two people compromising?
What words refer to when two people disagree?
disagree, disagreement, think differently, dissent, contest (v),