Indefinite pronouns
Use this domain for pronouns that do not refer to a definite person or thing, but can refer to anyone or anything. Some languages will not have all the sets of pronouns described below. Add each set you find in your language to the pronoun chart.
What pronouns express indefinite reference of a person?
person, who, someone, anyone, everyone, no one, each one, whoever
What pronouns express indefinite reference of a thing?
thing, what, something, anything, everything, nothing, each thing, whatever, whichever
What pronouns express indefinite reference of a time?
time, period, when, sometime, anytime, every time, never, at no time, each time, whenever, sometimes
What pronouns express indefinite reference of a place?
place, where, somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere, each place, wherever, which way
What pronouns express indefinite reference of a reason?
reason, why, for what reason, for some reason, for any reason, for each and every reason, for no reason, why ever
What pronouns express indefinite reference of a manner?
manner, means, how, somehow, anyhow, every way, no way, each way, however
What pronouns express indefinite reference of an amount?
amount, how much, however many, however much, plenty