7.3.5 Turn something

Use this domain for turning something--to cause something to change direction, or to cause something to revolve or move in a circle.

Louw Nida Codes: 
16 Non-Linear Movement
  • What words refer to causing something to change direction?
    turn, turn around, bend (something's) course
  • What words refer to causing something to move in a circle or curve?
  • What words refer to causing something to revolve?
    spin, revolve
  • What words refer to turning something so the bottom side is up?
    turn up side down, turn over, upturn, flip over
  • What words refer to turning something so the inside is out?
    turn inside-out
  • What words refer to stirring something?
  • What words refer to winding something around another thing?
    wind, coil, curl, loop, roll, spin, twirl, twist, whirl,