Social class
Use this domain for words related to social class.
OMC Codes:
560 Social Stratification
561 Age Stratification
562 Gender Status
Sex Status
563 Ethnic Stratification
564 Castes
565 Classes
566 Serfdom and Peonage
567 Slavery
What words refer to social class?
class, caste, background, status, social standing, strata
What words refer to a person belonging to a higher class?
upper class, aristocracy, privileged, elite, titled, posh, your betters, rich,
What words refer to a person belonging to the middle class?
middle-class, bourgeois, the bourgeoisie, white-collar
What words refer to a person belonging to a lower class?
working class, lower class, the masses, blue-collar, humble, popular, underclass, your inferiors, poor,
What words refer to a person belonging to the same class as you?
What words refer to moving into a higher social class?
move up in the world, upwardly mobile, social climber
What words describe a society that is not divided into classes?