Use this domain for words referring to believing that something is true.
Louw Nida Codes:
31F Believe To Be True
31J Be a Believer, Christian Faith
What words refer to believing that something is true?
believe, faith, trust, accept, confidence, give credence to, consider, count on, rely on, reliance, depend on, dependence, swear by, take for granted, bet on, bank on, buy, take at face value, store, stock, take someone's word for it, cling to, be convinced, be dogmatic, follow, heed, receive, think something is true
What words refer to believing that someone is truthful?
believe in, have confidence in, have faith in, put your trust in, take your word for, pin your hopes on, give the benefit of the doubt
What words describe something or someone that can be believed?
believable, convincing, indubitable, undeniable, indisputable, incontrovertible, credible, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, to be depended on, probable, persuasive, plausible, authoritative, reliable, have a ring of truth, sounds right, certain, convincing, sure
What words refer to putting too much faith in something?
presumption, credulous, gullible, superstitious, unquestioning
What words refer to believing something that other people do not believe?
belief, superstition, old wives' tale
What words refer to believing something that is not true?
illusion, fallacy, myth, delusion, mistaken belief, misconception, live in a fantasy world, swallow
What words refer to a person who believes?
believer, follower
What words refer to something that a person believes?
What words refer to the reason a person believes something?
evidence, grounds, basis