8.4.5 Relative time

Use the domains in this section for words that relate one time to another. Use this domain for words that indicate a temporal relation between situations.

Louw Nida Codes: 
67 Points of Time
67B A Point of Time with Reference to Other Points of Time: Before, Long Ago, Now, At the Same Time, When, About, After
  • What general words refer to one time in relation to another time?
    relative to, in relation to, before or after
  • Order, sequence

    Use this domain for words referring to temporal order or sequence--the order in which a group of events happen. Things and people may also be in order based on the order in which something happened or should happen to them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    61 Sequence
  • What words refer to the order or sequence of a group of events?
    order, sequence, cycle, pattern, rota, order of events,
  • What words refer to a group of events that happen in order?
    sequence, series, succession, chain, course, progression,
  • What words refer to a group of things in a series?
    series, lineup, queue,
  • What words describe a group of things that have been put in order?
    be in order, ordered, in sequence, be the right way round, in chronological order, chronological, consecutive, consecutively, successive, in succession, one after another, one after the other, (three years) running, sequential,
  • What words refer to doing things in order?
    in order, take turns,
  • What words refer to the particular order in which something comes?
    place, position, where something comes,
  • What words describe a group of things that have not been put in order?
    unordered, out of sequence
  • What words describe a group of things in the wrong order?
    be out of order, be in the wrong order, be the wrong way round, backwards,
  • What words refer to something missing from a group of things in order?
  • In English 'Order' can be expressed by a noun phrase with no overt marker.
  • In English 'Order' can be expressed by a 'be' clause with the 'Item' in the subject position.
  • In English 'Order' can be expressed by a noun phrase with the 'Item' marked by 'of'.
  • Series

    Use this domain for words related to a series--several things that happen one after another.

  • What words refer to a series of things, events, numbers or people?
    series, sequence, string of, succession of, stream, train of events, course of,
  • What words describe things in a series?
    successive, consecutive, alternating, serial,
  • What words indicate that someone does things in a series?
    in succession, one after the other, one after another, straight, in a row, running, alternate
  • What words refer to the place that something has in a series?
    place, order, rank, slot, grade,
  • First

    Use this domain for words referring to something happening first--to be before all other things in order or time.

  • What words describe something that is first in order or time?
    first, original, initial, earliest, inaugural, prime,
  • What words indicate an event or action that is first?
    first (adv), first of all, beginning with, starting with,
  • What words indicate that something happened when you first saw something?
    at first sight, at first glance
  • What words indicate that something is the first in a list of things that you will talk about?
    firstly, first of all, to start with, to begin with, in the first place
  • What words indicate that something happens or is done for the first time?
    first, the first time,
  • What words refer to the first time someone does something?
    debut, premiere, maiden (voyage),
  • What words describe something that has never happened before?
    unprecedented, a first,
  • What words refer to doing something that has never been done before?
    be the first to do something, show the way, lead the way, pioneer, break new ground,
  • What words refer to being the first person to do something in a situation instead of waiting for someone else?
    make the first move, take the initiative,
  • What words refer to the person who did something first?
    pioneer, the first,
  • What words refer to something that is the first of its kind?
    prototype, original (n),
  • Next

    Use this domain for words referring to something happening next.

  • What words indicate that an event happens next?
    next, right afterwards, the day after, then,
  • What words describe something that happens next?
    next, following, ensuing,
  • What words refer to an event happening next after another event?
    follow, come next, be after, be next, succeed, come after, go after, go next, ensue,
  • Last

    Use this domain for words referring to something happening last--to happen after all other things in a sequence, or to be the last person or thing in a sequence.

  • What words indicate that an event happens last?
    last (adv), at the end,
  • What words describe something that happens last?
    last (adj), final, closing, concluding,
  • What words refer to an event happening last?
    come last, end with, finish with,
  • What words indicate that a person or thing is the last in a list or line or group?
    be last, come last, finish last, bring up the rear, straggler, be the last straw,
  • What words indicate that something is next to the last?
    next to the last, the last but one, penultimate,
  • What words indicate that something is the last before now?
    last (week), latest
  • What words do people use to indicate the last thing in a list of things they are talking about?
    lastly, finally, last but not least,
  • What words refer to the last thing?
    the last, the latter,
  • What words refer to the last part of something?
    end, ending, finish,
  • Regular

    Use this domain for words referring to something that happens regularly.

    OMC Codes: 
    512 Daily Routine
  • What words indicate that something happens regularly?
    regular, regularly, at regular intervals, every day, daily, be punctuated by, with great regularity, routine, like clockwork
  • What words indicate that something happens sometimes but not regularly?
    intermittently, intermittent, on and off, off and on, in fits and starts, sporadic,
  • What words indicate that something does not happen regularly?
    irregular, without warning
  • Alternate

    Use this domain for words related to alternating--when several things happen one after another in a repeated pattern.

  • What words refer to things alternating?
    alternate, repeat, cycle, rotate,
  • What words describe things that alternate?
    alternating, repeated, cyclical, rotating
  • What words indicate that two things alternate?
    alternate (actions, events),
  • What words refer to two or more people doing something in alternate turns?
    alternate, take turns, take it in turns, share, spell each other, go back and forth,
  • Before

    Use this domain for words referring to one event happening before another.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    15O Come/Go Prior To
  • What words indicate that something happens before a particular event?
    before (conj), prior to, on the eve of, pre-,
  • What words indicate that something happens before now or before a particular time?
    before (adv), earlier, formerly, previously, ago, already,
  • What words indicate that someone does something before a particular event?
    beforehand, in advance, advance, prior,
  • What words indicate that something must be done before a particular time?
    before, by, not later than, at the latest,
  • What words refer to something that happened before?
    antecedent, precedent, precedence, the one before,
  • What words describe something that happened before?
    previous, old, last (adj), earlier, former, prior, preceding, recent, preliminary,
  • What words describe a time that comes before another one?
    previous (day), last (night), the (week) before, the preceding (year)
  • What words indicate that something comes before another in a series?
    before, in front of, ahead of,
  • What words describe something that comes before another in a series?
    previous, preceding, earlier, the one before,
  • What words refer to something happening before something else?
    come before, precede, predate, lead up to, come first, be before, be a prelude to, anticipate, antedate,
  • What words refer to coming before something else in a series?
    come before, precede,
  • What words refer to doing something before someone else does it?
    do something first, be first, beat someone to it, ahead of, be ahead of your time,
  • What words refer to a person or thing that existed before another?
    predecessor, forerunner, precursor, ex-(wife/president),
  • What words describe something that has been mentioned before?
    above, aforementioned, foregoing,
  • After

    Use this domain for words referring to one event happening after another.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    89O Sequential Addition
  • What words indicate that something happens after a particular time or event?
    after, afterward, afterwards, later, later on, subsequently, after that, beyond that, hence,
  • What words indicate that something happens after a certain period of time?
    after, within, in, from now,
  • What words describe something that comes after something else?
    next, following, later, subsequent, succeeding, ensuing, after, future, consequent, latter,
  • What words refer to something happening after something else?
    follow, come after, ensue, follow-up, be after,
  • What words refer to the events that happen after an event?
    sequel, aftermath, what follows,
  • What words refer to a person who takes a job or position after someone else?
    successor, next in line, succeed,
  • What words refer to a book or film that comes after another one?
  • What words indicate that something comes after another in a series?
    after, next, later, further on,
  • What words indicate that something will not be done now, but later?
    later, it can wait, it will wait,
  • What words are used to link events when telling a story?
    and, and then, then, having...-en, after, thereafter, thereon, thereupon, whereupon, upon,
  • At the same time

    Use this domain for words referring to two things happening at the same time.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    67G Duration of Time with Reference to Some Unit of Time: During, In, While, Throughout
  • What words indicate that two things happen at the same time?
    at the same time, together, at one time, at once, simultaneously, at the same instant, in concert, in unison,
  • What words indicate that something happens at the same time as something else?
    at the same time as, meanwhile, while, as, -ing, simultaneity, concurrently, coincident,
  • What words refer to two things happening at the same time?
    coincide, clash,
  • What words refer to arranging two events so that they happen at the same time?
    synchronize, tie something in with,
  • What words describe things that happen at the same time?
    simultaneous, synchronized, parallel, synchronous, contemporaneous, concurrent,
  • What words refer to two people that lived at the same time?
    contemporary, be a contemporary of someone, be contemporaries
  • During

    Use this domain for words indicating that something happened during some time period, or that something happened while something else was happening.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    67G Duration of Time with Reference to Some Unit of Time: During, In, While, Throughout
  • What words indicate that something happened during some time period?
    during, in, in the course of, during the course of, through, throughout, over, by day, by night, during the middle of, in the interim, within
  • What words indicate that something happened during the time when something else was happening?
    while, meanwhile, in the meantime,
  • Right time

    Use this domain for words referring to the right time to do something.

  • What words refer to the right time to do something?
    the right time, a good time, be the time,
  • What words describe something happening at the right time?
    timely, opportune, well-timed, come at the right time,
  • What words refer to a person's ability to choose the right time to do something?
    timing, sense of timing,
  • What words refer to the wrong time to do something?
    the wrong time, a bad time, not a good time, be no time, not be the time,
  • What words describe something happening at the wrong time?
    badly-timed, ill-timed, come at the wrong time, at a bad time, inopportune,
  • Early

    Use this domain for words that indicate that something happens early--before the expected time, before the usual time, or before the time that was agreed on. Some words may include the idea that it is good that the event happened early. Other words may include the idea that it is bad that the event happened early.

  • What words indicate that something happens early?
    early (adv), ahead of time, ahead of schedule, in good time,
  • What words describe something that happens early?
    early (adj),
  • What words refer to something happening early?
    be early,
  • What words indicate that something happens too early?
    too early, too soon, untimely, premature, prematurely, jump the gun,
  • What words indicate that something happens early in the morning?
    early, first thing, at the crack of dawn, bright and early,
  • What words indicate that something will happen no earlier than a particular time?
    at the earliest, no earlier than,
  • On time

    Use this domain for words describing something happening on time--at the expected time, at the usual time, or at the time that was agreed on.

  • What words indicate that something happens on time?
    on time, right on time, punctually, promptly, on cue, on the dot, at the right time, at the designated time, at the appointed time, when expected, right when it was supposed to happen, at the exact moment,
  • What words describe something that happens on time?
  • What words describe someone who does things on time?
    punctual, prompt,
  • What words indicate that something happens before it is too late?
    in time, just in time, in the nick of time, not a moment too soon, at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, catch, cut it fine, cut it too close, made it in by a whisker, just under the wire,
  • What words refer to finishing something within the time that is allowed?
    meet a deadline, on schedule,
  • Late

    Use this domain for words describing something happening late--after the expected time, after the usual time, or after the time that was agreed on.

  • What words indicate that something happens late?
    late (adv), not on time, lateness (of the hour), late in life,
  • What words describe something that happens late?
    late (adj), overdue, belated,
  • What words describe someone who is late?
    tardy, latecomer,
  • What do people say to someone who is late?
    about time too, what time do you call this? where have you been? better late than never
  • What words refer to being late to pay back a loan?
    be behind with, overdue, be in arrears,
  • What words indicate that something happens late at night?
    last thing at night, in the middle of the night, the early hours, till all hours,
  • What words refer to not finishing something within the time that is allowed?
    be behind, be behind schedule, be running late, overrun,
  • What words indicate that something is too late?
    too late, it's a little late in the day, leave it a bit late, miss,
  • What words indicate that something will happen no later than a particular time?
    no later than, at the latest,
  • Delay

    Use this domain for words referring to something delaying someone or something--to cause something to happen at a later time, cause someone to do something at a later time, or cause someone or something to be late.

  • What words refer to something delaying someone?
    delay, make someone late, hold someone up, keep, detain,
  • What words refer to something delaying an event?
    delay, hold something up, set back, put back, get bogged down
  • What words refer to an instance of delaying something?
    delay (n), hold-up,
  • What words refer to deliberately delaying someone in order to accomplish something?
    stall, play for time, delaying tactics,
  • Postpone

    Use this domain for words referring to postponing something--to decide to do something later.

  • What words refer to postponing something?
    postpone, put off, delay, reschedule, be put back, defer, table (v),
  • What words refer to postponing something because you are lazy?
    put off, procrastinate,
  • What do people say when they postpone doing something?