8.3.1 Shape

Use this domain for general words referring to the shape of something, and for general words referring to changing the shape of something.

Louw Nida Codes: 
79W Shapes
79R Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Shapes
  • What general words refer to the shape of something?
    shape, form, figure, silhouette,
  • What words refer to the outside shape of something?
    outline, lines, profile, contour,
  • What words refer to having a particular shape?
    shaped, in the shape of, in the form of,
  • What words refer to an irregular shape?
    irregular, jagged,
  • What words refer to the wrong shape?
    misshapen, deformed, distorted, out of shape, lopsided, lose its shape,
  • What words refer to having no clear shape?
    shapeless, formless, amorphous,
  • What general words refer to changing the shape of something?
    shape (v), change the shape of, form, mold, transform
  • What words describe something like a branch or road that divides into two parts?
    forked, bifurcate, bifurcated, fork, branch, a Y in the road,
  • Point, dot

    Use this domain for words referring to a point--a small mark such as might be made by a pointed object.

  • What words refer to a point?
    point, dot, polka dot, spot, pinpoint, speck, mote, jot, iota, fleck, period
  • Line

    Use this domain for words referring to a line.

  • What words refer to a line?
    line, band, row
  • What tools are used to draw a line?
    ruler, straightedge
  • What words describe two lines that go in the same direction?
  • Straight

    Use this domain for words referring to being straight.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    79Q Straight, Crooked
  • What words describe something that is straight?
    straight, straight as an arrow, direct, even, lank, linear, rectilinear, true,
  • What words refer to making something straight?
    straighten, straighten out,
  • What words refer to something becoming straight?
    straighten, straighten out,
  • Flat

    Use this domain for words describing something that is flat--having a surface that is even. A board or wall is flat when its surface is even and it does not bend.

  • What words describe something that is flat?
    flat, flat as a pancake, even, flush,
  • What words refer to making something flat?
    flatten, even (v), even out, smooth, level, roll something flat, press, squish, squash, smash, mash, spread thin
  • What words refer to something becoming flat?
    flatten, flatten out, level off,
  • What words refer to something flat?
    plane, sheet
  • What words describe something that is not flat?
    rough, bumpy, uneven, lumpy, hilly, rolling, mountainous,
  • Horizontal

    Use this domain for words describing a horizontal orientation in relation to the ground or something that is level--a flat surface that does not rise in any direction. A person is horizontal when he is sleeping. A field is level when it is not on a hill and it has no uneven areas in it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    17D Prostrate x
  • What words describe something in a horizontal position?
    horizontal, prone, prostrate, longwise, flat on the ground, on its side, lie, prone, flush, on an even keel, on the level, parallel to the ground
  • What words refer to becoming horizontal?
    fall on your face, fall prone, prostrate oneself, get horizontal, fall flat, hit the dirt, lay flat
  • What words refer to causing something to be horizontal?
    lay something flat, lay something down, align
  • What words describe a surface that is level?
    level (adj), even (adj), flat
  • What words refer to making something level?
    make level, level (v),
  • Vertical

    Use this domain for words describing a vertical orientation in relation to the ground. A person is vertical when he is standing.

  • What words describe something in a vertical position?
    vertical, upright, up-and-down, plumb, erect, upraised, perpendicular, at right angles, square, standing, true, straight, straight up, bolt upright
  • What words refer to making something vertical?
    raise, stand something up, stand something on end, erect, set up, rear
  • What words describe a surface that is vertical?
    sheer, drop (n)
  • What words describe when the top of something is on the bottom?
    upside down, inverted, upended
  • What tools are used to determine if something is vertical?
    plumb line, level, square
  • Leaning, sloping

    Use this domain for words describing a leaning orientation in relation to the ground, or a surface that is sloping.

  • What words describe something in a leaning position?
    leaning, at an angle, out of plumb, angled, on a slant, aslant, slanted, inclined, oblique, tilted, crooked, list, askew, out of kilter
  • What words refer to causing something to lean?
    lean, angle, tilt, slant, incline
  • What words refer to leaning something against something else?
    lean something against, incline, prop against
  • What words describe a surface that is sloping?
    sloping, slope up/down, on an incline, rising, rise up (toward), ascending, upgrade, uphill, falling, fall away, descending, downgrade, downhill, dip
  • What words refer to a surface that is sloping?
    slope (n), ramp, ascent, rise, bank, incline (n), grade
  • What words refer to how much something is leaning or sloping?
    angle, slope (n), inclination, pitch, grade, gradient, steep, precipitous, gradual (rise)
  • What words describe a surface that is not level?
    uneven, rough, hilly, wavy, lumpy, broken (ground), rugged
  • Bend

    Use this domain for words referring to bending something and for words that describe something that is bent or curved.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    79Q Straight, Crooked
  • What words refer to bending something?
    bend, bow, flex, curve, put a kink in,
  • What words refer to something bending?
    bend, buckle, curl, sag, warp,
  • What words describe something that is bent?
    bent, arched, bowed, crinkled, curved, curving, curled, devious, gnarled, gnarly, hooked, indirect, jagged, kinked, knotted, knotty, knurled, knurly, turning, twirled, twisted,
  • What words describe something that should be straight but is bent?
    akimbo, askew, awry, bandy, catawampus, contorted, crooked, deviating, distorted, skewed, tortuous, warped,
  • What words refer to a bend in something?
    bend, bow, curve, kink, loop, angle, joint,
  • What words refer to making many bends in something?
  • What words describe something that has many bends?
    circuitous, coiled, convoluted, corrugated, curly, curvy, kinky, meandering, pretzel, serpentine, serrated, sinuous, snaky, spiral, tortuous, twisting, undulating, waved, waving, wavy, wind, winding, zigzag,
  • What words refer to a line or road that is bent?
    bend, curve, twist,
  • What words describe something that can be bent?
    bendable, flexible, flexibility, jointed, pliable, plastic, supple,
  • What words describe something that cannot be bent?
    unbending, inflexible, inflexibility, rigid, rigidity,
  • Roll up

    Use this domain for words referring to rolling something up.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    79A' Rolled up
  • What words refer to rolling something up?
    roll up, scroll, curl
  • What words refer to something that has been rolled up?
    roll, scroll, curl, spiral
  • What words refer to unrolling something?
    unroll, unfurl,
  • Twist, wring

    Use this domain for words referring to twisting something--to take something long and turn one end one way and the other end the other way.

  • What words refer to twisting something?
    twist, wind, twine, coil, wring, wring out, torque
  • What words describe something that has been twisted?
    twisted, winding, entwined, coiled, wrung out
  • Fold

    Use this domain for words referring to folding something.

  • What words refer to folding something?
    fold, fold up, crease, turn down, double over, crimp, dog-ear,
  • What words refer to something folding?
    fold, fold up, crease, get creased,
  • What words describe something that is folded?
    folded, creased, dog-eared,
  • What words refer to a fold in something?
    fold, crease, angle, plait, wrinkle, flap, lapel, dog-ear, tuck, gather, pleat,
  • What words refer to making many folds in something?
    crumple, gather, pleat, rumple, tuck, wrinkle,
  • What words describe something that has many folds?
    crumpled up, pleated, wrinkled,
  • What words describe something that can be folded?
    folding, jointed,
  • Round

    Use this domain for words referring to being round.

  • What words describe something that is round?
    round, circular, spherical, globular, ball shaped, ring
  • What words refer to something that is round?
    circle, loop, ball, globe, sphere, arch,
  • What words refer to making something round?
    round (off), roll into a ball, make a ball of, loop
  • What tools are used to draw a circle?
  • What words refer to something that is long and round?
    cylinder, cylindrical, rod, pipe, tube
  • Concave

    Use this domain for words describing something that is concave--extending inward in shape away from the viewer. The inside of a bowl is concave in shape.

  • What words describe something that is concave?
    concave, hollow, hollowed out, caved in, dented, indented, vaulted,
  • What words refer to making something concave?
    hollow out, carve out, dent in, indent, push in the side
  • What words refer to a concave part of something?
  • Convex

    Use this domain for words describing something that is convex--extending outward in shape toward the viewer.

  • What words describe something that is convex?
    convex, bulging, bulbous, billowing out
  • What words refer to making something convex?
    bulge, puff out, balloon out, protrude
  • Hollow

    Use this domain for words describing something that is hollow--empty on the inside.

  • What words describe something that is hollow?
    hollow, cavernous, inflated
  • What words refer to making something convex?
    hollow out
  • What words refer to something that is not hollow?
  • Square

    Use this domain for words referring to being square.

  • What words describe something that is square?
  • What words refer to something that is square?
    square, rectangle, cube, block
  • Pattern, design

    Use this domain for words that refer to a pattern--a regular arrangement of shapes.

  • What words refer to a pattern?
    pattern, design, motif, patterning, markings,
  • Symmetrical

    Use this domain for words that describe something that is symmetrical--having the same shape on both sides

  • What words describe something that is symmetrical?
    symmetrical, regular, even, balanced, even sided
  • What words describe something that is not symmetrical?
    asymmetrical, irregular, uneven, unbalanced, lopsided
  • Stretch

    Use this domain for words referring to stretching something.

  • What words refer to stretching something?
    stretch, draw out, enlarge, extend
  • What words describe something that can be stretched?
  • What words describe something that cannot be stretched?