6.6.7 Working with water

Use this domain for words related to working with water.

OMC Codes: 
376 Water Power
Louw Nida Codes: 
7E Constructions for Holding Water
  • What words refer to digging a well?
    dig (a well), drill (a well), sink (a bore hole)
  • What words are used for storing water?
    reservoir, cistern, water tank, water barrel, bucket, jerry can, water tower
  • What words are used of a system of water transportation?
    canal, water-way, navigation channel, lock, dock
  • What words refer to using waterpower?
    water-power, water mill, water-wheel
  • What words are used of generating electricity using waterpower?
    dam, hydroelectric power plant, electric generating plant, dynamo
  • What words are used of removing water from something?
    sieve, drain, press, extract, strain
  • Plumber

    Use this domain for words related to working with water pipes.

  • What words refer to a person who works on water pipes?
  • What words refer to a system of pipes?
    plumbing, pipes
  • What are the parts of a system of pipes?
    pipe, water pipe, valve, faucet, joint, elbow, sections of pipe, water main, water meter, drain, sink
  • What words refer to a leaky pipe?
    leak, leaky pipe, dripping faucet
  • What words refer to working on the plumbing?
    put in plumbing, fix a pipe, fix a leak, to thread a pipe
  • Conveying water

    Use this domain for words related to conveying water--moving water from one place to another place.

  • What words refer to the things used to transport water?
    waterworks, canal, ditch, dam, cistern, pipe, pump, siphon
  • What words are used for transporting clean water?
    aqueduct, canal, culvert
  • What words are used for transporting dirty water?
    ditch, drainage ditch, sewer
  • What words refer to drawing water from a well?
    draw water, draft
  • What words refer to canals used to convey water?
    canal, aqueduct, ditch
  • What means are used to raise water?
    windmill, pump, pump house, pumping station, lock
  • What containers are used to hold water?
    cistern, bucket, pitcher
  • What words refer to making water flow through a pipe?
    pump, siphon, suck, suction
  • Controlling water

    Use this domain for words related to controlling the movement of water.

  • What words refer to stopping the flow of water?
    dam, block, stop up, divert, dike, flood control
  • What words refer to a dam used to stop the flow of water?
    dam, dike, levee
  • Working in the sea

    Use this domain for words related to working in the sea.

    OMC Codes: 
    228 Marine Industries
    312 Water Supply
    336 Plumbing
    376 Water Power
  • What other work is done in the sea?
    growing seaweed, scuba diving, pearl diving, offshore drilling, fishpond