4.3.6 Self-controlled

Use this domain for words referring to self-control--deciding not to do something that you want to do, because you think it would be bad to do it; or deciding to do something, because you know it is good.

Louw Nida Codes: 
88K Self-Control, Lack of Self-Control
  • What words describe someone who is self-controlled?
    self-controlled, ascetic, austere, careful, conscientious, controlled, disciplined, discreet, moderate, provident, prudent, puritanical, restrained, sober-minded, stoic, tempered, tolerant, unsparing,
  • What words refer to a self-controlled person?
    ascetic, conformist, moderate, puritan, stoic,
  • What words refer to being self-controlled?
    abstain, behave, behave yourself, constrain, contain yourself, control yourself, discipline yourself, forbear, forgo, restrain yourself, say no, tolerate,
  • What words refer to the quality of being self-controlled?
    self-control, abnegation, abstention, abstinence, asceticism, constraint, discipline, equanimity, forbearance, moderation, poise, reserve, restraint, self-denial, self-discipline, sobriety, stoicism, sufferance, temperance, tolerance, toleration,
  • What words refer to controlling your feelings?
    keep your temper, calm and collected, composed, composure, forbearing, unexcitable, long-suffering, poised, reserved, staid, steady, unexcited,
  • What words refer to controlling your eating?
    put a knife to your throat,
  • What words refer to controlling your desire to drink alcohol?
    stay sober, go on the wagon,
  • What words refer to controlling your desire to spend money?
    frugal, frugality, thrifty, thrift,
  • Lack self-control

    Use this domain for words related to a lack of self-control.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88K Self-Control, Lack of Self-Control
    88G' Extravagant Living, Intemperate Living
  • What words describe a person who does not control himself?
    addicted, excessive, gluttonous, indulgent, intemperate, piggish, prodigal, riotous, self-indulgent, surfeit, unbridled, uncontrolled, unrestrained, voracious
  • What words refer to a person who does not control himself?
    addict, Epicurean, glutton, pig, prodigal,
  • What words refer to a lack of self-control?
    lack self-control, indulge, overdo, permit, do something to excess, lose control, get carried away, break down, give in to,
  • What words refer to the quality of lacking self-control?
    addiction, debauchery, dissipation, excess, excitability, extravagance, gluttony, indulgence, intemperance, leniency, overindulgence,
  • Tidy

    Use this domain for words referring to being tidy in your habits, such as keeping your belongings neat and organized,.

  • What words describe someone who is tidy?
    tidy, neat, orderly, organized, consistent, house-proud,
  • What words refer to making something tidy?
    tidy, tidy up, clean up, clear up, straighten, straighten up, get the place straight, put something straight, put something in order, put something away,
  • What words refer to the quality of being tidy?
    tidiness, neatness,
  • What words describe something that is tidy?
    tidy, immaculate, just so, neat, shipshape, smart, trim, well-kept
  • Untidy

    Use this domain for words related to being untidy--to not keep your things tidy and orderly.

  • What words describe someone who is untidy?
    untidy, messy, slovenly, slob, disorderly
  • What words describe someone whose clothes and hair are untidy?
    untidy, scruffy, unkempt, disheveled, bedraggled
  • What words refer to making something untidy?
    make a mess, mess something up, clutter, ransack, leave something lying about,
  • What words refer to the quality of being untidy?
    untidiness, messiness, disorderliness,
  • What words refer to a place that is untidy?
    dump, pigsty
  • What words describe something that is untidy?
    untidy, messy, be a mess, bedraggled, careless, cluttered, disheveled, frowzy, rumpled, slatternly, slovenly, be all in a muddle,
  • What words refer to things that are scattered around a place and make it look untidy?
    mess, clutter
  • Mistake

    Use this domain for words referring to mistakes--something bad that someone does by accident.

  • What words refer to a mistake?
    mistake, error, slip, mix-up, slip-up, oversight, aberration,
  • What words refer to a mistake in writing or speaking?
    mistake, misprint, spelling mistake, slip of the tongue, error, typographical error, typo,
  • What words refer to a serious mistake in judgment or planning?
    mistake, miscalculation, misjudgment, error of judgment, be a bad move, blunder, bad tactics, muddle, confusion, mess something up, make a mess of something,
  • What words refer to an embarrassing mistake?
    put your foot in it, faux pas, gaffe, boo-boo, indiscretion,
  • What words refer to making a mistake?
    make a mistake, make an error, mistake something, go wrong, get something wrong, blunder, goof, goof up, slip up, misjudge, bungle,
  • What words describe something done by mistake?
    by mistake, mistaken, mistakenly, in error, erroneously,
  • What words refer to mistaking one thing or person for another?
    mistake something, confuse, mix someone up with, get something mixed up, muddle,
  • What words refer to causing someone to make a mistake?
    trip someone up, catch someone out,
  • What do you say when you make a mistake?