2.6.4 Stage of life

Use this domain for words referring to a stage of life--a time period in a person's life.

OMC Codes: 
145 Ontogenetic Data
850 Infancy and Childhood
880 Adolescence, Adulthood, and Old Age
  • What words refer to the time periods of a person's life?
    stage of life, time of life, phase
  • Baby

    Use this domain for words related to a baby.

    OMC Codes: 
    850 Infancy and Childhood
  • What words refer to a very small child?
    newborn, baby, babe, infant, nursling, toddler, two-year-old, three-year-old, ankle-biter,
  • What words refer to the time period when a person is a baby?
    infancy, babyhood
  • What words refer to a baby moving?
    crawl, wiggle, turn over, sit up, toddle,
  • What words refer something coming out of a baby's mouth?
    drool, dribble, spit up, burp,
  • What sounds do babies make?
    cry, babble, coo, baby talk,
  • Care for a baby

    Use this domain for words related to caring for a baby.

    OMC Codes: 
    853 Infant Feeding
    854 Infant Care
    862 Weaning and Food Training
  • What words refer to caring for a baby?
    care for, watch, baby-sit,
  • What words refer to feeding a baby?
    breastfeed, nurse, feed, wean, suck, suckle,
  • What things are used to feed a baby?
    breast milk, milk, bottle, baby food, bib, highchair,
  • What words refer to holding a baby?
    hold, cradle (in arms), rock,
  • What words refer to comforting a baby when it is crying?
    comfort, soothe, cuddle,
  • What words refer to carrying a baby?
    carry in arms, carry on back
  • What things are used to carry a baby?
    baby carriage, pram, stroller, backpack, car seat, carrycot,
  • Where are babies put?
    crib, cradle, playpen,
  • What words refer to a baby urinating or defecating?
    wet, urinate, defecate, potty,
  • What words refer to cleaning a baby?
    change someone's diaper, diaper, nappy, bathe, baby powder, baby lotion,
  • What toys are given to a baby?
    rattle, pacifier, dummy,
  • What words refer to protecting a baby?
    amulet, evil eye,
  • Child

    Use this domain for words related to a child.

    OMC Codes: 
    857 Childhood Activities
    858 Status of Children
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    9D Children
  • What words refer to a child (from birth to puberty)?
    child, children, kid, youngster, boy, girl, brat, small fry, imp, infant, juvenile, minor, offspring, progeny, schoolchild, squirt, tad, urchin, weanling,
  • What words refer to the time period when a person is a child?
  • What words describe a child?
    young, little, small, underage,
  • What words describe something to do with children?
    child (adj), childish, juvenile,
  • Rear a child

    Use this domain for words related to rearing a child--to take care of someone while they are a child so that their needs are met and they become a good person.

    OMC Codes: 
    855 Child Care
    860 Socialization
    861 Techniques of Inculcation
    862 Weaning and Food Training
    863 Cleanliness Training
    864 Sex Training
    865 Aggression Training
    866 Independence Training
    867 Transmission of Cultural Norms
    868 Transmission of Skills
    869 Transmission of Beliefs
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    35F Rear, Bring Up
  • What general words refer to rearing a child?
    bring up, raise, rear, have custody, parent (v) a child, mother (v) a child, child-rearing,
  • What words refer to caring for a child's needs?
    care for, take care of,
  • What words refer to teaching and training a child?
    teach, train, upbringing,
  • What words refer to disciplining a child?
    discipline, correct
  • What words refer to rearing a child well?
    well brought up,
  • What words refer to not rearing a child well?
    neglect, abuse, spoil, deprive,
  • What words refer to rearing a child who is not your own?
    adopt, foster, guardian,
  • What words refer to taking care of a child while their parents are doing something else?
    look after, mind (a child), keep an eye on, baby-sit, sit, take care of, childcare,
  • What words refer to someone who cares for a child?
    nurse, nursemaid, guardian, nanny, babysitter, sitter, child minder,
  • What words refer to a place where children are cared for?
    nursery, crèche, childcare facility,
  • Youth

    Use this domain for words referring to a youth.

    OMC Codes: 
    881 Puberty and Initiation
    882 Status of Adolescents
    883 Adolescent Activities
    884 Majority
  • What words refer to a youth (between puberty and adulthood)?
    youth, teenager, adolescent, minor, young man, young woman, young people, damsel, the young, the youth of,
  • What words refer to the time period when a person is a youth?
    youth, adolescence, in your teens, teenage years,
  • What words refer to when a child becomes sexually active?
    puberty, childbearing age, become sexually active
  • What words describe a person who is not yet an adult?
    immature, callow, young,
  • What words describe something to do with young people?
    youth (adj), juvenile, teenage, adolescent,
  • Adult

    Use this domain for words referring to an adult.

    OMC Codes: 
    885 Adulthood
  • What words refer to an adult?
    adult, man, woman, grown-up, grown man, grown woman,
  • What words refer to time periods of adulthood?
    adulthood, maturity, prime, adult life, midlife crisis, over the hill, middle age, middle-aged
  • What words refer to becoming an adult?
    come of age, grow up, mature (v), reach majority, settle down,
  • What words refer to the time period during which a woman can become pregnant?
    childbearing years,
  • What words refer to the time when a woman can no longer become pregnant?
  • What words describe a person who has become an adult?
    full-grown, fully grown, grown, grown-up (adj), mature,
  • What words describe something that has to do with adults rather than children?
    adult (adj), grown-up (adj), mature (adj),
  • Old person

    Use this domain for words related to old age and older persons?

    OMC Codes: 
    886 Senescence
    887 Activities of the Aged
    888 Status and Treatment of the Aged
  • What words refer to an old person?
    old man, old woman, elder, senior citizen, senior, old people, the old,
  • What words refer to becoming old?
    age (v), get old, grow old, mature, be getting on, aging, not be as young as you were,
  • What words describe an old person?
    old, elderly, aged, ancient, up in years, retired,
  • What words describe a person who looks old?
    wrinkled, wizened, gray, show your age, look your age,
  • What words refer to the time period of old age?
    old age, twilight years,
  • What words refer to being too old to do something?
    be past it, be over the hill, be a bit long in the tooth,
  • What words refer to when an old person can no longer work?
    retire, retirement, retired, retiree, pension, pensioner, old age pensioner,
  • What words refer to being old but still able to do things?
    going strong,
  • What problems do the elderly have?
    senile, senility, declining health, aging process,
  • What words refer to caring for an old person?
    elder care, retirement center, old folks home, nursing home,
  • What words describe something to do with old people?
    geriatric, senior,
  • Grow, get bigger

    Use this domain for words referring to people, animals, or plants growing and getting bigger.

    OMC Codes: 
    145 Ontogenetic Data
    856 Development and Maturation
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    23K Grow, Growth
  • What words refer to growing bigger?
    grow, get taller, bet bigger, develop, increase in size, mature, grow up,
  • What words describe something that is growing?
  • What words refer to growing quickly or well?
    flourish, thrive, shoot up,
  • What words describe something that has finished growing?
    fully grown, adult, mature, grown up, fully developed,
  • What words describe something that has not yet finished growing?
  • What words refer to the process of growing?
    growth, development, maturation,
  • Initiation

    Use this domain for words related to initiation rites--a ceremony when a child becomes an adult.

    OMC Codes: 
    881 Puberty and Initiation
  • What words refer to initiation rites?
    initiation, bar mitzvah,
  • What words refer to initiating a child into adulthood?
    initiate (v),
  • What words refer to the steps or parts of the initiation rites?
    (no words in English)
  • What words refer to a person who is being initiated?
    initiate (n),
  • What words refer to the time when a child is initiated?
    coming of age
  • Peer group

    Use this domain for words referring to a peer group--all the people who were born during the same time period.

    OMC Codes: 
    561 Age Stratification
  • What words refer to people born during the same time period?
    same age, age mate, generation, peer, peer group, age group
  • What words do you use when you talk to someone in your peer group?