1.3 Water

Use this domain for general words referring to water.

Louw Nida Codes: 
2D Water
  • What general words refer to water?
    water, H2O, moisture
  • What words describe something that belongs to the water or is found in water?
    watery, aquatic, amphibious
  • What words describe something that water cannot pass through?
    waterproof, watertight
  • 1.3.1 Bodies of water

    Use this domain for general words referring to bodies of water.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    1J Bodies of Water
  • What general words refer to a body of water?
    body of water, hydrosphere
  • What words describe something belonging to the water?
    marine, oceanic, riverine
  • Ocean, lake

    Use this domain for words referring to bodies of standing water.

  • What words refer to bodies of standing water of different sizes?
    ocean, sea, lake, pond, pool, puddle, wallow
  • What words refer to a man-made lake?
    reservoir, man-made lake, catchment area
  • What are the parts of bodies of water?
    surface, bottom, abyssal depths, abyssal plain, thermal layer, seamount, continental shelf, shallows, the depths, the deep, open sea
  • What words refer to the study of the ocean?
  • Swamp

    Use this domain for words referring to bodies of standing water with plants growing in them.

  • What words refer to shallow bodies of standing water with plants growing in them?
    swamp, swampland, wetland, marsh, marshland, bog, delta, estuary, bayou, morass
  • What words describe an area that is a swamp?
    swampy, marshy, boggy
  • What words refer to moving through a swamp?
    get bogged down, sink
  • River

    Use this domain for words referring to bodies of flowing water.

  • What words refer to rivers of different sizes?
    river, stream, streamlet, creek, brook, brooklet, rill, rivulet
  • What words refer to a river when it has a lot of water?
    flood, torrent, flash flood, freshet, swell, surge
  • What words refer to a river overflowing its banks?
    overflow its banks, flood, deluge
  • What words refer to two rivers coming together?
    branch, confluence, fork, tributary
  • What words refer to a part of a river that is steep?
    waterfall, falls, rapids, cascade, cataract, spillway, race
  • What are the parts of a river?
    source, head, headwaters, mouth, upstream, downstream, bend, whirlpool, eddy, river bottom, riverbed, backwater, narrows, oxbow
  • What words refer to a river when it has no water?
    watercourse, dry riverbed, wash, arroyo, wadi
  • What words refer to a man-made river?
  • What words refer to a place to cross a river?
    bridge, ford
  • What words refer to something floating down a river or caught in it?
    flotsam, snag, logjam
  • What words refer to dirt, sand, and rocks washed down by a river?
    sandbar, delta, alluvium, alluvial, silt,
  • What words refer to the area of land drained by a river?
    watershed, basin
  • What words refer to the movement of a river?
    current, flow
  • Spring, well

    Use this domain for words referring to a place where water comes out of the ground.

  • What words refer to a place where water comes out of the ground?
    spring, water source, water supply, well, artesian well, water hole, bore hole, fountain, fountainhead
  • What words refer to water coming out of the ground?
    spring up, well up, bubble up, flow out of
  • Island, shore

    Use this domain for words referring to land in contrast with the sea or river.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    1I Land in Contrast With the Sea
  • What words refer to the land in contrast to the sea?
    land (and sea), dry land, mainland, continent, inland, interior, terrestrial
  • What words refer to an island?
    island, isle, islet, archipelago, atoll, key
  • What words are used of the edge of a lake or sea?
    shore, beach, coast, coastal, coastland, seaboard, seashore, shoreline, foreshore, edge, strand, reef, coral reef, water-front, strip,
  • What words refer to a bay?
    bay, gulf, cove, fjord, harbor, inlet, lagoon, sound, strait, port,
  • What words refer to a peninsula?
    peninsula, promontory, cape
  • What words are used of the edge of a river?
    bank, riverbank, levee, sandbar, embankment
  • What words describe something near water?
    seaside, beachfront, lakeside, bordering
  • What words refer to a place where the water is shallow?
    shallows, shoal,
  • 1.3.2 Movement of water

    Use this domain for words referring to the way in which water and other liquids move.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    47 Activities Involving Liquids or Masses
    47A Movement of Liquids or Masses
    14E Events Involving Liquids and Dry Masses
  • What words refer to water moving into something?
    fill, flow in, inflow, infuse, infusion, run into
  • What words refer to water coming out of something?
    spray, bleed, blow, burst, discharge, drain, gush, issue, jet, pour, pouring, run, spew, spout, dribble, drip, effusion, erupt, exude, ooze, outflow, percolate, seep, spout, squirt, sweat, vomit, tap
  • What words refer to water breaking into drops?
    splash, spray
  • What words refer to water forming bubbles?
    bubble, foam, foaming, froth, whip
  • Flow

    Use this domain for words referring to the way water moves over a surface, such as in a river or along the ground.

  • What words refer to water moving over a surface?
    flow, run, stream, current, rise, fall, flood, overflow, to wind, meander, erode, split, merge, roil, surge, torrent, trickle, effluence, spread, permeate,
  • What words refer to water moving in a river?
    flow, current, whirlpool
  • What words refer to water washing away dirt?
    erosion, erode, eroded, wash away, silt, silt up, deposit, settle
  • What words refer to water draining out of something?
    drain, bleed, discharge, draw off, empty, leak, ooze, strain,
  • Pour

    Use this domain for words referring to water coming out of something (such as a container), or causing water to come out of something.

  • What words refer to water coming out of something?
    pour, come out, flow, drip, leak, ooze, gush, spurt, squirt
  • What words refer to pouring water out of a container?
    pour, tip, sprinkle, empty, spill, decant
  • What words refer to putting water on something?
    water (v), add water, put water on,
  • What words refer to putting drops of water on something?
    sprinkle (with water), splash (water on), spray (water on), drizzle, spatter, splatter, squirt,
  • What words refer to putting lots of water on something?
    pour (out), empty (v), dump (out), douse, drench, pump,
  • What words refer to putting water on something accidentally?
  • What words refer to putting water into something?
  • Drip

    Use this domain for words referring to drops of water and what they do.

  • What is a drop of water called?
    drop (of water/blood), droplet, a drip
  • What do drops of water do?
    drip, drip on, fall to the ground, splash on, hit, splatter, sprinkle
  • What is a steady dripping called?
    dripping (of water), steady drip, drip-drip (of water)
  • Wave

    Use this domain for words related to waves and what they do.

  • What types of waves are there?
    wave, ripple, swell, breaker, billow, surf, tidal wave, tsunami
  • What are the parts of a wave?
    crest, trough, curl, foam
  • What words describe the movement of a wave?
    surge, move, come roaring down on, race before the wind, wave pattern, violence of the waves, undertow, toss
  • What do waves do when they hit the shore?
    hit the shore, break on the shore/rocks, break against, break over, crash against, crash down on, lap against, wash against the shore, gentle wash of the waves
  • What words describe a wave getting bigger?
    swell, mount up, pile up, rise and fall, curl
  • What do waves do to things?
    wash up on shore, wash out to sea, wash away, erode, wear away, lift, rise and fall with the waves, rock
  • What do people do with waves?
    surf, surfboard, ride the waves, dive under
  • What sounds do waves make?
    crash, roar, thunder, thunderous roar, slap
  • Calm, rough

    Use this domain for words describing the surface of water.

  • What words describe the surface of the water when it is calm?
    calm, becalmed, quiet, peaceful, tranquil, hardly a ripple, glassy, still, stagnant
  • What words describe the surface of the water when it is rough?
    rough (seas), storm-tossed (sea), raging (sea), seethe, choppy
  • What words describe the flow of a river when it is slow?
    slow moving, sluggish, smooth stretch, gentle stretch
  • What words describe the flow of a river when it is fast?
    fast-flowing, white-water (rapids), raging rapids, rough water
  • What words refer to making water rough?
    agitate, churn, stir, whip
  • Tide

    Use this domain for words related to the tide.

  • What words refer to the tide?
    tide, rising tide, ebb tide, storm tide, high tide, low tide, the tide is in/out, neap tide
  • What does the tide do?
    rise, fall, ebb, come in, go out
  • What words refer to the area along the shore that the tide covers?
    tidal flat
  • 1.3.3 Wet

    Use this domain for words referring to when something has water on it or water has soaked into it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    47C Application and Removal of Liquids or Masses
    79O Wet, Dry
  • What words describe something that is wet?
    wet, dank, watery, aqueous, sludgy, slush, slushy, sloppy, sweaty
  • What words describe something that is very wet?
    soaked, soaking wet, sopping wet, wringing wet, awash, dripping, sodden, soggy, saturated, waterlogged, be swimming in, drenched, doused
  • What words describe something that is slightly wet?
    moist, damp, a little wet, clammy, dewy
  • What words describe the ground when it is wet?
    muddy, boggy, marshy, swampy
  • What words describe the air when there is water in it?
    humid, moist, muggy, steamy, tropical
  • What words describe plants when there is water in them?
    green, juicy, succulent
  • What words refer to something becoming wet?
    get wet, get soaked, bedew
  • What words refer to making something wet?
    wet, get something wet, splash, anoint, dabble, daub, douse, spatter, spray, sprinkle
  • What words refer to making something very wet?
    soak, drench, saturate, flood, swamp, deluge
  • What words refer to making something slightly wet?
    dampen, moisten, lick
  • What words refer to something soaking up water?
    absorb, blot, daub, soak up, sponge, sop, mop up, wipe up
  • What words describe something that can soak up water?
    absorbent, porous
  • Dry

    Use this domain for words describing something that is dry.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    79O Wet, Dry
    47C Application and Removal of Liquids or Masses
    79O Wet, Dry
  • What words describe something that is dry?
    dry (adj), dry as a bone, bone-dry, arid, waterless, parched, dehydrated, desiccated, dried, evaporated, sere, withered
  • What words describe the ground when it is dry?
    dry, dusty, thirsty,
  • What words describe the air when there is no water in it?
  • What words refer to something becoming dry?
    dry (v), dry out, dry up, shrivel, wither, evaporate, dehydrate, desiccate
  • What words refer to making something dry?
    dry something, sear, parch
  • What words refer to removing water from something?
    dry something off, remove water, drain, strain, wring out, squeeze out
  • What tools are used to remove water from things?
    sieve, press
  • 1.3.4 Be in water

    Use this domain for words referring to being in water or putting something in water.

  • What words refer to being in water?
    be in water
  • What words refer to something floating on the surface of the water?
    float, float down river, afloat
  • What words refer to being under the water?
    immersed, submerged, undersea, underwater, submarine, sunken,
  • What words refer to putting something in water?
    dip, immerse, dunk, baptize, plunge, submerge,
  • What words refer to putting something like food in water for a long time?
    soak, marinate,
  • What words refer to something falling or sinking into water?
    fall, sink, settle,
  • What sound does something make when it falls into water?
    splash, plop
  • 1.3.5 Solutions of water

    Use this domain for words referring to a mixture of water and a substance (such as salt or sugar) that dissolves in water.

  • What words refer to mixing something with water?
    solution, mix with water
  • What words refer to a substance dissolving in water?
    dissolve (in water), produce a solution
  • What words refer to adding more water to a solution?
    dilute, be diluted, add water, water down, thin
  • What words refer to adding more of a substance to the solution?
    concentrate, be concentrated, concentration, thick
  • What words refer to adding air or a gas to water?
    aerate, carbonated, carbonation
  • What words refer to water flowing through something and dissolving something in it?
  • 1.3.6 Water quality

    Use this domain for words describing the quality or condition of water.

  • What words describe salt water versus fresh water?
    freshwater, saltwater, seawater, saline solution, brackish
  • What words describe water for drinking?
    drinking water, potable
  • What words describe clean water?
    clean, clear, pure, crystal clear
  • What words describe dirty water?
    contaminated, dirty, muddy, silt-filled, murky, stagnant, scum
  • What words are used of cleaning water?
    to clean up, to filter, filter, filtered, strain, to boil, boiled water, let settle
  • What words are used of polluting water?
    to pollute, pollution, polluted, contaminate, dump sewage into