And, also

Use this domain for words that indicate that you are adding another thought to a previous thought. Words in this domain may indicate a variety of relationships between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. For instance the words may join two clauses that are the same except that the subjects are different, or the objects are different, or the verbs are different.

Louw Nida Codes: 
89Q Addition
  • What words indicate that you are adding another thought to a previous one?
    and, also, too, besides, besides this, as well, so do I/so has she/so are they, in addition, not to mention, likewise, both...and, and also, again, further, in addition to, not only...but also, some...others, first...then, let me add
  • What words indicate that you are adding something new to what you just said?
    and, also, furthermore, moreover, what's more, besides, by the way, incidentally,
  • What words indicate that you could add more things to the end of a list?
    and so on, and so on and so forth, et cetera, etc, and whatever, or whatever, and the like, and suchlike,
  • What words indicate that you are adding another in a list of thoughts?
    first, second, third, firstly, secondly, thirdly, in the first/second/third place, first of all, to begin with, to start with, finally, lastly, to conclude, in conclusion, last but not least,