Use this domain for words referring to the age of something.
Louw Nida Codes:
58K New, Old
What words refer to the age of something?
age, how old,
What words are used to say how old someone is?
be (ten), be (ten) years old, be (ten) years of age, aged (ten), (a boy) of (ten), (ten)-year-old, have turned (ten),
What words are used to say how old something is?
be (ten) years old, (ten)-year-old,
What words describe something that is the same age as something else?
the same age,
What words refer to all the people of the same age?
generation, age group, the under-(ten)s, the over-(ten)s
What words refer to finding out how old something is?
date (v), establish the date of, determine the age of