Time of the day

Use this domain for words referring to a time of the day.

Louw Nida Codes: 
67 Points of Time
67D A Point of Time with Reference to Units of Time: Daybreak, Midday, Midnight, Late
  • What words refer to a time of the day?
    time, hour, watch,
  • What words refer to dawn?
    dawn, sunrise, daybreak, aurora, cockcrow, dawning, sunup,
  • What words refer to the time between dawn and noon?
    morning, midmorning, am, antemeridian, ante meridiem, forenoon, matins, morn, early morning
  • What words refer to noon?
    noon, midday, meridian, midpoint, noonday, noontide, noontime,
  • What words refer to the time between noon and sunset?
    afternoon, mid afternoon, pm, postmeridian, post meridiem,
  • What words refer to sunset?
    sunset, sundown, twilight, dusk, nightfall, it gets dark, gloaming,
  • What words refer to the time between sunset and when you go to sleep?
    evening, early evening, late in the evening, tonight, eventide, vesper, late night,
  • What words refer to the time when you go to sleep?
    bedtime, time to go to sleep,
  • What words refer to midnight?
    midnight, the middle of the night, pumpkin hour
  • What words refer to the time between midnight and dawn?
    late at night, the early hours of the morning (2-4), the small hours, the wee hours of the morning, the first watch, the second watch
  • What words refer to the time just before dawn?
    just before dawn, hours before dawn, predawn hours, it gets light, foredawn,
  • What words refer to the time when you wake up?
    time to get up,