4.9.6 Heaven, hell

Use this domain for words related to heaven and hell--the place where people go after they die.

OMC Codes: 
772 Cosmology
775 Eschatology
Louw Nida Codes: 
1C Regions Below the Surface of the Earth
  • What is the place or home of God called?
    Heaven, the highest heaven, the abode of God, the throne of God
  • What is the place called where dead people are?
    Hades, Sheol, the place of the dead, the grave, the other side, the beyond, underworld, nether world,
  • What is the place called where believers (good people) go when they die?
    heaven, paradise, your reward
  • What is the place called where unbelievers (bad people) go when they die?
    hell, the pit, fire and brimstone, eternal damnation
  • What words refer to going to heaven or hell?
    pass on, go to heaven, go to hell
  • What words describe something belonging to heaven or hell?
    celestial, heavenly, hellish