
Use this domain for words that describe a person who thinks well.

Louw Nida Codes: 
32D Capacity for Understanding
  • What words describe someone who thinks well?
    intelligent, brainy, bright, brilliant, capable, clever, crafty, discerning, educated, ingenious, insightful, keen, knowledgeable, learned, literate, perceptive, philosophical, profound, rational, scholarly, sharp, shrewd, sly, smart, sophisticated, sound, wily, have a lot of sense, have a high IQ,
  • What words describe an intelligent child?
    bright, gifted, precocious, prodigy, whiz kid
  • What words describe someone who can think quickly?
    quick, sharp, whiz, be quick on the uptake, be on the ball, think on your feet
  • What words describe someone who is intelligent, well-educated, and thinks a lot?
    intellectual, academic, learned, brains, intelligentsia
  • What words describe someone who makes good decisions?
    wise, sagacious, prudent, sensible, good sense, sound judgment
  • What words refer to the ability to think well?
    ability, capacity, circumspection, cleverness, competence, cunning, discernment, discretion, discrimination, insight, intelligence, IQ, judgment, knowledge, philosophy, profundity, prudence, rationality, reasoning, sagacity, sanity, sense, sensibility, shrewdness, smarts, sophistication, understanding, wisdom, wit
  • What words refer to a person who thinks well?
    academician, genius, highbrow, illuminati, intellectual, literati, magus, philosopher, priest, prodigy, sage, scholar, scholastic, thinker, able thinker, wise man,