
Use this domain for words referring to sounds.

  • What words refer to something that is heard?
    sound, noise, voice,
  • What words indicate that something sounds like another thing or sounds a particular way?
    sound like, sound of, sound (good/bad), have a (good/bad) sound, (good/bad) sounding,
  • What words refer to something or someone making a sound?
    make a sound, make noise, emit, go (bang/boom), go off, sound (v), let out, articulate, articulation,
  • What words refer to a sound that is repeated faintly?
  • What words refer to making a sound that continues for a long time?
    reverberate, resonate, resound, ring, roll,
  • What words describe something that can be heard?
    audible, clear, loud and clear,
  • What words describe something that cannot be heard?
    inaudible, unheard, subsonic,
  • What words refer to a sound becoming loud enough so that it can be heard?
    become audible, reach the ear, be heard, fall on the ear,