1.1.3 Weather

Use this domain for words related to the weather.

OMC Codes: 
132 Climate
Louw Nida Codes: 
14A Weather
  • What words refer to the weather?
    weather, weather conditions, atmospheric (conditions)
  • What words describe the weather when it is good?
    sunny, sunshine, clear (weather), good (weather), fair (weather), fine (day)
  • What words describe the weather when it is getting better?
    clear, clear up, sun comes out,
  • What words describe the weather when it is bad?
    bad, terrible, foul, inclement, rough, dirty sky, severe
  • What words describe the weather when it is getting worse?
    cloud up, deteriorate
  • What words describe the weather when it changes?
    (cold/warm/storm) front
  • What words describe the weather when it stays the same?
    stretch (of good weather), keep up
  • What words are used to describe any kind of weather?
    rain or shine, all weather, in all weathers
  • What words describe the temperature?
    temperature, hot, warm, heat, cold, chilly, crisp, mild, unseasonably warm/cold, scorching, heat wave, cold spell, cold snap, frigid, freezing, be a chill in the air,
  • What words describe the weather when there is a lot of water in the air?
    humid, humidity, damp, sultry
  • What words refer to the type of weather a place normally has?
    climate, dry/wet/cold/hot climate, tropical, temperate
  • What words describe something that has been exposed to the weather for a long time?
    weather-beaten, weathered
  • What words refer to studying the weather?
    meteorology, meteorologist, weatherman
  • What instruments are used to study the weather?
    thermometer, barometer, weathervane
  • What words refer to a report about the weather?
    weather forecast, weather report, the weather, the outlook