At the same time

Use this domain for words referring to two things happening at the same time.

Louw Nida Codes: 
67G Duration of Time with Reference to Some Unit of Time: During, In, While, Throughout
  • What words indicate that two things happen at the same time?
    at the same time, together, at one time, at once, simultaneously, at the same instant, in concert, in unison,
  • What words indicate that something happens at the same time as something else?
    at the same time as, meanwhile, while, as, -ing, simultaneity, concurrently, coincident,
  • What words refer to two things happening at the same time?
    coincide, clash,
  • What words refer to arranging two events so that they happen at the same time?
    synchronize, tie something in with,
  • What words describe things that happen at the same time?
    simultaneous, synchronized, parallel, synchronous, contemporaneous, concurrent,
  • What words refer to two people that lived at the same time?
    contemporary, be a contemporary of someone, be contemporaries