4.7.4 Court of law
Use this domain for words related to a court of law.
OMC Codes:
698 Special Courts
Louw Nida Codes:
56A Court of Justice
56B Lawsuit, Case
What is a court of law called?
court of law, law court, supreme court, superior court, court of appeals, district court, divorce court, juvenile court, appellate court, tribunal, court-martial, kangaroo court
Where is a court held?
What are the parts of a courthouse?
courtroom, judge's chambers, jury room
What are the parts of a courtroom?
jury bench, witness stand, witness box, judge's bench, lawyers table, bar, dock
What words refer to the time when the court is in session?
session, the court is now in session
What is a court case called?
trial, case, lawsuit, suit, action, litigation, proceedings, dispute, hearing