
Use this domain for words related to visiting someone.

OMC Codes: 
574 Visiting and Hospitality
Louw Nida Codes: 
34F Visit
  • What words refer to going to someone's place to see them?
    visit, pay a visit, call, call on, drop by, drop in on, go round, make the rounds, look in on, see, spend time with, stop by,
  • What words refer to the event of visiting someone?
    visit, appointment, interview, stay, time with, visitation,
  • What words refer to agreeing to visit?
    make an appointment, arrange a visit
  • What words refer to visiting over a night?
    stay overnight, stay with, have a sleepover
  • What words refer to a visitor?
    visitor, guest, houseguest, overnight visitor, caller,
  • What words refer to the person visited?
    host, hostess
  • What words refer to a visitor who stays for a long time but doesn't pay or help with the work?
    freeload, freeloader, sponge, sponger,