4.3.3 Love
Use this domain for words related to loving someone--to feel good about someone, want good things to happen to them, and want to do good things for them.
Louw Nida Codes:
25C Love, Affection, Compassion
What words refer to loving someone?
love (v), like, attached, care about, cherish, be close, feel friendly toward, favor, hold in favor, feel favorable toward, be fond of, wish someone well, hope things turn out well for someone, be partial to, be enshrined in your heart,
What words refer to loving someone very much?
adore, worship, be devoted to, dote on, think the world of, mean the world to,
What words refer to the feeling of love?
love (n), adoration, affection, compassion, concern, devotion, fondness, goodwill, attachment, kindness, solicitude, sympathy,
What words describe someone who loves?
loving, affectionate, caring, compassionate, concerned, devoted, doting, fond, solicitous, sympathetic, tender, tender-hearted, warm, warmhearted,
What words refer to someone who loves?
lover, well-wishers,
What words describe someone who is loved?
beloved, dear
What words refer to someone you love?
loved ones, darling, pet, the one you love,
What words refer to something someone does that is loving?
act of love, act of kindness, favor,
What words describe someone who does not love?
unloving, uncaring,
What words describe someone who is not loved?
unloved, unlovable,