3.2.2 Learn
Use this domain for words referring to learning something, acquiring information, gaining knowledge (whether done intentionally or unintentionally), or discovering the answer to some question.
Louw Nida Codes:
27 Learn
27A Learn
What words refer to learning something?
learn, acquaint, acquire, ascertain, conclude, dawn on, deduce, determine, discover, examine, experience, figure out, find, get (the answer), glean, grasp (mentally), gain (knowledge/understanding), look something up, master, obtain, perceive, pick someone's brain, pick up (a subject), question (v), realize, recognize, reflect, study, get an education,
What words refer to learning something no one else knows or something that is secret?
discover, discovery, find out about
What words refer to someone who is learning?
amateur, disciple, layman, student,
What words describe someone who is learning?
ignorant, uneducated, unlearned
What words refer to someone who has learned?
graduate, teacher, scholar,
What words describe someone who has learned?
instructed, learned, well-taught,
What words refer to what is learned?
learning, answer, solution, information, conclusion, discovery, discipline, education, initiation, instruction, training,