7.5.4 Tie

Use this domain for words related to tying things together.

Louw Nida Codes: 
18 Attachment
18B Fasten, Stick To
  • What words refer to tying things together?
    tie, tie together, tie up, bind, cinch, gird, hitch, lash, moor, rope together, tether, truss, wind,
  • What words refer to tying a knot?
    tie a knot, knot a rope, braid,
  • What words refer to tying up a person?
    tie up, bind hand and foot, shackle,
  • What words refer to a knot or a particular kind of knot?
    knot, braid, lashing, hitch, square knot, slip knot, two half hitches
  • What words refer to a group of things that have been tied up?
    bundle, package, packet, parcel
  • What words describe things that have been tied?
    tied, bound, lashed, moored, tethered,
  • What words refer to tying something tightly?
    bind tightly, cinch up, tighten, truss up
  • What words describe something that has been tied tightly?
    taut, tight, tightly, strain, stretched,
  • What words describe something that has been tied loosely?
    loose, loosely, slack, give it some slack,
  • What words refer to untying something?
    untie, be untied, take off the rope, undo
  • What words refer to something becoming untied by accident?
    come untied, come loose,
  • What words refer to tying something a second time after it has come untied?
  • Rope, string

    Use this domain for words referring to rope, string, and other things used to tie things together.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6D Instruments Used in Binding and Fastening
  • What types of rope and string are there?
    rope, string, band, bindings, bonds, cable, chain, cord, lace, lashing, line, ribbon, rubber band, shoelace, shoestring, strap, thong, twine, binder twine, wire,
  • Tangle

    Use this domain for words related to becoming tangled--when something long and thin, such as rope, string, thread, hair, grass, or vines, becomes disorganized, twisted, or knotted, so that it is hard to separate it.

  • What words refer to things becoming tangled?
    tangle, entangle, become tangled, get all tangled up, snarl,
  • What words described something that is tangled?
    tangled, matted, raveled, snarled, all mixed up,
  • What words refer to untangling something?
    untangle, unravel, comb out, straighten out,
  • What words refer to something that has become tangled?
    tangle (n), tangled mess, jumble, mix-up, rat's nest, snarl,