6.4 Hunt and fish

Use this domain for words related to hunting and fishing--catching and killing wild animals.

OMC Codes: 
220 Food Quest
221 Annual Cycle
222 Collecting
Louw Nida Codes: 
44 Animal Husbandry, Fishing
  • What general words refer to hunting wild animals?
    hunt, trap, fish
  • 6.4.1 Hunt

    Use this domain for words related to hunting wild animals.

    OMC Codes: 
    224 Hunting and Trapping
  • What words refer to hunting animals?
    hunt (v), hunt (n), lay in wait, blind, decoy, animal call, bag an animal, strike to cause injury, strike hard, kill, flush an animal out of hiding, to suddenly come out of hiding, search, hide, capture, chase away, aim, miss target, shoot, hit target, nick
  • What weapons are used to hunt animals?
    spear, hunting bow, arrow, poison for arrow, quiver, hunting net, club, gun
  • How are the weapons cared for?
  • Where do people hunt?
    hunting grounds
  • What words refer to hunting with dogs?
    hunt with dog, hunting dog, hunting dog bell, take up the chase, catch the scent, follow the scent, corner an animal, tree an animal, bay (sound of a dog when following an animal)
  • Track an animal

    Use this domain for words related to tracking an animal.

  • What words refer to following a wild animal?
    track, follow, read the signs, stalk, trail, chase
  • What words refer to the marks left by an animal on the ground?
    track, print, footprint, paw print, hoof print, sign, trail
  • 6.4.2 Trap

    Use this domain for words related to trapping an animal.

    OMC Codes: 
    224 Hunting and Trapping
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6E Traps, Snares
  • What kinds of traps are there?
    trap, snare, pit
  • What words refer to setting a trap?
    lay a trap, set a snare, dig a pit
  • What words refer to catching something in a trap?
    catch, trap, snare
  • What words refer to being caught in a trap?
    fall into (a pit)
  • What words refer to escaping from a trap?
  • 6.4.3 Hunting birds

    Use this domain for words related to hunting birds.

    OMC Codes: 
    223 Fowling
  • What words refer to hunting birds?
    hunt for birds, snare, fowling, look for bird's nest
  • 6.4.4 Beekeeping

    Use this domain for words related to keeping bees.

  • What words refer to keeping bees?
    beekeeping, beekeeper, suit, hive, bee, honey, honeycomb, wax, queen, drone, worker, nectar, sting, smoke
  • What words refer to collecting honey?
    collect honey
  • 6.4.5 Fishing

    Use this domain for words related to catching fish.

    OMC Codes: 
    226 Fishing
    225 Marine Hunting
  • What words refer to catching fish?
    to fish, to catch (fish), a catch (of fish), fishing boat
  • What methods are used to catch fish?
    net, hook, angle, trap, spear, arrow, harpoon, poison, dynamite, trawling, fishpond
  • What do people do to fish?
    catch, scale, gut, clean, smoke, dry, smoked fish, dried fish
  • Fish with net

    Use this domain for words related to fishing with a net.

  • What words refer to fishing with a net?
    cast, throw, pull in, bring in, mend net, dry net
  • What equipment is used to fish with a net?
    fishnet, net
  • What words refer to the fish that are caught?
    a catch of fish
  • Fish with hooks

    Use this domain for words related to fishing with a hook and line.

  • What words refer to catching fish with a hook?
    fish, trawl, fly-fishing, cast, bait the hook
  • Fishing equipment

    Use this domain for words related to fishing equipment.

    OMC Codes: 
    227 Fishing Gear
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6C Instruments used in Fishing
  • What equipment is used to catch fish?
    fishing equipment, fishing gear, net, hook, fishhook, line, sinker, float, rod, reel, tackle, boat, dam, trap, bait
  • 6.4.6 Things done to animals

    Use this domain for words related to things done to animals.

  • What things are done to animals?
  • What words refer to someone moving animals?
    herd, shoo away, scare off
  • What words refer to catching (but not killing) animals?
    catch, capture, trap
  • What words refer to killing animals?
    hunt, trap, snare, burn out,
  • What words are used for killing birds?
  • What words are used for killing insects?
    swat, fumigate, spray, flyswatter, bug spray
  • What words are used for killing fish?
    fish, fish for, hook, net, spear, bait,
  • What words are used of killing all animals?
    exterminate, become extinct, extinction, wipe out
  • What words are used for processing dead animals?
    butcher, skin, pluck feathers, render,
  • What words are used for taming animals?
    tame, domesticate, train, pet
  • What words refer to calling to an animal?
    bird call
  • What words are used for animals that perform a special task?
    watchdog, performing (animal), seeing eye dog, police dog, hunting dog
  • What special events feature animals?
    circus, cockfight, bullfight
  • What special places are reserved for animals?
    cage, birdcage, zoo, park, reserve, preserve