6.2 Agriculture

Use this domain for words related to agriculture--working with plants.

OMC Codes: 
240 Agriculture
242 Agricultural Science
Louw Nida Codes: 
43 Agriculture
  • What general words refer to working with plants?
    agriculture, farming
  • 6.2.1 Growing crops

    Use this domain for general words related to growing crops. If one crop is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it.

    OMC Codes: 
    248 Textile Agriculture
    249 Special Crops
  • What words refer to growing crops?
    grow, cultivate, raise, farm (v), garden (v), produce,
  • What words refer to something that is grown?
    crop, produce (n),
  • Growing grain

    Use this domain for general words related to growing grain crops such as barley, maize (corn), millet, oats, rice, rye, sesame, sorghum, and wheat. If one crop is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it. This has already been done for rice, wheat, and maize, since they are so common around the world.

    OMC Codes: 
    243 Cereal Agriculture
  • What words refer to growing grain?
    grow grain, sheaf, winnow
  • Growing rice

    Use this domain for words related to growing rice.

  • What words refer to growing rice?
    rice paddy, transplant seedling
  • Growing wheat

    Use this domain for words related to growing wheat.

  • What words refer to growing wheat?
  • Growing maize

    Use this domain for words related to growing maize.

  • What words refer to growing maize?
    ear, husk, stalk, silk
  • Growing roots

    Use this domain for words related to growing root crops such as beets, carrots, cassava, garlic, ginger, leeks, manioc, onions, peanuts, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, taro, turnips, and yams. If one crop is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it. This has already been done for potatoes and cassava, since they are so common around the world.

  • What words refer to growing roots?
    root, uproot
  • Growing potatoes

    Use this domain for words related to growing potatoes.

  • What words refer to growing potatoes?
    potato, potato vine, potato mound
  • Growing cassava

    Use this domain for words related to growing cassava.

  • What words refer to growing cassava?
  • Growing vegetables

    Use this domain for words related to growing vegetables, such as asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage, celery, chard, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, peas, peppers, pumpkins, spinach, squash, tomatoes, and watermelons. If one type of vegetable is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it.

    OMC Codes: 
    244 Vegetable Production
  • What words refer to growing vegetables?
    vegetable garden, hoe, pick
  • Growing fruit

    Use this domain for words related to growing fruit, such as berries, cranberries, grapes, raspberries, and strawberries. If one type of fruit is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it. This has already been done for grapes and bananas, since they are so common around the world.

  • What words refer to growing fruit?
    pick, press, juice, fruit juice
  • Growing grapes

    Use this domain for words related to growing grapes.

  • What words refer to growing grapes?
    grape, pick, vine, vineyard, prune, winepress, cluster, wine, grape juice
  • Growing bananas

    Use this domain for words related to growing bananas.

  • What words refer to growing bananas?
    banana, stalk, flower, finger, hand, bunch, pulp, prune, leaf, leaf stem, stem
  • Growing grass

    Use this domain for words related to growing grass, such as sod, hay, alfalfa, bamboo, papyrus, sugarcane, and tobacco. If one type of grass is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it. This has already been done for sugarcane and tobacco, since they are so common around the world.

    OMC Codes: 
    246 Forage Crops
  • What words refer to growing grass?
    sod, hay, alfalfa, mow, haystack, bale
  • Growing sugarcane

    Use this domain for words related to growing sugarcane.

  • What words refer to growing sugarcane?
    sugarcane, press, juice, pulp, boil, sugar
  • Growing tobacco

    Use this domain for words related to growing tobacco.

  • What words refer to growing tobacco?
    tobacco, leaf, dry, rack, cut
  • Growing flowers

    Use this domain for words related to growing flowers. If one type of flower is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it.

    OMC Codes: 
    247 Floriculture
  • What words refer to growing flowers?
    growing flowers, floriculture, flower, prune, pick flower, gardening, garden, flower garden, flowering plants
  • Growing trees

    Use this domain for words related to growing trees. If one crop is cultivated extensively and there are many words related to it, set up a separate domain for it. This has already been done for coconuts and coffee, since they are so common around the world.

    OMC Codes: 
    245 Arboriculture
  • What words refer to growing trees?
    prune, seedling, graft
  • Growing coconuts

    Use this domain for words related to growing coconuts.

  • What words refer to growing coconuts?
    coconut, husk, shell, copra, milk, dry
  • Growing coffee

    Use this domain for words related to growing coffee.

  • What words refer to growing coffee?
    bean, dry, grind
  • 6.2.2 Land preparation

    Use this domain for words related to preparing land for planting crops.

    OMC Codes: 
    241 Tillage
  • What words refer to preparing a field?
    prepare field, clear field
  • What is a prepared field called?
    (no words in English)
  • Clear a field

    Use this domain for words related to clearing a field.

  • What words refer to clearing a field?
    clear a field, burn grass, slash and burn, uproot weeds, cut the grass
  • Plow a field

    Use this domain for words related to plowing a field.

  • What words refer to plowing a field?
    plow, cultivate, dig, hoe, harrow, make a row, plow a furrow, break up soil
  • Fertilize a field

    Use this domain for words related to fertilizing a field.

  • What words refer to fertilizing a field?
    fertilize, add fertilizer, fertilizer, fertile, manure
  • 6.2.3 Plant a field

    Use this domain for words related to planting a field.

  • What words refer to planting seeds in a field?
    cultivate, plant, seed (a field), sow seed,
  • What words refer to planting plants?
    plant, plant vines, plant cuttings, transplant,
  • What words refer to the things that are planted?
    seed, seedling, cutting
  • 6.2.4 Tend a field

    Use this domain for words related to tending a field.

  • What words refer to tending a field?
    tend a field, cultivate, weed, hoe, pull weeds, support a banana stalk, spray, insecticide
  • What words refer to protecting a field from birds?
  • Cut grass

    Use this domain for words related to cutting grass.

  • What words refer to cutting grass?
    cut grass, mow, scythe, clip
  • What tools are used to cut grass?
    machete, sickle, scythe, lawnmower, grass clippers
  • Uproot plants

    Use this domain for words related to uprooting plants.

  • What words refer to uprooting plants?
    uproot, pull, dig out (stump), root out
  • What words refer to uprooting weeds?
    weed (v), hoe weeds, weed killer, herbicide, rake weeds, weed carelessly
  • Irrigate

    Use this domain for words related to irrigating a field.

  • What words refer to adding water to plants and fields?
    to water, irrigate, irrigation
  • What tools and machines are used to water plants?
    irrigate, irrigation, irrigation canal, to water
  • Trim plants

    Use this domain for words related to trimming plants.

  • What words refer to trimming plants?
    trim, prune, cut back, thin
  • What tools are used to trim plants?
    pruning hook, pruning shears
  • Neglect plants

    Use this domain for words related to neglecting plants.

  • What words refer to neglecting plants?
    neglect, allow to grow wild, become overgrown, let the weeds grow
  • 6.2.5 Harvest

    Use this domain for words related to harvesting crops. If there is an important crop and there are a lot of words that refer to harvesting it, set up a special domain for it, such as 'Harvest rice' or 'Harvest coconuts'. If there is more than one such crop, set up a separate domain for each of them.

  • What words refer to harvesting?
    harvest, reap, gather in the harvest
  • What special words are used for harvesting each crop?
    harvest maize, harvest rice, harvest yams, harvest beans, pick fruit, pluck an apple, dig potatoes, pull carrots, cut vegetables
  • What words refer to what is harvested?
    crop, harvest, yield
  • What tools and machines are used to harvest crops?
  • What is done to a field after the crops are harvested?
    lie fallow, animals graze, plow under plants
  • What words describe a crop that is ready to harvest?
  • What words refer to the time of harvest?
    harvest, harvest time
  • First fruits

    Use this domain for words referring to the first fruits or crops to be harvested.

  • What words refer to the first fruits to be harvested?
    first fruits, eat first of new crops
  • Crop failure

    Use this domain for words related to crop failure.

  • What words refer to crop failure?
    crop failure, poor harvest
  • What causes crop failure?
    drought, blight, disease, locusts, insect plague, storm, exhausted soil, bad seed
  • What results from crop failure?
    famine, lean times
  • Gather wild plants

    Use this domain for words related to gathering wild plants. In a hunter-gatherer culture this domain might need to be extensively developed.

  • What words refer to gathering wild plants?
    gather, collect, pick (berries)
  • Plant product

    Use this domain for words referring to materials and substances that are taken from plants and used for various purposes. It is necessary to think through various types of plants to think of what materials are taken from each.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6S Plant Products
    3F Wood and Wood Products
  • What plant products are used for building?
  • What plant products are used for the roof of a building?
    thatch, shingle
  • What plant products are used for fibers, thread, and rope?
    hemp, cotton
  • What plant products are used for chemicals?
    sap, rubber
  • What plant products are used for burning?
  • 6.2.6 Process harvest

    Use this domain for words related to processing the harvest.

    OMC Codes: 
    250 Food Processing
    251 Preservation and Storage of Food
  • What words refer to processing the harvest?
    process harvest, shell groundnuts, shell beans, remove beans from pods, husk corn, remove leaves from maize cob, remove maize from the cob, dry, separate bad from good
  • Winnow grain

    Use this domain for words related to winnowing grain--to separate the chaff from the grain.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What words refer to winnowing grain?
    winnow, winnowing basket, winnowing fork, winnowing floor, chaff, grain
  • Mill grain

    Use this domain for words related to milling grain.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    7G Miscellaneous Constructions
  • What words refer to milling grain?
    mill (v), grind
  • What things are used to mill grain?
    mill (n),
  • What crops are milled?
    rice, wheat, maize
  • Thresh

    Use this domain for words related to threshing grain.

  • What words refer to threshing grain?
    thresh, beat
  • What crops are threshed?
  • Where is grain threshed?
    threshing floor
  • Store the harvest

    Use this domain for words related to storing the harvest.

    OMC Codes: 
    253 Meat Packing Industry
    254 Refrigeration Industry
    255 Canning Industry
    256 Cereal Industry
    257 Confectionery Industries
    258 Miscellaneous Food Processing and Packing Industries
  • What words refer to storing the harvest?
    store the harvest, store food, put in sacks, tie together, heap of grain, haystack, sheaf of grain
  • What buildings and containers are used to store the harvest?
    barn, granary, silo, grain sack
  • 6.2.7 Farm worker

    Use this domain for words related to farm workers.

  • What words refer to a person who works on a farm?
    farmer, farm worker, field hand, sharecropper, itinerant farm laborer, hired hand
  • 6.2.8 Agricultural tool

    Use this domain for words related to agricultural tools.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    6B Instruments Used in Agriculture and Husbandry
  • What tools are used for cutting plants?
    pruning hook, pruning shears
  • What tools are used for digging?
    hoe, shovel, spade
  • What tools are used for plowing?
    plow, plow blade
  • What tools are used for fertilizing?
  • What words are used with each of these tools?
    to prune, to hoe, to plow, to pull a plow, to guide a plow, to use a shovel, to dig with a hoe
  • What are the parts of each tool?
    tip, edge, handle, blade
  • 6.2.9 Farmland

    Use this domain for words related to farmland.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    1O Pastures and Cultivated Lands
  • What words refer to farmland?
    farmland, farm, field, garden, cultivated land, agricultural land, plantation, plowed field, tilled field, field ready for harvest, harvested field, fallow field, ground prepared for planting