3.5 Communication

Use this domain for general words referring to communication of all kinds.

OMC Codes: 
200 Communication
Louw Nida Codes: 
33 Communication
  • What general words refer to communicating?
    communicate, communication
  • 3.5.1 Say

    Use this domain for words related to saying something.

    OMC Codes: 
    191 Speech
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33F Speak, Talk
  • What words refer to saying something?
    say, speak, talk, tell, state, express, declare, proclaim, inform, pronounce, remark on, make a remark
  • What words refer to something that is said?
    saying, quote, declaration, tale, speech, profession, remark, statement
  • What words refer to how something is said?
  • Voice

    Use this domain for words referring to a person's voice and the way it sounds--the kind of sound a person makes when they speak or sing.

  • What words refer to a person's voice?
  • What words describe the quality of a person's voice?
    soft, harsh, loud, quiet,
  • What words describe a sound or voice that is high on the musical scale?
    high, high-pitched, piercing, shrill, squeaky, tinny,
  • What words describe a sound or voice that is low on the musical scale?
    low, deep, bass, rich, resonant,
  • What words describe a voice that is rough?
    rough, throaty, husky, gruff, hoarse,
  • Shout

    Use this domain for words related to shouting--to speak loudly.

  • What words refer to speaking loudly?
    shout, speak loudly, yell, scream, talk in a loud voice, holler, call out, project your voice, aloud, exclaim, exclamation, vociferate,
  • Speak quietly

    Use this domain for words that describe a person speaking quietly.

  • What words refer to speaking quietly?
    speak quietly, talk softly, whisper, murmur, mumble,
  • What words refer to speaking without making any sound?
    mouth the words,
  • What words do you use when you want someone to speak quietly?
    tone it down,
  • Speak a lot

    Use this domain for words related to speaking a lot.

  • What words refer to speaking a lot?
    speak a lot, talkative, loquacious, verbose,
  • What words refer to speaking for a long time?
    loquacious, verbose, wordy, run on, longwinded, compendious, interminable,
  • Speak little

    Use this domain for words related to speaking a little, either because you do not like to talk, or you think you should not talk.

  • What words refer to speaking a little?
    speak little, taciturn, shy, man of few words, uncommunicative, reticent, hold your tongue
  • What words refer to saying something in a short time?
    brevity, brief, concise, curt, pithy, succinct, synopsis, synoptic, terse,
  • Say nothing

    Use this domain for words related to being silent--to say nothing for some time.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33H Keep Silent
  • What words refer to not talking?
    keep silent, keep quiet, say nothing, zip your lip, shut up, refrain from talking
  • What words describe someone who is silent?
    silent, quiet, close-mouthed, mum, mute, speechless, wordless
  • What words refer to stopping someone from talking?
    gag, hush, muffle, silence (v),
  • What words refer to a time when everyone is silent?
  • Speech style

    Use this domain for words describing the way a person talks in a particular social situation.

    OMC Codes: 
    195 Sociolinguistics
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33D Language Levels
  • What words refer to your style of speaking?
    style, register, formal, informal, colloquial, humorously, seriously, pronunciation
  • Speak well

    Use this domain for words related to speaking well.

  • What words refer to speaking well?
    speak well, be eloquent, be a good speaker, be an excellent speaker, be fluent, speak clearly, articulate,
  • Speak poorly

    Use this domain for words related to speaking poorly.

  • What words refer to not being able to speak correctly?
    slow of speech, not fluent, poor speaker, stutter, stammer, have a speech impediment
  • What words refer to speaking so that people can't understand you?
    speak incoherently, speak irrational, say nonsense, speak gibberish, No one could understand him. I can't understand you. I can't understand a word you are saying.
  • What words refer to making a mistake when speaking?
    stumble, misspeak, gaff, speak ungrammatically
  • What words are used for speaking inappropriately?
    speak inappropriately, be rude, crude, socially unacceptable, filthy speech, out of place, not fit for mixed company, shocking speech
  • What words refer to not knowing what to say?
    not know what to say, be speechless, tongue-tied, cat's got your tongue
  • What words refer to speaking too long?
    speak for too long, go over the time allotted, be long winded, speak forever
  • What words refer to when a person wants to speak but hesitates?
    hesitate, pause, false start
  • What words describe something that has been said so often that people think it is stupid?
    trite, over-used, stale, banal, be wearing thin, threadbare, clichéd, corny, hackneyed, shopworn, stereotyped, commonplace
  • Talk about a subject

    Use this domain for words related to talking about a subject.

  • What words refer to talking about a subject?
    talk about, dwell on, discuss, address, treat, cover,
  • What words refer to the thing being talked about?
    subject, topic, theme, issue, question, matter, business, thing,
  • What words refer to a part of a subject?
    point, aspect,
  • What words refer to starting to talk about something?
    bring up, raise, broach, introduce, launch into,
  • What words refer to starting to talk about a different subject?
    change topics, switch topics, turn to, get onto,
  • What words refer to talking about the subject you are supposed to be talking about?
    get to the point, stick to the point, to the point,
  • What words refer to starting to talk about something else instead of what you are supposed to be talking about?
    get off the subject, digress, get sidetracked, stray from, ramble, lose the thread, where was I?
  • Announce

    Use this domain for words related to announcing something--communicating something to many people.

  • What words refer announcing something?
    announce, declare, proclaim, publicize, publish, broadcast, make something public, make known, promote, advertise, inform, post
  • What words refer to what is announced?
    announcement, publicity, propaganda
  • What words describe something that has been communicated to many people?
    well publicized
  • Describe

    Use this domain for words related to describing something--to say some things about something.

    OMC Codes: 
    105 Cultural Summary
  • What words refer to describing something?
    describe, give a description of, portray, depict, paint a picture, characterize, define, redefine, represent, treat
  • What words refer to describing an event?
    describe, talk about, write about, give an account of, tell of
  • What words refer to what you say when you describe something?
    description, descriptive, portrayal, profile, account, report, commentary, characterization, definition, redefinition, depiction, representation,
  • Explain

    Use this domain for words related to explaining something--to help someone to understand something.

  • What words refer to explaining something?
    explain, throw light on, shed light on, enlighten, elucidate, by way of explanation,
  • What words do people use when they start to explain something?
    in other words, let me explain, that is, to put it another way, put it like this, put it this way, let me rephrase that,
  • What words refer to explaining how something works or how to do something?
    tell, explain, demonstrate, give instructions,
  • What words refer to explaining something difficult using simple language?
    simplify, demystify,
  • What words refer to explaining something completely?
    set out,
  • What words refer to what you say when you explain something?
    explanation, account, instructions, directions,
  • Mention

    Use this domain for words related to mentioning something--to talk about something but without saying much about it.

  • What words refer to mentioning something?
    mention, refer to, allude to, touch on, say briefly,
  • Introduce

    Use this domain for words related to introducing a new subject--to start talking or writing about something new for the first time.

  • What words refer to talking about something for the first time?
    introduce, lead into, bring up, raise, broach a subject,
  • What words refer to what is said when you introduce something?
    introduction, lead-in, introductory
  • Repeat

    Use this domain for words related to repeating something--saying something a second time.

  • What words refer to saying something a second time?
    repeat, repeat yourself, say again, iterate, recapitulate, reiterate, reaffirm
  • What words refer to saying something many times?
    say it over and over, keep saying
  • What words refer to repeating an important part of a speech?
    go over, recap, review
  • What words refer to repeating what someone else said?
    repeat, quote, echo, parrot, regurgitate
  • What words refer to what is said a second time?
    repetition, recapitulation
  • What do you say when you want someone to repeat something?
  • Summarize

    Use this domain for words referring to summarizing what you have said or what someone else has said.

  • What words refer to repeating what someone has said, but saying it in fewer words?
    summarize, summary, review, recap
  • What words refer to a brief description of the major points or features of something?
    summarize, summary, synopsis, overview
  • Emphasize

    Use this domain for words related to emphasizing something--to say something in a way that other people know that you think this thing is important.

  • What words refer to the placing of importance on something?
    emphasize, stress
  • What words refer to the importance placed on something?
    emphasis, stress, importance
  • What words describe something that is emphasized?
    important, stand out, be conspicuous, be prominent
  • Be about, subject

    Use this domain for words that express the idea that something (said, written, thought, or made) depicts or is about a subject, or that something is logically related to some topic. Also use this domain for words that mark the topic or subject of what is being thought about, talked about, or written about. Verbs of thinking, knowing, or speaking (including other types of expression) can take a 'topic' role. We can think of a 'topic' as the main idea. Use this domain also for the important thing in a picture.

  • What words refer to being about something or someone?
    be about something, concern, deal with, be concerned with, center on, focus on, address, cover, depict, discuss, dwell on, present, portray, treat,
  • What words indicate what something is about?
    about, on, concerning, on the subject of, regarding, re, with regard to, in, of,
  • What words refer to the thing something is about?
    subject, topic, theme, issue, question, matter, business, thing,
  • True

    Use this domain for words that indicate if something is true, if it agrees with reality, or if it is not true.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    72 True, False
    72A True, False
    72B Accurate, Inaccurate
  • What words indicate that a statement agrees with reality?
    true, truth, accurate, in fact, right, correct
  • What words indicate that something is not true?
    untrue, false, falsehood, wrong, error, inaccurate, incorrect, mistake
  • Tell the truth

    Use this domain for words related to telling the truth.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33R Speak Truth, Speak Falsehood
    88E Honesty, Sincerity
  • What words refer to telling the truth?
    tell the truth, speak the truth, be honest, be open, be up front, play fair, level with, lay/put your cards on the table, testify, witness, reveal,
  • What words describe a person who tells the truth?
    honest, truthful, sincere, straight, open, scrupulous, upright,
  • What words refer to telling the truth without hiding anything?
    honest, to be honest, in all honesty, frank, candid, direct, straightforward, tell someone straight,
  • What words refer to telling the truth without caring how other people feel?
    forthright, blunt, outspoken, bald, speak your mind, not beat about the bush, make no bones about, not mince your words, call a spade a spade, pull no punches,
  • What words refer to the quality of telling the truth?
    honesty, integrity, truthfulness, scruples,
  • Tell a lie

    Use this domain for words related to lying--to say something that is not true.

  • What words refer to saying something that is not true?
    lie, tell a lie, pervert truth, deceive, tell tales, perjure, make up
  • What words refer to a lie?
    lie, falsehood, fib, white lie, half-truth, perjury, propaganda
  • What words refer to someone who lies?
  • Contradict

    Use this domain for words related to contradicting someone--to say that something someone has said is not true.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33Z' Oppose, Contradict
  • What words refer to contradicting what someone has said?
    contradict, speak in opposition to, disagree with, speak against, deny, dispute, argue against
  • Expose falsehood

    Use this domain for words related to exposing falsehood--to do something to show that someone has told a lie.

  • What words refer to exposing falsehood?
    testify, expose falsehood, catch in a lie, contradict, enlighten, substantiate, provide evidence, call a liar
  • Real

    Use this domain for words that indicate if something is real.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    70 Real, Unreal
    73 Genuine, Phony
  • What words describe something that is real?
    real, actual, genuine,
  • What words describe something that is real and not imagined?
    actual, concrete, fact, factual, nonfiction, real, reality, true
  • What words describe something that is not real?
    unreal, artificial, imaginary, phony, pretend,
  • Exaggerate

    Use this domain for words referring to exaggerating--reporting information but saying something untrue that makes the information seem bigger or more important than it really is.

  • What words refer to exaggerating?
    exaggerate, stretch the truth, inflate your story, distort, overemphasize, overstate, overemphasize, overrate, overdo, make too much of, blow something out of proportion, lay it on thick, dramatize, be melodramatic, be overly dramatic
  • What words refer to what is said when you exaggerate?
    exaggeration, overstatement
  • What words describe an exaggerated statement?
    exaggerated, extravagant, melodramatic
  • Speak with others

    Use this domain for words referring to carrying on a conversation with other people.

    OMC Codes: 
    521 Conversation
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33K Converse, Discuss
  • What words refer to carrying on a conversation with other people?
    speak with, converse, carry on a conversation, talk with, talk to, chat, discuss
  • What words refer to an event or time period when people talk to each other?
    conversation, discussion
  • What words refer to what is talked about?
    topic (of conversation)
  • What words modify the length of time?
    long (conversation, talk), brief (conversation)
  • Call

    Use this domain for words related to calling someone--to say something loud because you want someone who is far away to listen to you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33C' Call
  • What words refer to calling someone?
    call, holler at, yell to, yell at, get someone's attention
  • What words refer to calling someone on the telephone?
    call, phone (v)
  • Contact

    Use this domain for words related to contacting someone--to communicate with someone who is far away from you using some communication device such as a telephone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33C' Call
  • What words refer to contacting someone?
    get in touch with, contact, make contact with, approach, get onto,
  • What words refer to regularly contacting someone?
    be in contact, keep in touch, stay in touch, keep in contact, communicate,
  • What words refer to succeeding in contacting someone?
    get hold of, get through, reach,
  • What words refer to the process by which people contact each other?
    communication, contact,
  • What words refer to no longer communicating with someone?
    lose touch, lose contact,
  • Greet

    Use this domain for words related to greeting someone.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    34I Kiss, Embrace
  • What words refer to greeting someone?
    greet, say hello
  • What words describe a greeting?
    greet warmly, warm greeting, cool reception, enthusiastic greeting
  • What gestures typically accompany a greeting?
    shake hands, bow, salute, give a hug, give a kiss, wave hello
  • What words refer to a refusal to greet someone?
    refuse to greet, snub, ignore
  • What words and expressions are used when greeting someone?
  • Say farewell

    Use this domain for words related to saying farewell.

  • What words refer to saying farewell?
    say farewell, say goodbye
  • What words and expressions are used when saying farewell?
    Goodbye. See you later. Have a good day.
  • Speak in unison

    Use this domain for words related to speaking in unison--to say something at the same time as someone else.

  • What words refer to someone talking at the same time as someone else?
    interrupt, talk at the same time
  • What words refer to many people speaking in unison?
    speak in unison, speak at once, congregational reading
  • Ask

    Use this domain for words related to asking a question.

    OMC Codes: 
    124 Interviewing in Research
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33L Ask For, Request
    33N Question, Answer
  • What words refer to saying something in order to get information?
    ask, question, inquire, interrogate, interview
  • What words refer to what is said?
    question, inquiry, interrogation, interview
  • What words describe someone who asks a lot of questions?
    inquisitive, curious
  • Answer

    Use this domain for words related to answering a question.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33N Question, Answer
  • What words refer to answering a question?
    answer, give an answer, reply, get back to, respond, acknowledge
  • What words refer to what is said in answer?
    answer, response, reply, acknowledgment, rebuttal, rejoinder, return, echo, feedback, immediate response, answer by return mail
  • What words refer to a humorous answer?
    snappy comeback, retort, repartee
  • What words describe an answer?
    carefully worded, careful, well thought through, off the cuff, off hand, wise, stupid, thoughtless, foolish
  • What words refer to the time it takes to answer?
    take a long time to answer, take your time to answer, quick reply, response time
  • What words refer to not having an answer or not knowing what to answer?
    have no answer, lack answer, not know what to answer, don't know how to answer, don't know what to say, don't have an answer, can't answer
  • Disclose

    Use this domain for words that refer to discovering and revealing unknown information.

  • What words refer to discovering information?
    discover, uncover, detect, find out
  • What words refer to disclosing information?
    disclose, unmask, expose, reveal, unveil, bring to light
  • What words describe something that is not hidden?
    open, openly, in the open, for all to see
  • Hide your thoughts

    Use this domain for words related to hiding your thoughts.

  • What words refer to hiding information?
    hide, not show, conceal, keep secret, cover up, suppress, repress, disguise, mask, put on a brave face, bottle something up, be non-committal, sweep something under the rug, cover your tracks
  • What words describe something that is hidden?
    cover-up, whitewash, hidden, suppressed, repressed, disguised, veiled, secret, secrecy
  • What words refer to something that is used to hide something?
    cover, front, smokescreen, blind
  • Debate

    Use this domain for words referring to debating--for two or more people to discuss some issue and try to persuade the other person to accept one's view.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33X' Dispute, Debate
  • What words refer to debating with someone?
    debate, argue, dispute, discuss, contend, negotiate,
  • What words refer to saying something in reply to something someone said?
    reply, contradict, say in rebuttal, rebuttal, refute, rejoinder
  • Demonstrate

    Use this domain for words referring to demonstrating something--to do something that shows the truth of a statement, or shows how to do something.

  • What words refer to demonstrating something?
    demonstrate, show, show how, substantiate, prove, give proof, verify, authenticate, confirm, corroborate, give evidence, establish, make good
  • What words refer to an event when you demonstrate something?
  • Quarrel

    Use this domain for words related to quarreling--to fight with words.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33Y' Argue, Quarrel
  • What words refer to quarreling?
    quarrel (v), altercate, argue, bicker, clash, contend with, differ, disagree, dispute (v), dissent, feud (v), fight (v), quibble, row (v), scrap, squabble (v), wrangle (v), find fault with,
  • What words refer to a quarrel between people?
    quarrel (n), altercation, arguing, argument, bickering, contention, controversy, disagreement, dispute (n), feud (n), fight (n), fracas, row (n), ruckus, rumpus, spat, squabble (n), tiff, wrangle (n), wrangling, friendly argument, heated debate,
  • What words refer to something someone says in an quarrel?
    argument, argumentation, angry words, disputation,
  • What words refer to something people quarrel about?
    bone of contention,
  • What words describe someone who quarrels often?
    quarrelsome, contentious, argumentative, combative, pugnacious, faultfinding
  • Praise

    Use this domain for words related to praising someone or something--to say something good about someone, or to say that someone did something good.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33K' Praise
  • What words refer to praising someone?
    praise, acclaim, approve, commend, compliment, eulogize, exalt, extol, glorify, honor (v), give credit, recognize, laud, magnify, sing your praises, speak well of, express your approval, go into raptures over,
  • What words refer to what is said?
    praise (n), acclaim, accolade, adoration, approval, bouquet, commendation, compliment (n), credit, eulogy, glory, honor (n), kudos, paean, panegyric, plaudit, recognition, tribute,
  • What words describe something that people praise?
    praiseworthy, commendable, commendatory, creditable, laudable, laudatory
  • What exclamations do people use when speaking well of someone?
    praise the Lord, hallelujah, hosanna,
  • Thank

    Use this domain for words related to thanking someone--to tell someone that you feel good about something they did for you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33J' Thanks
    25I Thankful, Grateful
  • What words refer to thanking someone?
    thank, say thank you, express your thanks, acknowledge (a gift), appreciate, show your appreciation, express your gratitude, show gratitude, recognize, in recognition of,
  • What words refer to the act of expressing thanks?
    thanks, thank you, thankfulness, thanksgiving, acknowledgement,
  • What words describe a person who feels thankful?
    thankful, grateful, gratefully, appreciate, appreciative, be indebted to, owe,
  • What words refer to the feeling of wanting to thank someone?
    appreciation, gratitude,
  • What do people say when they thank someone?
  • What do people say when someone thanks them?
  • What words refer to not thanking someone?
  • What words describe a person who does not thank someone?
    unthankful, unappreciative, ungrateful,
  • What words refer to a person who does not thank someone?
    ingrate, ungrateful wretch,
  • What words describe someone that no one thanks?
  • What words describe something someone does that no one thanks him for?
    thankless (task), unacknowledged, unappreciated,
  • Flatter

    Use this domain for words referring to flattering someone--saying something nice to someone but not meaning it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33L' Flatter
  • What words refer to flattering someone?
    flatter, ingratiate, adulate, blandish, cajole,
  • Boast

    Use this domain for words related to boasting--to say something good about yourself, especially to make it seem that you are better than you really are.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33M' Boast
  • What words refer to boasting?
    boast, brag, claim, crow, bravado, name-drop, praise yourself, swagger, toot your own horn, blow your own trumpet, vaunt yourself,
  • What words refer to the act of boasting?
    boasting, bragging, name-dropping,
  • What words refer to what is said when boasting?
    boast (n), claim (n),
  • What words describe a person who boasts?
    boastful, vain, proud, bigheaded, be all talk, be all bluster,
  • What words refer to a person who boasts?
    blowhard, braggart, bighead, name-dropper
  • Criticize

    Use this domain for words related to criticizing someone or something--to say that something is bad, especially something that someone did.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33S' Criticize
  • What words refer to criticizing someone or something?
    criticize, be critical, be a critic of, critique, accuse, attack, launch into an attack on, badmouth, belittle, blame, carp, cavil, censure, cite, charge, decry, denounce, deprecate, deride, disparage, gibe, harangue, judge, lay into, mock, rake someone over the coals, recriminate, reprehend, reproach, ridicule, scoff, speak evil of, tear down (someone), voice your disapproval,
  • What words refer to strongly criticizing someone or something?
    slam, pan, tear to shreds, pillory, do a hatchet job on, blast, castigate, condemn, damn, excoriate, execrate,
  • What words refer to criticizing someone in an unfair way?
    find fault with, pick holes in, knock, run down, denigrate, put down, get at,
  • What words refer to something someone says when criticizing?
    criticism, critique (n), accusation, attack (n), belittlement, castigation, censure, charge, condemnation, denigration, denouncement, denunciation, deprecation, derision, disapproval, disparagement, excoriation, execration, faultfinding, gibe (n), harangue (n), judgment, malediction, put-down, recrimination, reprehension, ridicule (n), slur,
  • What words describe something someone says when criticizing?
    critical (remark/essay), belittling, deprecatory, disparaging, scathing,
  • What words refer to a person who often criticizes other people?
  • What words describe someone who often criticizes other people?
    critical, captious, censorious, hypercritical, judgmental,
  • What words refer to being criticized by someone else?
    receive criticism, come in for criticism, be under attack, come under attack, get a lot of flak, take a lot of flak, be open to criticism,
  • What words refer to someone who is criticized?
  • What words refer to not criticizing someone?
    don't blame, can't blame,
  • Blame

    Use this domain for words related to blaming someone for something--to say that someone did something, and because of this something bad happened.

  • What words refer to blaming someone for something?
    blame someone for something, blame something on someone, say something is somebody's fault, put the blame on, lay the blame on, apportion blame, hold someone responsible,
  • What words refer to blaming yourself for something?
    blame yourself, reproach yourself,
  • What words refer to being blamed for something?
    get the blame, get blamed for, take the blame, take the rap, carry the can, take the fall,
  • What words refer to someone who is unfairly blamed for something?
    scapegoat, fall guy,
  • What words refer to blaming someone else for something that is your fault?
    shift the blame, pass the buck,
  • What words refer to saying that someone is not to blame for something?
    exonerate, give someone the benefit of the doubt,
  • What words refer to people blaming each other for something?
  • What words refer to feeling bad about someone because you think they are to blame for something?
    reproach (n),
  • Insult

    Use this domain for words related to insulting someone--to say that someone is bad.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33P' Insult, Slander
    33R' Mock, Ridicule
  • What words refer to insulting someone?
    insult (v), insult (n), offend, offense, rebuke, criticize, curse, speak evil of
  • Mock

    Use this domain for words referring to mocking someone--doing or saying something to make people laugh at someone because you don't like them.

  • What words refer to mocking someone?
    mock, mockery, make fun of, tease, taunt, ridicule, scorn, sneer, sarcasm, deride, derision, jeer, laugh at, snicker, snigger, poke fun at, play a trick on, satirize, satire, parody, caricature, lampoon, make a fool of, roast
  • What words describe something that is said or done to mock someone?
    derisive, mock (adj), sarcastic, cutting, satirical, burlesque
  • What words refer to someone who is being mocked?
    laughingstock, fool, target, butt, buffoon, fall guy
  • What words refer to doing something that causes someone to mock you?
    be ridiculous, make a fool of yourself
  • Gossip

    Use this domain for words related to gossip--to say something bad about a person who is not with you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33Q' Gossip
  • What words refer to gossiping?
    gossip, talk about someone behind their back, bitch about, slag off, bad-mouth, start a whispering campaign, tattle, stab in the back, tell tales, start a rumor, spread rumors, spread an evil report, slander
  • What words refer to what is said in gossip?
    gossip, rumor, tale, report, juicy detail, hearsay, scandal, slander, second hand story
  • What words refer to someone who gossips?
    gossip, busybody, talebearer, tattler, tattletale, chatterer, slanderer
  • What do rumors do?
    circulate, float, go around, be all over town, get spread
  • Complain

    Use this domain for words related to complaining--to say that you don't like something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33O' Complain
  • What words refer to complaining?
    complain, beef, blame, fuss, grouch, grouse, growl, murmur, mutter, object, protest, squawk, wail, yap, make a complaint, lodge a complaint, file a complaint, take it up with, take the matter up with, make a fuss, kick up a fuss, air your grievances, yammer,
  • What words refer to complaining all the time?
    bitch, gripe (v), grumble, moan, nag (v), whine, go on about,
  • What words refer to someone who complains?
    complainer, fusspot, grumbler, misery, nag (n),
  • What words describe someone who complains?
    complaining, fretful, querulous,
  • What words refer to something someone says when complaining?
    complaint, complaining, grumbling, protest, whining,
  • What words refer to something that someone complains about?
    complaint, grievance, gripe, grumble, objection, cause for complaint,
  • What words describe something someone says when complaining?
    plaintive, whiny
  • Promise

    Use this domain for words related to promising to do something--to say that you will do something in the future.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33Y Promise
  • What words refer to promising to do something?
    promise, agree, commit, guarantee, assure, swear,
  • What words refer to something someone promises to do?
    promise (n), commitment, assurance, guarantee, pledge, plight, troth, word
  • What words refer to doing what you promised?
    keep, fulfill, make good,
  • What words refer to not doing what you promised?
    break, renege on, go back on promise,
  • What words refer to asking someone to do what he promised?
    hold you to your promise,
  • What words refer to allowing someone to not do what he promised?
    release someone from a promise,
  • 3.5.2 Make speech

    Use this domain for words related to making a speech--to talk for a long time to many people.

    OMC Codes: 
    537 Oratory
    544 Public Lectures
  • What words refer to making a speech?
    make a speech, give a speech, preach, sermonize, teach, lecture (v), give a talk on, address (v), orate, public speaking
  • What words refer to the person making the speech?
    speaker, preacher, teacher, lecturer
  • What words refer to the people listening to the speech?
  • What words refer to what is said?
    speech, sermon, lecture (n), talk (n), address (n), oration, homily
  • What words refer to the parts of a speech?
    introduction, body of a speech, point, make a point, conclusion, concluding remarks,
  • What words refer to knowing or learning how to give a good speech?
    oratory, homiletics
  • What words describe a speaker who talks for a long time?
    long winded
  • Report

    Use this domain for words related to reporting something--to say that something has happened and to tell about it.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33O Inform, Announce
    33P Assert, Declare
    33S Preach, Proclaim
  • What words refer to reporting about something that has happened?
    to report, give a report, give an account, broadcast, claim
  • What words refer to the message that is reported?
    report, account
  • News, message

    Use this domain for words referring to something someone says, which relays information from someone else, or about something someone has done.

  • What words refer to something someone says?
    news, message, report, account
  • What words refer to someone who takes a message to someone?
  • Figurative

    Use this domain for words referring to figurative speech--saying something that is not meant to be understood literally (according to the normal meaning of each word), or saying something that compares one thing to another.

  • What words refer to figurative speech?
    figurative, not literal, metaphorical, figure of speech, colorful language
  • What words refer to particular types of figures of speech?
    metaphor, simile, comparison
  • Admit

    Use this domain for words referring to admitting something--saying that you have done wrong, or that your beliefs were wrong

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33V Admit, Confess, Deny
  • What words refer to admitting something?
    admit, confess, acknowledge
  • What words refer to refusing to admit something?
    deny, disavow, disclaim
  • 3.5.3 Language

    Use this domain for words referring to a language.

    OMC Codes: 
    190 Language
    197 Linguistic Identification
    198 Special Languages
    193 Grammar
    194 Phonology
    192 Vocabulary
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33A Language
  • What words refer to a language?
    language, tongue, speech, lingo
  • What words refer to the type of language a person speaks?
    dialect, foreign language, accent, pidgin, slang, colloquial,
  • What words refer to the first language you learned as a child?
    first language, mother-tongue, native speaker
  • What words refer to the language used to talk about a particular subject?
    terminology, jargon, specialized vocabulary, technical terms,
  • What words refer to a special or secret language?
    code, sign language, computer language
  • What words are used to talk about language?
    linguistics, linguistic, metalanguage, vocabulary, dictionary, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, phonetics, sounds, semantics, meaning, pragmatics, rhetoric, pronunciation
  • Word

    Use this domain for words that refer to words and groups of words.

    OMC Codes: 
    104 Glossary
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33B Word, Passage
  • What words refer to a word?
    word, term, verbal,
  • What words refer to words that are similar in meaning?
    synonym, synonymous, derivative, antonym, opposite of,
  • What words refer to words that are similar in sound?
    homograph, homonym, homophone, homophonous, rhyme,
  • What words refer to the way a word should be said?
    pronunciation, pronounce, stress, tone, vocalization,
  • What words refer to the way a word should be written?
    spelling, spell, misspell
  • What words refer to a new word?
    coin a term, coinage, neologism,
  • What words refer to an old word?
    archaic, archaism,
  • What words refer to the history of a word?
    etymology, derivation, etymon,
  • What words refer to special words?
    acronym, anagram,
  • What words refer to special words that are used to talk about a particular area of life?
    terminology, jargon, technical term, specialized vocabulary,
  • What words refer to all the words of a language?
    vocabulary, lexicon, dictionary, glossary,
  • What words refer to a short form of a word?
    abbreviation, abbreviate, be short for, for short, stand for, contraction,
  • What words refer to a section of speech?
    phrase, clause, sentence, utterance, discourse, formation, locution,
  • What words refer to a section of writing?
    paragraph, text, section, chapter, point, construction, document, passage, portion,
  • What words refer to a group of words that express a particular meaning?
    adage, aphorism, byword, cliché, dictum, epigram, expression, idiom, motto, phrase, proverb, saying, slogan, watchword,
  • What words refer to two words that are often used together?
    collocate, collocate (v),
  • Information

    Use this domain for words referring to information--something someone says about something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33O Inform, Announce
  • What words refer to information?
    information, info, content, facts, details, particulars, data
  • What words refer to an organized collection of information?
    file, record, dossier, database
  • What words describe something that gives a lot of information?
  • 3.5.4 Story

    Use this domain for words referring to a story.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33C Discourse Types
  • What words refer to a story?
    story, tale,
  • What words refer to telling a story?
    tell a story, relate, narrate
  • What words refer to a story about a person's life?
    my/your/his story, tell about yourself, biography, biographical, biographer, autobiography, autobiographical,
  • What words refer to someone who tells a story?
    storyteller, narrator,
  • Fable, myth

    Use this domain for words referring to a fable or myth--a story that people tell that is not true.

    OMC Codes: 
    118 Fiction
  • What words refer to fables?
    fable, myth, tale, fairytale, tall tale, legend, fiction, folklore, lore, parable,
  • Saying, proverb

    Use this domain for words referring to a saying or proverb--a short thing that people say to teach something.

  • What words refer to a saying?
    saying, proverb, adage, axiom, byword, expression, formula, maxim, moral, saw, truism, household word, well-turned phrase
  • What words refer to a saying taken from a book or movie?
  • What words refer to a saying used by someone to express their beliefs?
    motto, slogan, catchphrase,
  • What words refer to a saying that is used so often that people think it is stupid?
    cliché, platitude,
  • What words describe a saying?
    proverbial, axiomatic, pithy, succinct, terse,
  • What words do people use to begin a saying?
    as the saying goes, as they say, to coin a phrase,
  • Riddle

    Use this domain for words referring to a riddle--something someone says that is hard to understand.

  • What words are used for short sayings or questions that have a meaning that someone has to figure out?
    riddle, conundrum, enigma, puzzle, problem
  • What words are used of telling a riddle?
    tell a riddle, give a riddle
  • What words are used of solving a riddle?
    solve the riddle, figure out the riddle, guess the meaning of the riddle, tell the meaning of the riddle
  • Poetry

    Use this domain for words related to poetry.

    OMC Codes: 
    5310 Verbal Arts
  • What words refer to poems?
    poetry, poem, poetic, sonnet, verse, rhyme, nursery rhyme, ballad, epic poem
  • What words refer to a collection of poems?
  • What words refer to a person who writes poetry?
  • What words refer to saying a poem?
  • What words refer to a part of a poem?
    line, stanza, verse
  • What words refer to the features of a poem?
    rhyme, rhythm
  • History

    Use this domain for words related to history.

    OMC Codes: 
    1210 Archaeological Excavation Methods
    1211 Dating Methods in Archaeology
    1212 Laboratory Analysis of Materials Other Than Dating Methods in Archaeology
    1213 Comparative Data [in Reconstructing History]
    129 Archaiological Survey Methods
    138 Post Depositional Processes in Archaeological Sites
    159 Life History Materials
    170 History and Culture Change
    171 Comparative Evidence
    Distributional Evidence
    1710 Cultural Revitalization and Ethnogenesis
    172 Prehistory
    173 Traditional History
    174 Historical Reconstruction
    175 History
    Recorded History
    176 Innovation
    177 Acculturation and Culture Contact
    178 Sociocultural Trends
    910 Archaeological Measures, Techniques and Analysis
    911 Chronologies and Cultural Sequences
    912 Cultural Stratigraphy
    913 Functional Specialization
    914 Typologies and Classification
    915 Archaeological Inventories
  • What words refer to history?
    history, historical, archaeology, chronology,
  • What words refer to a time period in history?
    era, epoch, civilization, period, age
  • What words refer to a person who studies history?
    historian, archaeologist
  • Verbal tradition

    Use this domain for words referring to verbal tradition--something that your ancestors told to each successive generation.

  • What words refer to verbal tradition?
    verbal tradition, hand down a tradition
  • 3.5.5 Foolish talk

    Use this domain for words related to foolish talk--something someone says that other people think is silly or stupid.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33N' Foolish Talk
  • What words refer to foolish talk?
    foolish talk, foolishness, babble, balderdash, bilge, blather, chit-chat, drivel, falderal, gossipy, hooey, humbug, idle talk, joking, nonsense, prate, prattle, stupidity, twaddle
  • What words describe foolish talk?
    foolish, meaningless, silly, stupid,
  • What words refer to a person who says foolish things?
    babbler, fool,
  • Obscenity

    Use this domain for obscene words related to sex, defecation, death, damnation, and other taboo or offensive subjects. It is important to check the appropriateness of including obscene words in the dictionary. It should be the choice of the speakers of the language whether a word should be included or excluded. Obscene words included in the dictionary should be clearly marked as such. Obscenity is often used to heighten the emotion of an expression, and is often used when someone is angry. Obscenity is often associated with sex or defecation. Cursing is often associated with God, religion, or the afterlife. Insults often involve equating a person with an animal that is associated with an undesirable characteristic, questioning someone's parentage/legitimacy, questioning someone's character, or questioning someone's intelligence/sanity.

  • What words refer to speech that is considered offensive or improper?
    bad language, strong language, swear word, four letter word, curse, obscenities, profanity, swearing, unprintable,
  • What words refer to using obscenity?
    swear, curse, cuss,
  • What words are used in an obscene way?
    damn, damn it, God damn, Hell, shit, screw, fuck, bastard, son of a bitch, bitch,
  • What words describe speech or actions that are obscene?
    obscene, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, improper, indecent, lewd, naughty, profane, risqué, rude, saucy, suggestive, vulgar,
  • What words describe someone who uses obscenities a lot?
  • 3.5.6 Sign, symbol

    Use this domain for words referring to a sign or symbol--a picture or shape that has a meaning.

  • What words refer to an object or picture that represents something?
    sign, symbol, emblem, logo, insignia, flag,
  • Gesture

    Use this domain for words referring to gesturing--moving a part of the body to communicate a message.

    OMC Codes: 
    201 Gestures and Signs
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33D" Non-Verbal Communication
  • What words refer to gesturing?
    gesture (v), gesticulate, sign (v), make a sign, signal, give the signal, beckon, indicate, motion, nod, non-verbal, shrug, nudge, wave, wink, thumb your nose at,
  • What words refer to a gesture?
    gesture (n), sign (n), signal
  • Point at

    Use this domain for words related to pointing at something--to move a part of your body toward something so that people will look at it.

  • What words refer to indicating something?
    indicate, point to, point at, point out, signal that, gesture towards
  • Facial expression

    Use this domain for facial expressions--ways in which people move the parts of their faces to show feeling or communicate something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    23B Processes Involving the Mouth, Other Than Eating and Drinking
  • What words refer to a facial expression?
    expression, look, face, countenance, facial expression, the look on someone's face,
  • What words refer to an expression using the eyes?
    stare, glare, roll your eyes, wink, blink, lift your eyes, raise your eyebrows, narrow your eyebrows, wrinkle your brow,
  • What words refer to an expression using the mouth?
    lick your lips, smack your lips, kiss, purse your lips,
  • What words refer to making an expression on your face?
    make a face, get an expression on your face, have an expression on your face, give someone (an expression)
  • What words refer to making a particular expression?
    frown (in disapproval or worry), gape, grimace (in pain), pout, scowl, snarl, start,
  • What words refer to smiling?
    smile, grin, beam, be all smiles, force a smile, smirk, leer, sneer, wide grin, big smile, half smile, slight smile
  • What words refer to starting to smile?
    break into a smile, someone's face lights up,
  • What words describe a face that shows a lot of feeling?
    expressive, animated,
  • What words describe a face that shows no feeling?
    expressionless, impassive, blank, deadpan, inscrutable, poker-faced,
  • What words describe an expression that shows a particular feeling?
    cheerful, solemn, horrified, pained, wry,
  • Laugh

    Use this domain for words related to the expression of good feelings, including laughing--the sounds a person makes when he is enjoying himself or thinks something is funny.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25L Laugh, Cry, Groan x
  • What general words refer to laughing?
    laugh, laughter, laugh at (something), have a laugh
  • What words describe the way a person laughs?
    laugh aloud, laugh out loud, chortle, heehaw, guffaw, cackle, yuck it up, squeal with laughter, canned laughter
  • What words refer to laughing a little or quietly?
    laugh silently, chuckle, giggle, ripple of laughter, titter, twitter,
  • What words refer to laughing a lot or loudly?
    roar with laughter, laugh uproariously, howl with laughter, shriek with laughter, hearty laugh, peals of laughter, laugh helplessly, laugh your head off, laugh hysterically, have hysterics, roll in the aisle, almost die laughing, double up, convulsed with laughter, split your sides
  • What words refer to laughing for a long time?
    can't stop laughing, have the giggles, fall over/about laughing, have a good laugh, laugh till the tears roll down your cheeks
  • What words refer to laughing at someone because they did something wrong?
    laugh at, mock, titter, snicker, snigger
  • What words refer to beginning to laugh?
    start laughing, burst out laughing, burst of laughter, dissolve into laughter
  • What words refer to causing someone to laugh?
    make someone laugh, amuse, crack someone up, have someone in hysterics, have someone in stitches, tickle, ticklish
  • What words describe someone or something that causes people to laugh?
    laughable, amusing, comic, comical, absurd, facetious, humor, humorous, sense of humor
  • What words refer to the sound of a person makes when he is laughing?
    ho ho ho, ha ha ha
  • What words refer to trying not to laugh?
    (try to/can't) keep a straight face, stifle a laugh
  • What words refer to smiling?
    smile, smile at, grin, wide grin, big smile, half smile, slight smile, smirk, crack a smile, beam
  • What other ways do people show they feel good?
    clap, applaud, applause, cheer, jump up and down, jump for joy, dance for joy, shout for joy, make merry, revel, weep for joy, ululate
  • What do people say when they are happy?
    Hurrah! Hooray! Yeah! Three cheers! Hallelujah! Yippee! Yahoo!
  • Cry, tear

    Use this domain for words related to crying--when water forms in the eyes because of sadness or pain.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25L Laugh, Cry, Groan x
  • What words refer to crying?
    cry, weep, be in tears, tearful, have tears in your eyes, weeping, weepy, squall,
  • What words refer to crying a lot?
    cry your eyes out, tears roll down your cheeks, eyes full of tears, eyes are brimming with tears, cry your heart out, cry yourself to sleep,
  • What words refer to crying in a noisy way?
    sob, bawl, howl, wail,
  • What words refer to crying in an annoying way?
    snivel, sniffle, whimper, blubber, blub, crybaby,
  • What words refer to starting to cry?
    start to cry, start crying, burst into tears, break down, turn on the waterworks, get teary,
  • What words refer to almost crying?
    be close to tears, have a lump in your throat, fight back tears, choke back the tears,
  • What words refer to crying because something gets in your eyes?
    cry, your eyes water,
  • What words refer to making someone cry?
    make someone cry, reduce someone to tears, bring tears to someone's eyes, tearful, tearjerker,
  • What words refer to a tear?
    tear, teardrop,
  • What do tears do?
    fall, run (down the face), streak,
  • What do people do to tears?
    wipe away, dry
  • What do people say to stop someone from crying?
    don't cry, there there,
  • 3.5.7 Reading and writing

    Use this domain for general words related to reading and writing.

  • What general words refer to reading and writing?
    reading and writing, literacy
  • What words refer to whether or not a person can read and write?
    literate, illiterate
  • Write

    Use this domain for words related to writing.

    OMC Codes: 
    212 Writing
    218 Writing and Printing Supplies
    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33E Written Language
    6J Instruments Used in Marking and Writing
  • What words refer to writing?
    write, write down, take dictation, spell
  • What words refer to the letters and symbols we use to write?
    orthography, alphabet, letter, punctuation, accent, tone mark, underline, underscore,
  • What words refer to the things used to write?
    writing materials, paper, pen, ink, pencil
  • Written material

    Use this domain for words referring to written material--something that has writing on it.

    OMC Codes: 
    538 Literature
    539 Literary Texts
    900 Texts
    901 Texts in the Language of the Culture or Ethnic Group
    902 Texts Translated in English
    903 Interlinear Translations
  • What words refer to written material?
    written material, literature, writing, book, composition, essay, article, card, document, inscription, envelope, page, passage
  • What words refer to something used to store written material?
    library, bookcase, file cabinet, archive
  • Read

    Use this domain for words related to reading.

  • What words refer to reading?
    read, decipher
  • What words refer to a person who reads?
    reader, readership, circulation
  • What words refer to reading aloud or silently?
    aloud, out loud, silently, recite
  • What words refer to reading quickly?
    scan, skim, browse, read over, look through
  • What words refer to reading carefully?
    study, read up on, pore over
  • Publish

    Use this domain for words related to publishing books.

    OMC Codes: 
    214 Publishing
    213 Printing
  • What words refer to making books?
    publish, engrave, in print, out of print, copyright, censor, censorship, desktop publishing
  • What words refer to something that has been published?
    publication, edition, issue
  • What words refer to a person who publishes?
  • What words refer to getting a book ready to publish?
    edit, draft, proofread, proofreader
  • What words refer to printing a book?
  • What words refer to the time when a book is published?
    publication date, appear, come out
  • Record

    Use this domain for words related to a record--something written because people need to remember it.

    OMC Codes: 
    210 Records
    126 Recording and Collecting In the Field
    211 Mnemonic Devices
    217 Archives
  • What words refer to making a record?
    record, keep a record, put on record, chart, document, register
  • What words refer to a record?
    record (n), chart (n), document (n), register (n), archives, chronicle
  • List

    Use this domain for words related to a list of things.

  • What words refer to a list of things?
    list, checklist, inventory, catalog
  • What words refer to a list of people?
    register, roll, roster
  • What words refer to a list of things in a book?
    table of contents, index
  • What words refer to a list of events?
    program, schedule, agenda
  • What words refer to making a list?
    list (v), make a list, compile a list, catalog (v)
  • What words refer to giving a list?
    list, reel off
  • Letter

    Use this domain for words referring to letter--a written message that is sent to someone.

  • What words refer to a letter?
    letter, note, memo, correspondence, epistle,
  • What words refer to letters that are delivered to you?
    mail (n), post,
  • What words refer to sending a letter?
    send, mail (v), post,
  • What words refer to someone who delivers a letter?
  • What words refer to the government agency that delivers letters?
    post office, postal service,
  • 3.5.8 Interpreting messages

    Use this domain for words referring to interpreting something someone says--to try to understand the meaning of something someone says and express it in other words.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    33J Interpret, Mean, Explain
  • What words refer to interpreting something?
    interpret, understand, translate
  • Meaning

    Use this domain for words related to the meaning of something that is said.

    OMC Codes: 
    196 Semantics
  • What words refer to the meaning of something?
    meaning, definition, semantics, sense, interpretation
  • How do you say that something means something?
    mean (something), have the meaning,
  • What words describe something that has two meanings?
    ambiguous, double meaning, doubletalk,
  • Meaningless

    Use this domain for words describing something that is meaningless--something someone says that doesn't mean anything.

  • What words describe something that has no meaning?
    meaningless, absurd, lack meaning, ridiculous, senseless, nonsensical, without rhyme or reason, unintelligible, inane
  • What words refer to saying something that has no meaning?
    jabber, babble
  • What words refer to something that has no meaning?
    nonsense, gibberish, babble, drivel, hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo, gobbledygook
  • Unintelligible

    Use this domain for words related to being unintelligible--to say something that someone cannot understand.

  • What words describe speech that someone cannot understand?
    unintelligible, foreign
  • What words describe speech that a person cannot hear well enough to understand?
    unintelligible, indistinct, garbled
  • Show, indicate

    Use this domain for words referring to showing or indicating something--if something (such as an object, something said, or something that happens) shows something, it makes people think of something or understand something (e.g. When his face turns red, it indicates he is angry.)

  • What words refer to something showing that something is true?
    show, be a sign, mean, indicate, reveal, make it clear, demonstrate, betray, be evidence, reflect, illustrate, bear witness to, tell
  • What words refer to something showing that something might be true?
    suggest, point to, imply, give the impression
  • What words refer to something showing that something has a good quality?
    be a tribute to, say a lot for, reflect well on, be a testimony to
  • What words refer to something showing that something has a bad quality?
    be a reflection on, be a comment on, be a symptom of, be symptomatic of, be an indictment of, not say much for, reflect badly on, make a mockery of, sign of the times
  • What words refer to something showing that something is going to happen?
    mean, herald, bode well, bode ill, spell
  • What words refer to a sign that shows that something is true?
    sign, indication, indicator, evidence, mark, trace, manifestation, symptom, omen, telltale, be a giveaway,
  • 3.5.9 Mass communication

    Use this domain for words related to radio, television, newspapers, magazines and other forms of mass communication.

    OMC Codes: 
    2010 Internet Communications
    202 Transmission of Messages
    203 Dissemination of News and Information
    204 Press
    205 Mail
    Postal System
    206 Telephone and Telegraph
    207 Radio and Television
  • What words refer to different kinds of mass communication?
    radio, television, newspaper, magazine
  • What words refer to programs and messages?
    program, article
  • What words refer to making programs?
  • Radio, television

    Use this domain for words related to radio and television.

    OMC Codes: 
    207 Radio and Television
  • What words refer to different kinds of mass communication?
    radio, television
  • What words refer to programs?
    program, ad
  • What words refer to making programs?
  • What words refer to a person who talks on the radio or television?
    reporter, anchorman, disk jockey
  • What words refer to radio and television stations?
    station, band, frequency, reception,
  • Telephone

    Use this domain for words related to the telephone.

    OMC Codes: 
    206 Telephone and Telegraph
  • What words refer to telephones?
    telephone, phone, cell phone
  • What words refer to talking to someone on the telephone?
    speak/talk on the phone, be on the phone
  • What words refer to beginning a telephone call?
    call (up), ring, phone (v), dial
  • What words refer to ending a telephone call?
    hang up
  • What words refer to a person who works for the telephone company?
  • What words refer to problems with making a telephone call?
    busy signal, go dead, wrong number
  • Newspaper

    Use this domain for words related to newspapers and magazines.

    OMC Codes: 
    203 Dissemination of News and Information
    204 Press
  • What words refer to newspapers and magazines?
    newspaper, paper, magazine, press, periodical
  • What words refer to things written in a newspaper?
    article, editorial, column
  • What words refer to a person who works for a newspaper?
    reporter, editor, newsboy
  • What words refer to an issue of a newspaper?
    issue, edition
  • Movie

    Use this domain for words related to movies and the cinema.

  • What words refer to movies?
    movie, show, film
  • What words refer to a place where movies are shown?
    theater, cinema, movie house, movie theater, drive-in, box office, ticket office, auditorium, aisle, screen, projector
  • What words refer to showing a movie?
    show, screen, intermission
  • What words refer to watching a movie?
    go to the movies, watch a movie, go to the cinema, go to the pictures, audience, moviegoer, ticket
  • What words refer to making movies?
    film, direct
  • What words refer to a person who makes movies?
    director, producer, camera crew
  • What things are used to make movies?
    camera, set, prop, studio
  • Recorded music

    Use this domain for words related to recording music.

    OMC Codes: 
    216 Sound Records
  • What words refer to recording music?
    record, make a recording, cut a record, tape
  • What words refer to music recordings?
    music, record, tape, cassette, CD, compact disc
  • What words refer to playing music?
    play, listen, play back, put on
  • What words refer to machines that play music?
    turntable, tape recorder, tape deck, tape player, CD player, juke box, music system, hi-fi, stereo, amplifier, speaker, boom box, walkman
  • What words refer to changing how loud the music is?
    turn up, turn down, adjust the volume
  • What words refer to a person or company who makes recordings?
    studio, record company
  • Communication devices

    Use this domain for words related to communication devices.

    OMC Codes: 
    202 Transmission of Messages
    203 Dissemination of News and Information
    204 Press
    205 Mail
    Postal System
    206 Telephone and Telegraph
    207 Radio and Television
  • What devices and machines are used to communicate?
    telephone, radio, television, amplifier, megaphone, telegraph, telegram