3.4.2 Feel bad

Use this domain for general words related to feeling bad.

  • What words refer to feeling bad?
    feel bad,
  • What words refer to bad feelings?
    bad feelings, negative emotions,
  • What words describe someone who feels bad?
  • What words refer to feeling bad for a long time?
    bad attitude, be in a bad mood,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel bad?
    get someone down,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel bad?
  • Sad

    Use this domain for words related to feeling sad--to feel bad because something bad has happened (such as losing something, hearing bad news, or watching something bad happening).

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25W Sorrow, Regret
    25X Discouragement
  • What words refer to feeling sad?
    be sad, feel sad, feel down, grieve, mourn, feel sorry for yourself, sulk, wallow in, feel hurt,
  • What words refer to the feeling of sadness?
    sadness, dejection, depression, despondency, dismal feeling, gloom, gloominess, grief, heartache, self-pity, misery, pain, sorrow, unhappiness, woe,
  • What words describe someone who feels sad?
    sad, crestfallen, dejected, disappointed, discouraged, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, fed up, forlorn, gloomy, glum, grouchy, grumpy, with a heavy heart, homesick, low, melancholy, morose, mournful, pensive, sober (adj), solemn, sorry, sorrowful, sullen, unhappy, wistful, woeful,
  • What words refer to feeling sad because someone died?
    grief, grieve, mourn, be in mourning,
  • What words refer to feeling very sad?
    agony, anguish, desolate, despair, be in despair, disconsolate, grief stricken, heartbroken, inconsolable, miserable, misery, suicidal, woe
  • What words refer to feeling sad for a long time?
    depressed, despondent, down, be down in the dumps, feel blue, low, mope,
  • What words describe a time when a person feels sad?
    sad, unhappy, miserable,
  • What words describe a person who usually feels sad?
    discouraged, discouragement, depressed, depression, feel down, grouch, unhappy, unhappiness,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel sad?
    sadden, aggrieve, disappoint, depress, discourage, distress, grieve, hurt, sober (v), sting, torment, make someone sad, make someone unhappy, get someone down, break someone's heart, drive someone to despair,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel sad?
    heartbreak, heartache, discouragement, grief, downer, tragedy, bitter pill to swallow, woe
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel sad?
    sad, depressing, grievous, heartbreaking, plaintive, mournful, tragic,
  • What words describe a place that causes someone to feel sad?
    dismal, depressing, dreary, bleak, cheerless,
  • What do people do when they are sad?
    hang your head, cry, frown, bewail, groan, lament, lamentation, sigh, wail
  • What sounds does a person make when he is sad?
    groan, moan, sigh
  • What do people say when something bad happens and they want to say they are sad about it?
    it's a pity, it's a shame, too bad, unfortunately, sadly, regrettably, it's unfortunate, it's sad, more's the pity, unhappily, I'm sorry, sorry to hear, sorry (that), wish that ... not (something hadn't happened), tragically, feel sorry for someone
  • What words describe something that you wish had not happened?
    unfortunate, regrettable,
  • What do people say when they don't want someone to feel sad?
    cheer up,
  • What words refer to helping someone who feels sad to feel good?
    comfort, console, reassure, solace,
  • Dislike

    Use this domain for words related to not liking someone or something.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25Q Abhor
  • What words refer to disliking something?
    don't like, dislike (v), take a disliking to, take an instant dislike to, have a healthy dislike for, not be fond of, not keen on, not be crazy about, not think much of, not be someone's cup of tea, not be to your taste, not be to your liking, not be your thing, not be your type, have no time for, not take kindly to, don't care for, look down on, turn up your nose at, be unhappy with, hold in disfavor, feel unfavorable toward, be displeased with,
  • What words refer to the feeling of dislike?
    dislike (n), disliking, antipathy, aversion, displeasure, distaste, prejudice,
  • What words describe someone who dislikes something?
    displeased, offended, prejudiced,
  • What words refer to causing someone to dislike something?
    displease, offend, repel, trouble, upset, put someone off, turn someone against,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to dislike something?
  • What words describe something that people dislike?
    contemptible, deplorable, despicable, displeasing, distasteful, obnoxious, odious, offensive, unpleasant, not very nice, leave a bad taste in the mouth, morbid,
  • What words describe someone that people dislike?
    disliked, bastard, disagreeable, horrible, mean, nasty, nasty piece of work, not very nice, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, off-putting, unpleasant,
  • What words describe a taste or smell that people dislike?
    unpleasant, not very nice, nasty, unappetizing, unpalatable,
  • What words describe a sound that people dislike?
    harsh, grating, rasping,
  • What words refer to stopping liking something?
    go off,
  • What do people do to show they dislike something?
    sneer, boo,
  • Hate, detest

    Use this domain for words related to hating someone or something--to dislike someone or something very much.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88Z Hate, Hateful
    25Q Abhor
  • What words refer to feeling hateful?
    hate, abhor, have an abhorrence, abominate, deplore, despise, detest, loathe, have a loathing for, look down on, odium, feel unfriendly toward,
  • What words refer to the feeling of hate?
    hate, hating, hatred, abhorrence, aversion, loathing, repugnance, repulsion,
  • What words describe someone who feels hateful?
  • What words describe a person who is hated?
    hated, despised, detested, loathed, odious, resented,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel hateful?
    hateful, abominable, deplorable, despicable, detestable, execrable, reprehensible,
  • Disgusted

    Use this domain for words related to feeling disgusted--to dislike something so much that you feel sick.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25Q Abhor
  • What words refer to feeling disgusted by something?
    be disgusted, execrate, feel awful, feel revolted, feel sick, shudder at the thought, shudder to think, turn away in disgust, be disgusted, be grossed out, can't stand, can't bear,
  • What words refer to the feeling of disgust?
    disgust, abhorrence, detestation, loathing, nausea, revulsion,
  • What words describe someone who feels disgusted?
    disgusted, grossed out, nauseated, revolted, sickened,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel disgusted?
    disgust, gross out, nauseate, revolt, sicken, turn your stomach,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel disgusted?
    abomination, execration,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel disgusted?
    disgusting, abhorrent, abominable, awful, detestable, foul, gross, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, sick, sickening,
  • Disappointed

    Use this domain for words related to feeling disappointed--to feel bad because something did not happen that you wanted to happen or someone did not do something that you wanted them to do.

  • What words refer to feeling disappointed?
    be disappointed, feel let down, feel blue, feel forlorn, not realize your hopes, have your hopes dashed, your heart sank, look blue,
  • What words refer to the feeling of disappointment?
    disappointment, frustration, letdown, bitter pill to swallow, forlorn hope, unfulfilled hopes,
  • What words describe someone who feels disappointed?
    disappointed, crushed, disconcerted, discouraged, deflated, disillusioned, disenchanted, dispirited, frustrated,
  • What words refer to feeling very disappointed?
    crushed, bitterly disappointed,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel disappointed?
    disappoint, dash someone's hopes, demoralize, devastate, discourage, dishearten, disillusion, dissatisfy, jilt, let someone down, frustrate,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel disappointed?
    disappointment, anticlimax, bitter pill to swallow, blow, letdown, discouragement, frustration,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel disappointed?
    disappointing, be a disappointment, be an anticlimax, be a letdown, not live up to expectations, not all it's cracked up to be, discouraging, disheartening, frustrating, not up to par,
  • Lonely

    Use this domain for words related to feeling lonely--to feel bad because you are alone and not with people you love.

  • What words refer to feeling lonely?
    feel lonely, feel alone, feel isolated, feel abandoned, miss someone
  • What words refer to the feeling of loneliness?
    loneliness, homesickness,
  • What words describe someone who feels lonely?
    lonely, lonesome, homesick,
  • What words refer to feeling very lonely?
    pine away,
  • Upset

    Use this domain for word related to feeling upset--to feel very bad because someone has done something bad to you or because something bad has happened to you, so that your thinking and behavior is affected.

  • What words refer to feeling upset about something?
    be upset, hurt, distressed, troubled,
  • What words refer to the feeling of being upset?
    agitation, distress, uproar,
  • What words describe someone who feels upset?
    upset, agitated,
  • What words refer to feeling very upset?
    deeply hurt, deeply distressed, distraught, be in a state, be in an uproar, emotions in an uproar, torment, tormented,
  • What words refer to becoming upset?
    get upset, get worked up, take something to heart,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel upset?
    upset someone, agitate, churn me up inside, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, distract, distress, disturb, hurt, hurt someone's feelings, perturb, pressure (v), rattle, stir, unsettle,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel upset?
    agitation, distraction, pressure, trauma, traumatic experience, turbulence, turmoil,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel upset?
    upsetting, distressing, harrowing, painful, traumatic,
  • What words describe someone who gets upset easily?
  • Shock

    Use this domain for words related to feeling shocked--feeling both surprised and angry when something very bad suddenly happens or when someone does something very bad.

  • What words refer to feeling shocked?
    be shocked, feel shocked,
  • What words refer to the feeling of shock?
    shock, horror, outrage,
  • What words describe someone who feels shocked?
    shocked, deeply shocked, stunned, shaken, dazed, speechless, horrified, aghast, mortified, outraged, scandalized
  • What words refer to being very shocked or shocked for a long time?
    be in a state of shock, traumatized, shattered
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel shocked?
    shock, come as a shock, horrify, stun, shake, knock someone for a loop, drop a bombshell, outrage, rock, scandalize, traumatize,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel shocked?
    shock (n), shocker, blow, bolt from the blue, bombshell, rude awakening, scandal, trauma, horror,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel shocked?
    shocking, horrible, horrifying, shattering,
  • Jealous

    Use this domain for words related to feeling jealous--to feel bad when someone does well, has something good, receives something good, or something good happens to them, because you want what they have. Also use this domain for words for when a husband (or wife) is jealous because he thinks his wife loves someone else.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88V Envy, Jealousy
  • What words refer to feeling envious?
    be jealous, feel jealous, jealously, envy (v), begrudge, turn green, covet,
  • What words refer to the feeling of jealousy?
    jealousy, envy (n), covetousness, resentment, sour grapes,
  • What words describe someone who feels jealous?
    jealous, possessive, envious, green with envy, covetous, jaundiced, resentful, bitter,
  • What words refer to feeling very jealous?
    bitterly jealous,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel jealous?
    make someone jealous, arouse jealousy,
  • What words refer to not feeling jealous?
    not begrudge,
  • Discontent

    Use this domain for words related to feeling discontent.

  • What words refer to feeling bad about your present conditions?
    be discontent, complain, complaint, fuss, chafe,
  • Sorry

    Use this domain for words related to feeling sorry--to feel bad about something bad that you did.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25W Sorrow, Regret
  • What words refer to feeling sorry?
    feel sorry, be sorry, regret, feel remorse, feel convicted, conscience stricken, feel guilty, lament, rue, rue the day, ruefully, wish you hadn't done something, kick yourself, repent, be ashamed, feel ashamed, have a bad conscience, have a guilty conscience, be on your conscience, feel bad about,
  • What words refer to the feeling of sorrow?
    sorrow, regret, remorse, guilt, conviction, contrition, penitence, repentance, shame, conscience,
  • What words describe someone who feels sorry?
    sorry, penitent, regretful, remorseful, rueful, convicted, guilty, contrite, repentant,
  • What words refer to feeling very ashamed?
  • What words refer to feeling sorry for a long time?
    gnaw at you,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feeling sorry?
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel sorry?
    conscience, conviction
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel sorry?
  • What do people say when they feel sorry?
    why did I, why didn't I, I could have kicked myself,
  • What words refer to not feeling sorry?
    impenitent, not regret, not be sorry, have no regrets, would do the same thing again, remorseless, unrepentant, not feel guilty, a clear conscience, have no qualms about, have no compunction, feel no compunction
  • What words refer to trying to stop yourself from feeling sorry?
    salve your conscience, clear your conscience,
  • Ashamed

    Use this domain for words related to feeling ashamed--to feel bad because people think you did something bad.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25R Shame, Disgrace, Humiliation
    88T Act Shamefully
  • What words refer to feeling ashamed?
    be shamed, be ashamed, feel ashamed, feel disgraced, can't look someone in the face, lose face,
  • What words refer to the feeling of shame?
    shame (n), disgrace (n), humiliation, embarrassment, stigma, indignity,
  • What words describe someone who feels ashamed?
    ashamed, disgraced, embarrassed, shamefaced,
  • What words refer to feeling very ashamed?
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel ashamed?
    shame (someone), abash, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, humiliate, reproach, bring shame on, sully, tarnish,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel ashamed?
    disgrace, dishonor, indignity, scandal,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel ashamed?
    shameful, degrading, disgraceful, dishonorable, humiliating, ignominious, opprobrious, scandalous,
  • What do people do to show they feel ashamed?
    hang head, cower in shame, cringe,
  • What words refer to not feeling ashamed?
    shameless, brazen, callous, shameless, unabashed, unashamed,
  • Embarrassed

    Use this domain for words related to feeling embarrassed--to feel bad in front of other people because you did or said something that makes you seem stupid.

  • What words refer to feeling embarrassed?
    be embarrassed, feel embarrassed, squirm, I could have died, I almost died
  • What words refer to the feeling of embarrassment?
  • What words describe someone who feels embarrassed?
    embarrassed, self-conscious, uncomfortable, awkward, sheepish,
  • What words refer to feeling very embarrassed?
    mortified, never felt so embarrassed in my whole life,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel embarrassed?
    embarrass (someone), cause embarrassment, be an embarrassment, mortify,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel embarrassed?
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel embarrassed?
  • What words refer to becoming red in the face because you are embarrassed?
    blush, turn red,
  • Angry

    Use this domain for words related to feeling angry--to feel bad when someone does something wrong and to want to do something bad to them.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    88X Anger, Be Indignant With
    25P Offend, Be Offended
    88W Resentful, Hold a Grudge Against
  • What words refer to feeling angry?
    be angry, feel angry, bristle, miffed, take offense, resent, be in a temper, pissed off, pissed, be worked up, be up in arms, in a huff, be disgusted, take something personally, take exception to, be put out, feel put out,
  • What words refer to the feeling of anger?
    anger, annoyance, bitterness, dander, fury, grudge, indignation, ire, outrage, rage, rancor, resentment, temper, wrath,
  • What words describe someone who feels angry?
    angry, aggravated, bitter, embittered, cross, exasperated, incensed, indignant, irate, irked, irritated, mad, nettled, offended, peeved, perturbed, piqued, rancorous, resentful, riled, sore, upset, vexed, wroth,
  • What words refer to feeling very angry?
    enraged, furious, furiously, incensed, infuriated, irate, livid, full of resentment, seething, be on the warpath, wrathful, have a tantrum, have a temper tantrum, boiling mad,
  • What words describe a person who gets angry often or easily?
    have a temper, irascible, bilious, cantankerous, choleric, cranky, grouch, hot tempered, hot headed, ill-tempered, irascible, irritable, easily offended, quick-tempered, prim, prude, sensitive, thin-skinned, touchy,
  • What words refer to feeling angry for a long time?
    boil, burn, chafe, fume, fuss, mope, seethe, simmer, smolder, stew, sulk, sullen, bear a grudge, hold a grudge against, have something against, have it in for, hold something against someone, there is no love lost between,
  • What words refer to becoming angry?
    get angry, get mad, lose your temper, fly off the handle, blow your top, hit the roof, go crazy, go nuts, have a fit, go berserk, erupt, get your dander up,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel angry?
    anger (v), make someone angry, make someone mad, aggravate, antagonize, chafe, cross someone, disturb, embitter, enrage, exasperate, gall, incense, infuriate, insult (v), irk, madden, needle, nettle, offend, cause offense, peeve, perturb, pique, provoke, rankle, rile, vex, make your blood boil, make you sick, get someone going, get someone's back up, wind someone up, be like a red flag to a bull,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel angry?
    affront, aggravation, bitter pill to swallow, insult (n), offense, outrage, provocation, vexation,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel angry?
    aggravating, exasperating, galling, infuriating, insulting, irksome, maddening, objectionable, offending, offensive, vexing,
  • What words refer to acting in an angry manner?
    make a scene, huff, have a tantrum, throw a tantrum, outburst, shake your fist, stamp your foot, let off steam, rant, rave, scowl, pout,
  • What words describe something said or done in an angry manner?
    angry, furious, stormy, heated, furor, uproar, feelings run high,
  • What words refer to trying to stop someone from feeling angry?
    conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, soothe,
  • What words refer to becoming less angry?
    cool off, cool down, settle down, count to ten,
  • What words describe something that is unlikely to cause someone to feel angry?
    inoffensive, harmless, innocuous,
  • Annoyed

    Use this domain for words related to feeling annoyed--to feel a little angry because someone keeps doing something you don't like.

  • What words refer to feeling annoyed?
    be annoyed, feel annoyed, be fed up, be tired of, be sick of, have had enough of, have had it, have had it up to here, be at the end of your tether,
  • What words refer to the feeling of annoyance?
    annoyance, exasperation, frustration, irritation,
  • What words describe someone who feels annoyed?
    annoyed, frustrated, hacked off, irritated, jaded, ticked off,
  • What words refer to feeling very annoyed?
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel annoyed?
    annoy, antagonize, bug, exacerbate, exasperate, frustrate, gall, harass, hassle, irritate, nag, needle, nettle, pester, piss someone off, much to my annoyance, it ticks me off, it hacks me off, get on your nerves, get under your skin, drive you crazy, drive you nuts, drive you up the wall,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel annoyed?
    annoyance, exasperation, frustration, irritation, nuisance, pain in the neck, pain in the ass, pain in the butt, pest,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel annoyed?
    annoying, exasperating, frustrating, irritating, galling, nettlesome, stupid, bloody, be a drag,
  • Afraid

    Use this domain for words related to fear--to feel bad because you think something bad might happen to you.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25V Fear, Terror, Alarm
  • What words refer to feeling afraid?
    feel afraid, be afraid, fear (v), for fear of, have a horror of,
  • What words refer to the feeling of fear?
    fear (n), fright, alarm, foreboding, horror, panic (n), terror, trepidation,
  • What words describe someone who feels afraid?
    afraid, fearful, frightened, alarmed, panicky, quaking, scared, skittish, weak-kneed,
  • What words refer to feeling very afraid?
    terrified, terror, panic, panic-stricken, petrified, scared stiff, scared out of your wits, scared to death,
  • What words refer to feeling suddenly afraid because of something that happens?
    get a fright, panic (v), go white as a sheet, nearly jump out of your skin,
  • What words refer to feeling afraid for a long time?
    phobia, have a phobia about, live in fear, dread (n), dread (v),
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel afraid?
    frighten, give someone a fright, frighten the life out of someone, alarm (v), cow (v), give someone the creeps, daunt, intimidate, petrify, rattle (v), scare, spook, startle, terrify, terrorize, unnerve, make your hair stand on end, make your blood run cold,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel afraid?
    scare (n), terror, horror, alarmist,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel afraid?
    frightening, frightful, alarming, blood-curdling, chilling, creepy, dreadful, eerie, fearsome, forbidding, hair-raising, scary, spine-chilling, spooky, terrifying,
  • What words describe someone who is easily frightened?
    scare easily, timid, be of a nervous disposition,
  • What words describe someone who is not afraid?
    brave, bravely, bravery, courage, courageous, courageously, fearless, fearlessly, unafraid,
  • What are the signs that someone is afraid?
    tremble, quail, quake, shake, shiver, shudder, heart pounds, teeth chatter, be paralyzed with fear, freeze, cower, crouch, cringe, jump, flinch, wince, shrink, slink, stampede, turn tail, turn white, blanch, cry out, goose-flesh, goose-pimples, goose-bumps,
  • Worried

    Use this domain for words related to feeling worried--to feel bad because you think something bad might happen.

    Louw Nida Codes: 
    25U Worry, Anxiety, Distress, Peace
  • What words refer to feeling worried?
    worry (v), feel worried, be worried, feel anxious, be anxious, be afraid, feel afraid, feel scared, feel unsure, agonize over, wonder what is going to happen, uneasy, fret, brood, lose sleep, not like the look of, not like the sound of,
  • What words refer to the feeling of worry?
    worry, anxiety, concern, stress, strain, anguish, uncertainty, lack of confidence, apprehension, dismay,
  • What words describe someone who feels worried?
    worried, anxious, anxiously, apprehensive, bothered, concerned, dismayed, disturbed, strained, troubled, uneasy, unsettled,
  • What words refer to being a little worried?
    feel a little worried, slightly worried, a bit anxious, not so sure
  • What words refer to being very worried?
    anxiety attack, really worried, really scared, really wondering, despair, despairing, desperate, desperation, be worried sick, be at your wits' end, frantic, frantically,
  • What words refer to being worried all the time?
    have a lot on your mind, be under a strain, preoccupied, stressed out,
  • What words refer to being worried when there is nothing to worry about?
    paranoid, paranoia,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel worried?
    worry someone, alarm (v), bother, concern (v), cause someone concern, disturb, trouble (v), bother, prey on your mind, cause concern, be a cause for concern, weigh on your mind, disquiet,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel worried?
    worry (n), alarm (n), burden, concern (n), trouble (n), care, stresses and strains, hang-up, complex, weight,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel worried?
    worrying, worrisome, alarming, anxious, bothersome, disturbing, nerve-racking, stressful, tense, niggling, alarmist,
  • What words refer to someone who worries a lot?
    be a worrier, worrywart, neurotic, hypochondriac,
  • What words refer to not being worried?
    not worried, unworried, not concerned, unconcerned, unperturbed, not lose sleep over, don't care, without a care in the world, carefree, philosophical,
  • What words refer to not being worried about something that you were worried about before?
    relief, relieved, be a weight off your mind, relax,
  • What words refer to helping someone stop worrying?
    reassure, reassuring, reassurance, put your mind at rest, put someone at their ease, put someone out of their misery,
  • What do people say when they don't want someone to worry?
    Don't worry. There's nothing to worry about. Rest assured. Never mind.
  • What do people say when they don't need to worry anymore?
    Thank God! Thank goodness! What a relief!
  • What do people do when they are worried?
    wring your hands, bite your lip,
  • Nervous

    Use this domain for words related to feeling nervous--to be worried and frightened that something bad may happen, so that you are unable to relax.

  • What words refer to feeling nervous?
    be nervous, be on edge, have butterflies (in your stomach), be on pins and needles,
  • What words refer to the feeling of being nervous?
    nerves, nervousness, tension, unease, stage fright,
  • What words describe someone who feels nervous?
    nervous, apprehensive, edgy, fidgety, flustered, ill at ease, jittery, restless, tense, uneasy, uneasily, uptight
  • What words refer to feeling very nervous?
    agitated, be a bundle of nerves, excited, have the jitters, be jittery, jumpy, nervous wreck, panicky, be in a state,
  • What words describe someone who is often nervous?
    nervous, high-strung, of a nervous disposition,
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel nervous?
    make someone nervous, fluster, unsettle, unnerve, psych out, put someone on edge,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel nervous?
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel nervous?
    tense, strained, uneasy, nail biting, charged, nerve-racking
  • What words refer to causing someone to not feel nervous?
    reassure, reassuring, reassurance, reassuringly,
  • Shy, timid

    Use this domain for words related to feeling shy--to feel bad (afraid) when you are with people because you think they might think something bad about you if you say or do something (for instance, being afraid to talk, feeling inadequate to do what is required in a social situation, or not feeling as good as other people).

  • What words refer to feeling shy?
    be shy, feel shy,
  • What words refer to the feeling of shyness?
    shyness, inhibition
  • What words describe someone who feels shy?
    shy, timid, uncomfortable, bashful, coy, diffident, reserved, withdrawn, introverted, inhibited
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel shy?
    inhibit, intimidate, make you feel uncomfortable,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel shy?
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel shy?
    inhibiting, intimidating, uncomfortable,
  • What words refer to not being shy?
    come out of your shell, come out of yourself, open up
  • What words refer to helping someone to not be shy?
    bring someone out of their shell, bring someone out, put someone at ease,
  • Confused

    Use this domain for words related to feeling confused--to be worried and uncertain about what something means or what to do.

  • What words refer to feeling confused?
    be confused, be in a muddle,
  • What words refer to the feeling of being confused?
    confusion, bewilderment, mystification, perplexity,
  • What words describe someone who feels confused?
    confused, baffled, befuddled, bemused, mystified, perplexed, puzzled, stupefied, unsure,
  • What words describe someone who is very confused?
    bewildered, mixed-up
  • What words refer to causing someone to feel confused?
    confuse, baffle, befuddle, bewilder, distract, flummox, fluster, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle (v), stupefy, throw,
  • What words refer to something that causes someone to feel confused?
    distraction, puzzle (n), mystery,
  • What words describe something that causes someone to feel confused?
    confusing, puzzling, bewildering, baffling
  • What words refer to confusing one thing for another?
    confuse, mix someone up with, mix people up, get something mixed up with, get things mixed up,