Use this domain for general words related to feelings and emotions.
Use this domain for general words related to feelings and emotions.
Use this domain for general words related to positive emotions.
Use this domain for words related to liking something or someone, or liking to do something.
Use this domain for words related to enjoying doing something.
Use this domain for words related to feeling good about yourself.
Use this domain for words related to preferring one thing over another--to like something more than something else.
Use this domain for words describing something that many people like.
Use this domain for words describing something that many people like.
Use this domain for words related to feeling contented.
Use this domain for words related to feeling happy for someone--to feel good because something good happened to someone. The opposite is jealousy and envy.
Use this domain for words related to feeling pleased with someone--to feel good because someone did something good.
Use this domain for words related to feeling happy--to feel good when something good happens (such as receiving a gift, hearing good news, or watching something good happening).
Use this domain for words related to feeling relaxed--to feel good when you are not working and nothing bad is happening.
Use this domain for words related to feeling calm.
Use this domain for words related to feeling surprised--to feel something when something unexpected, unusual, or amazing happens.
Use this domain for words related to feeling interested.
Use this domain for words related to feeling excited--to feel good when something good has happening or is about to happen.
Use this domain for words related to feeling enthusiastic--to feel very good because you want to do something or you want something to happen.
Use this domain for words related to feeling obsessed--to be very interested in something for a long time.
Use this domain for words related to attracting someone's attention to something. In a typical situation, a person sees something with an interesting quality. The person moves closer, pays close attention to the thing, and possibly does something to it.
Use this domain for words related to feeling indifferent about something.
Use this domain for words related to feeling uninterested or bored--when someone is not interested in something.
Use this domain for words related to feeling confident--to feel sure that you can do something.
Use this domain for general words related to feeling bad.
Use this domain for words related to feeling sad--to feel bad because something bad has happened (such as losing something, hearing bad news, or watching something bad happening).
Use this domain for words related to not liking someone or something.
Use this domain for words related to hating someone or something--to dislike someone or something very much.
Use this domain for words related to feeling disgusted--to dislike something so much that you feel sick.
Use this domain for words related to feeling disappointed--to feel bad because something did not happen that you wanted to happen or someone did not do something that you wanted them to do.
Use this domain for words related to feeling lonely--to feel bad because you are alone and not with people you love.
Use this domain for word related to feeling upset--to feel very bad because someone has done something bad to you or because something bad has happened to you, so that your thinking and behavior is affected.
Use this domain for words related to feeling shocked--feeling both surprised and angry when something very bad suddenly happens or when someone does something very bad.
Use this domain for words related to feeling jealous--to feel bad when someone does well, has something good, receives something good, or something good happens to them, because you want what they have. Also use this domain for words for when a husband (or wife) is jealous because he thinks his wife loves someone else.
Use this domain for words related to feeling discontent.
Use this domain for words related to feeling sorry--to feel bad about something bad that you did.
Use this domain for words related to feeling ashamed--to feel bad because people think you did something bad.
Use this domain for words related to feeling embarrassed--to feel bad in front of other people because you did or said something that makes you seem stupid.
Use this domain for words related to feeling angry--to feel bad when someone does something wrong and to want to do something bad to them.
Use this domain for words related to feeling annoyed--to feel a little angry because someone keeps doing something you don't like.
Use this domain for words related to fear--to feel bad because you think something bad might happen to you.
Use this domain for words related to feeling worried--to feel bad because you think something bad might happen.
Use this domain for words related to feeling nervous--to be worried and frightened that something bad may happen, so that you are unable to relax.
Use this domain for words related to feeling shy--to feel bad (afraid) when you are with people because you think they might think something bad about you if you say or do something (for instance, being afraid to talk, feeling inadequate to do what is required in a social situation, or not feeling as good as other people).
Use this domain for words related to feeling confused--to be worried and uncertain about what something means or what to do.